
Mother Bird

热度 1 已有 227 次阅读 2010-11-5 11:43 个人分类:Baby english 系统分类:英语学习

      Last night,we went to bed lately.Eric wanted to look at books,he took some books and smiled at me.
But he wanted to do some paper cutting at first,so he chose one and i did so.I used my left hand,then he won the first.He was very happy:"i take the first place."
      Next time is reading books.He asked me to read all what he took.I saw it was Ten o'clock, i told him just one.He said:"Then where is the small book of english? this is not invloved beacause of small.Alright?"I found the Mother Bird of 体验英语 ONE.He was happy ,and i was too.The last one was 一个黑黑黑黑的故事.Last night ,i read this for him,and taught him about chinese words,like the 一个.But this time he forgot it again.I should self-criticze and be more patient.
      After reading,we did the finger-guessing game of "Rock,scissors and paper" to determine who went to turn off the light.He told me:"You give the scissors,and I rock.all right?" I say yes,but i gave the paper that i just wanted to let him know the principle of this game.He was not good at the game.So I got the best two of three.But he didn't want to turn off the light.I pretended to be angry and told him he should carry out his promise.At last he did. We said good night to each other.





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