
If you give a mouse a cookie 要是你给老鼠吃饼干

热度 1 已有 534 次阅读 2011-8-22 17:50 系统分类:成长记录 饼干

If you give a mouse a cookie,
he's going to ask for a glass of milk.
When you give him the milk,
he'll probably ask you for a straw.
When he's finished, he'll ask for a napkin.
Then he'll want to look in a mirror to make sure he doesn't have a milk mustache.
When he looks into the mirror,
he might notice his hair needs a trim
So he'll probably ask for a pair of nail scissors.
When he's finished giving himself a trim, he'll want a broom to sweep up.
He'll start sweeping.
He might get carried away and sweep every room in the house.
He may even end up washing the floors as well!
When he's done,
he'll probably want to take a nap.
You'll have to fix up a little box for him with a blanket and a pillow.
He'll crawl in,
make himself comfortable
and fluff the pillow a few times.
He'll probably ask you to read him a story.
So you'll read to him from one of your books, and he'll ask to see the pictures.
When he looks at the pictures,
he'll get so excited he'll want to draw
one of his own. He'll ask for paper and crayons.
He'll draw a picture.
When the picture is finished,
he'll want to sign his name
with a pen.
Then he'll want to hang his picture on your refrigerator.
Which means he'll need
Scotch tape.
He'll hang up his drawing and stand back to look at it.
Looking at the refrigerator will remind him that
he's thirsty.
he'll ask for a glass of milk.
And chances are if he asks for a glass of milk,
he's going to want a cookie to go with it.
If you give a mouse a cookie,
he's going to ask for a glass of milk... And that's only the beginning!
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  • hidden yrqtaotao

    2012-8-30 03:29
