
39.Happy Halloween

已有 356 次阅读 2013-10-16 14:32 系统分类:英语学习 Halloween , something , pictures , Darling , special

It will be Halloween soon.

What do you do for Halloween?

Penelope, what costume would you like for Halloween?

Let me see,

I want to be like one of the pictures in this book.

A bat,

and a ghost,

and a spider,

and ...(A witch!)

Wonderful! Wonderful! I will be a witch.

Then I will give you something very special, Darling.

What? What is it?


This is the witch costume I wore when I was little.

I let the little witch borrow a broom too.

Great! Thank you, Dad.

Penelope is at school, and today is Halloween.

I'm a little witch.

Aha, who is that?

It's me.



Do I look like a mummy?

Yes, you do, Mummy.


here comes a ghost.


I am a fairy.

Cesarine, you look beautiful.

Lily Rose is a pumpkin monster. (Come, everyone,)

let's scare everybody.

Then we'll get sweets.


Now let's go!

Trick or treat, trick or treat.

If you don't treat us, we will trick you.

Trick or treat, trick or treat.

A little witch, a mummy, and a pumpkin monster too.

Trick or treat, trick or treat.

Everybody get together.

It's a fun parade.

It's a happy Halloween.


Let's  ... fun

Boo!! Oh, you scared me.

If you don't treat us, we will trick you.

I give in. No tricks please.

Here's a treat.

Wow! Thank you!

Boo!!  (Oh, you scared me.)

I will give you freshly baked biscuits, so please don't trick me.

I want to trick more and more.

Trick or treat, trick or treat.

If you don't treat us, we will trick you.

Trick or treat, trick or treat.

A ghost, a fairy, and a mysterious friend.

Trick or treat, trick or treat.

Everybody get together.

It's a fun parade.

It's a happy Halloween.

Let's ... fun.

I had so much fun.

Look how many sweets I got.

Dad, I' m home.


Ah? (I'm a vampire.)

Ah? (I'll eat your sweets. )


Did I scare you, Penelope?

Dad? Phew! You scared me.

I thought you are really going to eat all my sweets.

I 'm sorry.

Well, little witch and Mr. Vampire, let's eat some sweets together.


Halloween is great fun. Isn't it Penelope?






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