
40.Penelope's Museum

热度 2 已有 204 次阅读 2013-10-16 14:42 系统分类:英语学习 everyone , friends , display , create , should

Penelope is at the museum with her friends.

Do you know what the museum is like inside?


The ocean.

Red apple.

A pyramid.

Look! Look! Look!

This is a suit of armor. (Armor?)

It's a giraffe. Amazing! Great!

Did you enjoy that everyone?

The museum is a fun place, isn't it?

It's exciting! It's fun!

Well. Would you like to make your own museum?

What? Our own museum?

We'll create lots of things and display them.

Wow! We'll do it.

It's so fun. (What should I make?)

Me too. What should I make?

I wonder what kind of museum it will be.

Penelope is making something with clay.


A giraffe, giraffe. It has a long neck. Legs are long too.

A red apple. It looks delicious.

Oh, no. I shouldn't.

Look, everyone. I am going to make some cool armor.

I will make a pyramid.

I will build it taller and taller!

Look, I finish my giraffe.

The neck is...

Oops, that's strange.

Maybe the head is too heavy.

Really? So if I make a smaller head it may work.

Aha? It's pretty.

That's a fallen leaf.

Look! Hmm?

Red. Orange. Yellow.

It looks like it's painted.

Yes. Listen everyone, I've had a great idea.

It's over there, mum.

Oh, where are you going, Penelope?

Welcome... to our museum.

To your museum?


Please come in and keep this ticket.

Oh, what a lovely ticket.

What a lovely museum you've made.

All of you did very well.

Doesn't it look delicious? But you can't eat it.

A pyramid! It's made of pinecones.

That's Cesarine's painting.

We all decorated it together.

Look. I've made the armor.

Aladdin, that's amazing!

This was my giraffe.

But I turned it into a piggy.

What a sweet little piggy.

Oh. We have some more guests.

Dad! Mum!

Welcome to our museum.

Your museum is a great success, isn't it Penelope?







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  • hidden lucky2000

    2013-10-16 16:59

  • hidden 79248057

    2013-10-17 10:24

    lucky2000: 有心人,孩子喜欢看,我也没想到要打印字幕
  • hidden 云知道

    2014-1-18 13:33

    我自己做了一集PDF, 太花时间了。