

已有 36 次阅读 2019-4-9 09:41 系统分类:成长记录





家长作为导师, 可以怎么做呢?

1, 家长需要对阅读的书籍有充分的了解,

对于阅读的体系,框架, 系统的了解。 语言的结构。。。

孩子阅读能力的发展过程, 孩子的阅读程度,阅读的速度是多少,阅读理解如何,能认识理解多少。







3,作为导师,首先心里需要一个引导的框架,根据这个框架来引导孩子阅读, 因材施教。


进入正题, 对于孩子的阅读理解, 就下面5个方面来讲解(原理和实践分析,实践部分请自己去听哈)

1, 文章的结构, 大的框架

    在带领孩子,引导孩子阅读的时候,不要一下在先埋入细节中,而是先让孩子看清楚故事的脉络, 一个故事的框架,一个story map. P导就此问题作了详细深入的讲解。比如:

    故事的开头如何,为什么要这样开头,作者的目的何在。。。(时间,地点,人物,发生了什么, when, what, who, how)

    故事是如何发展的,故事的main idea是什么,作者在传达什么?。。。主人公面临什么problems, 矛盾, 然后由是如何一步一步解决的。 故事是如何一步一步达到高潮的?高潮在那里?

故事是如何结尾的,有没有为以后的故事埋下伏笔?比如,MTH的书。。。P导用实例说明, 此处省略若干)


(注:根据孩子年龄和能力不同,帮助孩子构建这个故事的结构,同时慢慢培养出孩子这种将书读薄的能力, 能够用简短的语言勾画出故事整个的框架)


2, 文章的5个要素

故事的序曲,拉开序幕---开始爬坡, 最后进入高潮,---然后结尾,接近尾声 (作者的思路, 和前面的结构是类似的)




人物   setting (时间,地点,事情),故事是如何发展,链接的。(将一段话的动词找出来)       









   问题的跟进,来了解孩子理解的程度,从而进一步在广度或是深度拓展。 P导用了打篮球的比喻,来说明提问题不是回答了就完了, 而是需要导师根据孩子的回答,做进一步的引导。



   一本书,p导会给孩子一套预习的问题(构架的问题,孩子有没有预测,孩子有没有反思---以了解孩子在阅读中是如何思考的)。 这些问题都是精心设计的,而不是随意找来拼凑的。 从所有问题的回答, 可以清晰了解孩子在阅读过程中的思路走向,和理解深度。


5,激发孩子的思考能力 (thinking out loud)



1, 文章的结构, 大的框架

文章的结构和框架是为了帮助孩子了解故事结构,给孩子一个big picture. 这一步是非常重要的。

这一步可以利用一些图表, 或是家长让孩子自己来画一张Story map。一旦孩子画出这个框架,地图,孩子就对这个故事可以说是整体把握了。比如:

网站上有不少图表, 可供家长参考使用




5,激发孩子的思考能力 (think out loud)

下面是一些问题举例, 供各位家长参考。 这里说到的think out loud 的意思,就是无论是家长还是孩子,阅读不是单纯的阅读,而是一个思考的过程。 要想让孩子学习这种思考, 家长首先要做一个榜样,把你们在阅读过程中是如何思考的说出来。 那么,孩子就知道了这个过程。 那么,他们在阅读的时候,也能够模仿。 在这个时候,家长也要求孩子将他们的思考说出来, 家长就能了解孩子是如何思考的,思考在哪个程度,家长由此判断还需要在哪方面帮助孩子进行拓展。


------------总体问题-----------       Main Idea:

1. What is the story mainly about?  (it’s message, not what happened)

2. Do you agree or disagree with the main idea of the story? Why?

3. What other story(ies) does this book remind you of?


1. What was the main problem in the story?

2. Were there other less significant conflicts in the story?  Discuss the role they play in the story.

3. Describe a conflict and identify it as either internal or external.  Tell why you chose that label.



1. Describe the personality of a particular character.  

Include examples from the story that     

Support your description.

2. Do any of the characters change during the story?  Ifso, how are they different?  

What changed them?  

Did it seem believable?

3. How did the main character change from the beginning to the end of the story?

4. Select a relatively important event in the book and describe why it was a turning point in the character’s life?  

What was it that the character decided or learned to do?

5. Pick a paragraph or a page which describes the way another character treats the main character.  Would you treat the person the same way?  

Find an incident in your own life which is similar and explain why you treated someone the way you did.  

Have you changed from that experience?  How would you treat that person now?

6. Often main characters will grow in confidence and learn how to accept themselves in some new way.  

7. Cite an example of how the protagonist(主角) found a source of strength.

Describe how you felt as the reader when this happened.

7. List the characters in the story and describe qualities which you admire.  

Tell what and why you respect the individuals.  

Point out classmates who possess the traits you admire.

8. Who are the main characters in the story?  

What kind of people are they?  

How do you know?

9. If you had an opportunity to interview the main character, what would you ask them and what might they say in reply?  (Interview?)

10. State your opinion whether you like or dislike the main character(s).  

Why do you feel this way?

11. Is there a character that reminds you of yourself or someone else you may know?  

Explain your reasoning.

12. Choose any character and explain why they are important to the story.

13. Do any of the characters do things you feel are wrong?


14. Some characters play small but important roles in the story. Name such a character.  

Why is this character necessary for the story?

15. Would you like to be anyone in the story?  



16. Think about the characters in the story.  

Are any of them the same type of characters you have met in other stories, but not the same series?  Explain.

17. Who are the most important characters in the story?  

Tell why you think so.

18. Is there one character you know more about than any of the others?  

Who is this character and what kind of person is she/he?  

How does the author “reveal”the character to you?

19. What different emotions do you think the characters experience in the story?  

How can you tell?

20. Assess one of the characters strengths and weaknesses.

21. If you were to add a new character, who might you create and what would you have them do in the story?

22. What movie star might you have portray the main character in a film version of the story and why?

23. If the character were to leave it up to you to find them a job, what career do you feel they would be best suited for and why?

24. How were the character’s thoughts and feelings shown?

Were they believable?  

Could the reader enter the characters’ hearts and minds and “see” through their eyes?

25. Did the author develop the characters well?  Explain.

26. Write an obituary for one of the characters.

27. Choose a character and tell what else they could have done in the story.

28. Tell about your favorite character in the book.  

What kind of person is he/she and why is he/she your favorite character?

29. How do the character’s qualities affect and influence the events in the plot?

30. Identify the protagonist and antagonist.  

How does the protagonist differ from the antagonist?

How are they the same?

31. What factors, relationships, or events helped form the character’s traits?



1. Where does the story take place?  Tell what the place is like.  If the story took place somewhere else or in a different time, how would it be changed?

2. Compare the setting to a place you have been before, or a place you hope to visit.

3. When does the story take place?  Past?  Present? Future?  How does this story seem believable or not believable?

4. If the setting is important to the novel, tell three reasons why it is.

5. Tell about your reaction to a particularly interesting passage where the author creates an image of the setting.

6. Compare where you live with the neighborhood, town or city in the book.  Would you rather live in the place where this story takes place?  Why or why not?

7. Would you like to live during the time this story takes place? Why?



1. What incident, problem, conflict, or situation does the author use to get the story started?

2. Were you able to guess events as they happened? Why do you think you were able to guess               the sequence of events?

3. Make  list of 3 –6  key events from the book.  Tell why each event was important to the story.

4. Did this story remind you of anything that has happened to you?

5. What was the most important event which happened in the story?  Why?  

Was this the climax of the story?  

What prompted the protagonist to act this way?

6. What was the climax of the story?  Who was involved in the action?  

How do you know it was the climax?

7. What handicaps or hardships did the main character have to overcome?  

If you were the main character, would you have been able to overcome the challenges?  Explain.

8. Would this story have been likely to happen to you?  

What part of it might have been something you would have done?

9. Does the story hold together well?  Does it seem true?  Explain.



1. How does the author get you interested in the book?

2. Does the book start slowly or quickly?  Explain.

3. Is there a preface or introduction in the book?  How is it used and how does it affect the story?



1. How did the author leave the reader? Was the ending satisfying? Explain.

2. Was there an epilogue in the book? How was it used?  What effect did it have on the story?

3. Did you like the way the author ended the story?  Make up a new ending that could still fit with the    previous events in the plot.

4. Did the story end the way you expected it to?  What clues did the author offer to prepare you to expect this ending?  Did you recognize these clues as important to the story as you were first reading it?

5. Would you rather guess the ending or be surprised?  Were you able to guess the ending?  Did you like the way it ended?  How would you have changed the ending?  Explain.




1. Did you find many new words in the story?  What were some of them?  How did you figure out what they meant?  Are there any words you are not sure of?

2. Has your vocabulary increased because of this book?  What were some of you favorite new words?  How did they add to the images the author created in the story?


1. Was the title of the book appropriate?  Does the title “grab” you and make you want to read the book?  Explain.

2. Does the author title each chapter? If not,what would you title at least three of the chapters?  Explain. If the chapters are titled, rename at least three and tell your reasons.

3. How do the chapter titles help you predict what might happen next?  Are the chapter titles appropriate?

4. How do you think the author chose the book title?  What would you title the book?  Why?



1. Why do you think the author wrote this book?  Is there a message in the story?  What is it?  What, if anything, can be learned from this novel?

2. What was the author showing about life and living through the story?



1. Overall, how did you feel when reading the book and why did you feel that way?

2. What was the funniest part?  Saddest? Why?

3. What was the most exciting or the strangest thing that happened in the book?

4. What do you remember most about the story?

5. Did this story remind you of anything that has happened to you?

6. What made you frightened or angry in the story?

7. Does the story create a certain mood or feeling?  What is the mood?  How is it created?  How did the author achieve the mood of the story?  Does the mood change or remain the same throughout the book?

8. How does the author use words to achieve a certain mood?  Give examples.


其实呢,不仅仅是在阅读中,在其他很多时候,如何提问题是非常重要的一种技能。正好,前些日子找到一个网站A Questioning Toolkit是美国一个学区给老师的一个提问工具箱,仔细看看,对问题的分类,如何提问很有帮助, 值得好好研究一下。 现将这个网址放在这里,有兴趣去看了的家长,欢迎回来一起探讨。

Harvard Bsiness Review 中有一篇文章


How to Ask Better Questions 提到了几条规则,

They create clarity: "Can you explain more about this situation?"

They construct better working relations: Instead of "Did you make your sales goal?" ask, "How have sales been going?"

They help people think analytically and critically: "What are the consequences of going this route?"

They inspire people to reflect and see things in fresh, unpredictable ways: "Why did this work?"

They encourage breakthrough thinking: "Can that be done in any other way?"

They challenge assumptions: "What do you think you will lose if you start sharing responsibility for the implementation process?"

They create ownership of solutions: "Based on your experience, what do you suggest we do here?"

既然是谈阅读,提问就和阅读息息相关。 就阅读的过程来讲,有阅读前,阅读中,和阅读后之分。 那么,提问题,也可以按照阅读的这个过程来提不同的问题。


对于学习阅读的孩子来说,家长和孩子一起亲子阅读,在读书的过程中将阅读思维的过程教给孩子是相当重要的。 这也就是上一篇中提到的: Thinking out loud. 也就是父母在阅读的时候,是如何一边读,一边提出问题,一边思考问题, 如何和过去的背景知识做练习等等。


Pressley and Afflerbach 1995 提出的,熟练阅读者在阅读中可以做到:

Are aware of why they are reading the text

Preview and make predictions

Read selectively

Make connections and associations with the text based on what they already know

Refine predictions and expectations

Use context to identify unfamiliar words

Reread and make notes

Evaluate the quality of the text

Review important points in the text

Consider how the information might be used in the future

他们在阅读中,不只是将文字字面的东西读出来, 而是不断的就阅读的内容提出问题,就像P导在讲座中说的,这是一个过程,一个阅读流, 一个问题套着一个问题, 随着阅读的深入,旧的问题被解开, 新的问题由不断的被提出来。比如:

"What is this story about?"

"What does the main character want?"

"Will she get it?" "If so, how?"



"What is the meaning of what I have read?"

"Why did the author end the paragraph (or chapter, or book) in this way?"

"What was the author's purpose in writing this?"


Questions Before, During, and After Reading这篇文章,为我们进行阅读提问提供了一些可操作的问题实例。


"What clues does the title give me about the story?"

"Is this a real or imaginary story?"

"Why am I reading this?"

"What do I already know about___?"

"What predictions can I make?"


在阅读中,可以以章节为单位, 或是自己挑选一些段落, 在阅读过程中, 可以提问:

"What do I understand from what I just read?"

"What is the main idea?"

"What picture is the author painting in my head?"

"Do I need to reread so that I understand?"


"Which of my predictions were right? What information from the text tells me that I am correct?"

"What were the main ideas?"

"What connections can I make to the text? How do I feel about it?"

在亲子阅读中,父母最好做几次示范, 将问题提出, 然后在阅读中不断的调整,回答,提问,以达到理解,把握作者的意图,思考的目的。


从阅读技巧这方面说,阅读技巧分成下面的8个方面, 每个方面都有相应的问题来帮助孩子在阅读中思考:

1, 预测的能力

Prediction: Good readers try to figure out what is going to      happen next in the story.

看到一本书,书籍的封面告诉我们什么,书籍的题目再向我们展示什么, 这会是一个什么样的故事呢?



1. What do you think the story will be about?

2. What is going to happen?

3. What makes you think that?

4. What clues helped you make that choice?

5. Why do you think that is going to happen?

6. How did you know that?

7. Look at the cover and pictures then make predictions.

8. Does it remind you of anything?


2, 推测的能力

Inference: Good readers use clues from the story as well as their own background knowledge to make an inference or educated guess.





1. What will happen next and why?   Cite evidence from the story to back your answer.

2. What clues in the story led you to think that?

3. How do you think that character feels? Cite evidence from the story to back your answer.

4. What clues helped you make that choice?

5. Why did the author write this  story?

注意到第二组问题和第一组问题的区别了吗? 同样是问下面会发生什么, 第一组之停留在未来会发生什么上, 而第二组则要求进一步回答是什么内容,让孩子得出这样的结论。 也就是说, 需要孩子提供思路和证据。



同样读一本书,如果有相关的背景知识,这本书就会变得相对容易的多。 比如阅读英语的物理课本, 物理专业的同学一定觉得很容易,而没有这方面背景知识的人读起来就如同读天书。 在这点上,一方面是多建立自己的背景知识库,而另一方面,则是在阅读中建立起和自己原有背景知识不断联络的能力。

Making Connections – Good readers are able to connect what they      are reading to experiences.



1.    What does the book remind you of?

2.    What do you know about the book’s topic?

3.   Does this book remind you of another book?


4, 阅读理解, 理清思路的能力

阅读中不是囫囵吞枣,迷迷糊糊的就读过去了。 而是当有没有读懂的时候,应该转回去再读一遍。

Monitor/Clarify – Good readers reread a sentence when they do not      understand it.


下面的这些问题,可以在和孩子阅读中问问孩子, 是否明白了阅读的内容:

1.  What is happening in the story?      

2.  Tell me what is going on.

3.  What clues in the story have led you to think that?

4.  What do you know that is similar to this story?


5, 了解故事的中心和作者的意图

1. What is the main idea of the story?

2. What details support the main idea?

3. What do you know that is similar to this story?

4. Tell me about the story.

5. What else do you recall?


6, 视觉化的能力

Visualizing – Good readers are able to create mind pictures and visualizations of what they read.  The reader uses the text and their own prior experiences to create mental pictures of the story.  


7, 评价的能力

Evaluate – Good readers evaluate what they have read.  They decide what they like or did not like about what they have   read.


1. Did you like the story?

2. What did you like about the story? What did you dislike?  Why?

3. What does the story make you think about?

4. Does the story remind you of anything?

八、汇总 总结的能力


Summarize – Good readers are able to tell about what they have read in their own words.  Good readers can clearly and accurately retell the story they have read to someone who has not read the story


P导在谈到提问技巧时, 专门提到了QARs, 即:question answer relationships


各种问题被分成四个层次或是等级, 由易到难。 每个等级中有不同的问题。 要想知道是什么问题,请到这里观看。


来个实例吧, 绘本 The Ugly Duckling


Discussion topics for before reading:

Has anyone ever had a duck for a pet?

Does anyone have a pet?  If so, what is it?  What is your pet's name?

Has anyone ever seen the hatching of a mother duck's eggs?

Vocabulary Selection:

CURIOUS = eager to learn or know; inquisitive.  arousing or exciting speculation, interest, or attention.

GEESE = a plural of goose.

HERON = any of numerous long-legged, long-necked, usually long-billed bird.

UNIQUE = existing as the only one or as the sole example; single; solitary in type or characteristics.  Having no like or equal; unparalleled; incomparable.

PECKED = to strike or indent with the beak, as a bird does, or with some pointed instrument, especially with quick, repeated movements.

ENVIRONMENT  --   the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors surrounding and affecting a given organism at any time.  The social and cultural forces that shape the life of a person or a population.


Discussion topics for during/after reading:

Why do the other birds make fun of the ugly duckling?

Why is the ugly duckling afraid to show his face to the swans?

At the end of the story, the ugly duckling decides “to be kind to all living things, from peacocks to potato bugs.”  Why?

 Who was kind and who was mean to the ugly duckling?

Does being a beautiful swan mean that the ugly duckling will be happy?

What are the main messages or themes in this fairy tale?

Is this story just for children?









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