

热度 1 已有 430 次阅读 2016-5-7 14:12 个人分类:妈妈英语充电 系统分类:英语学习

Walking walking one two three
Baby is walking along the street.

Walking waling one two three
Baby is walking under the tree.

凑合用了上午的户外活动,中午回家找资料复习一下,可惜移动硬盘忘在办公室了,网上只直接搜索关键词walk and 儿歌

儿歌1. (用两只老虎的曲调唱出来)这个貌似在high5的楼看到过,原版儿歌啦
Walking walking walking walking
Hop hop hop
Hop hop hop
Running Running Running
Running Running Running
Now let's stop
Now let's stop

儿歌2. Walking in the Jungle,这是在super simple songs里面的,最近宝宝在看这个动画片,原汁原味了。
Let's take a walk in the jungle.
Walking in the jungle. Walking in the jungle
We are not afraid. We are not afraid. (Repeat the last 2 lines)
One step, two steps, three steps forward
One step, two steps, three steps back
Stop. Listen. What's that. It's a frog.
We are not afraid.

Let's stump.
Stumping in the jungle. Stumping in the jungle. 
We are not afraid. We are not afraid.  (Repeat the last 2 lines)
One step, two steps, three steps forward
One step, two steps, three steps back
Stop. Listen. What's that. It's a monkey.
We are not afraid.

Let's jump.
Jumping in the jungle. Jumping in the jungle. 
We are not afraid. We are not afraid.  (Repeat the last 2 lines)
One step, two steps, three steps forward
One step, two steps, three steps back
Stop. Listen. What's that. It's a toucan (犀鸟,巨嘴鸟)
We are not afraid.

Let's skip.
Skipping in the jungle. Skipping in the jungle. 
We are not afraid. We are not afraid.  (Repeat the last 2 lines)
One step, two steps, three steps forward
One step, two steps, three steps back
Stop. Listen. What's that. Er, it's a  tiger. 

延伸一下,之前在廖彩杏书单里还有个Down in the jungle,但那个更倾向于熟悉动物和叫声,如果带娃去动物园的话,提前预习一下唱给宝宝听应该更应景。

儿歌3. Let's go for a walk
It's sunny
Let's go for a walk
It's sunny
Let's go for a walk
Look at the flowers
Look at the trees
Look at the clouds.

儿歌4.  I took a walk
I took a walk to town one day
And met a CAT along the way
What do you think that CAT did say
Meow meow meow

I took a walk to town one day
And met a PIG along the way
What do you think that PIG did say
Oink oink oink

I took a walk to town one day
And met a COW along the way
What do you think that COW did say
Moo moo moo

I took a walk to town one day
And met a BIRD along the way
What do you think that BIRD did say
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  • hidden 隐形妞

    2016-5-20 23:14

    啊好棒的分享。每天带出去玩都只能唱中文歌。因为没合适的英文歌可以唱 我家宝宝也刚会走一个多月噢