
本和霍利剧本 16 Elf Joke Day

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《本和霍利的小王国》动画介绍 + 资料


Elf Joke Day

Somewhere, hidden amongst thorny brambles, is a little kingdom of elves and fairies.

Everyone who lives here is very, very small.


HOLLY: And I’m Princess Holly. (JINGLES) (RUFF!) Come on, let’s play!

BEN: Wait for us!

Ben and Holly both giggle

Narrator: Ben and Holly’s little Kingdom. (TRUMPET)

Narrator: Today’s adventure starts at the Great Elf Tree.

Narrator: Elf Joke Day

(Trumpet toots)

Holly: Hi, Ben!

Ben: Hi, Holly. I’ve got a new toy!

Holly: What is it?

Ben: It’s a telescope. You can see things that are really far away.

Holly: Wow! Can I have a go?

Ben: OK.

Holly: I can’t see anything.

Ben: Try twisting it a bit.

(Telescope squeaks)

Holly: It still doesn’t work!

(Ben laughs)

Holly: Why are you laughing, Ben?

Ben: It’s a joke telescope. It gives you a black ring around your eye that makes you look really silly! Look!

Holly: Ugh! Why did you do that?

Ben: (Laughs) Today is Elf Joke Day.

Holly: What’s the Elf Joke Day?

Ben: It’s a special day when all the Elves play jokes on each other.

Holly: (Giggles) That sounds fun!

Ben: It is fun. (Giggles) Would you like one of my chewy sweets?

Holly: Yes, Please.

(Jack in a box boings)

Holly: (Yelps)

Ben: (Laughs) 

Holly: That wasn’t funny, Ben!

Ben: (Laughs) Sorry. Here, have this flower!

Holly: NO, thanks. I’ve had enough of your silly jokes.

Ben: It’s OK, Holly. It won’t jump out or make your face dirty.

Holly: Promise?

Ben: I promise.

(Holly sniffs)

(Liquid splashes)

(Holly Yelps) (Ben laughs)

Ben: (panting) That’s my squirty water flower.

Holly: It’s not funny!

Ben: (Laughs) It is funny!

Holly: (Wand twinkles) Zip, zap, zop! Upside down, you silly Elf!

Ben: Whoa! (Objects clatter) Ah, put me down!

Nanny Plum: Lesson time, Holly! Oh, hello, Ben! What are you doing upside-down?

Ben: Help, help!

Nanny Plum: Princess Holly, is this your doing?

Holly: It was Ben’s fault. He was playing jokes on me.

Nanny Plum: Never use magic in anger. It can be very dangerous.

Holly: Sorry, Nanny Plum.

Nanny Plum: Holly, put Ben down.

(Wand twinkles)

Holly: Sorry, Ben.

Ben: Phew. That’s better.

Nanny Plum: Now, what’s all this about jokes, Ben?

Ben: It’s Elf Joke Day. (Toots trumpet)

Nanny Plum: (Laughs) I love jokes.

Holly: I don’t think they’re very funny.

Nanny Plum: (Laughs) You should learn to have a sense of humor, Holly!

Ben: Come on, Holly. Let’s have some fun.

Nanny Plum: Yes. Today’s lesson can be how to have fun. Off you go.

Holly: Oh, alright.

(Merry accordion music) (Laughter)

Elf A: Boo!


Raspberry: Happy Elf Joke Day! (Blows)

Hooter: Happy Elf Joke Day!

(Ben and Holly giggle)

(Splash) (Splash)

Raspberry and Hooter: Happy Elf Joke Day!

Holly: This is fun!


Holly: (Shrieks) A spider!

(All giggle)

Ben: It’s only a toy spider. Dad gets it out every year

Mr Elf: Ho, ho, ho! Happy Elf Joke Day!

(Spider boings around)

(Mr Elf chortles)

Mrs Elf: (Gasps) Mr Elf! I’m terribly sorry, Princess Holly! I hope we didn’t startle you!

Holly: (Giggles) It’s OK. It’s funny!


(Fanfare plays)

The Wise Old Elf: Ho, ho! Hello, Princess Holly.

(Wand rattles)

The Wise Old Elf: Are you having a merry Elf Joke Day?

Holly: (Giggles) Yes, I like jokes now. (Toots hooter)

The Wise Old Elf: (Laughs)

Holly: I wish Nanny Plum was here. She loves jokes.

The Wise Old Elf: I didn’t know Nanny Plum liked such things?

Holly: Yes, Nanny’s got a really good sense of humor.

The Wise Old Elf: Really? Then maybe we should go and show her some jokes.

(Wand rattles)

The Wise Old Elf: (chuckles) To the Elf truck!

(Twangy playful music) (Truck rattles off)

Holly: I’ll tell Nanny Plum you’re here.

The Wise Old Elf: No, no, Princess Holly. A joke should be a surprise. (Chuckles) This’ll be fun!

(The Wise Old Elf knocks on door)

Nanny Plum: Oh, I’m really busy! Who can that be? Hello, what do YOU want?

The Wise Old Elf: hello, what do YOU want?

(Wand rattles)

Nanny Plum: What?

The Wise Old Elf: What? (Wand rattles)

Nanny Plum: Why are you copying everything I say?

The Wise Old Elf: Why are you copying everything I say? (Wand rattles)

Nanny Plum: (Sighs) I haven’t got time for this.

The Wise Old Elf: (Sighs) I haven’t got time for this.

Nanny Plum: Silly, old fool!

The Wise Old Elf: Silly, old fool!  (Wand rattles) Oh!

Holly: I don’t think Nanny found that funny.

The Wise Old Elf: I thought you said she liked jokes.

Holly: She does! Let’s try another one.

The Wise Old Elf: Very well. This is my favorite. It’s a little toy mouse.

(Ben and Holly giggle)

Holly: Oh, Nanny Plum doesn’t like mice.

The Wise Old Elf: (Chuckles) She’ll like this one. It’s funny.

(Lever cranks)

The Wise Old Elf: (Chuckles) We’re ready. Send it in.

(Mouse jiggles)

Nanny Plum: Da-da, dum, doo-da, dee-da; Da-da, la-dum, da-da, dee-da;

(Mouse rattles in)

Nanny Plum: (Screams) (muffled) Help! (Screams)  Help!


The Wise Old Elf: What was that? Is she laughing?

Holly: Um, sort of.

The Wise Old Elf: (Chuckles) Splendid. Let’s go and join in the fun.

Nanny Plum: (Screams) Help!

(Duster clangs against mouse)

The Wise Old Elf: (Chuckles) Happy Elf Joke Day!

Nanny Plum: That was NOT funny, Wise Old Elf!

The Wise Old Elf: Oh, I’m terribly sorry, Nanny Plum. May I say how lovely you are looking today?

Nanny Plum: What?! Is this another silly joke?

The Wise Old Elf: (Chuckles) No. Oh, you are SO pretty. May I take your photograph?

Nanny Plum: (Laughs) Well, I suppose so.

The Wise Old Elf: Oh, you are most kind. Say cheese!

Nanny Plum: Che-e-e-e-ese! 


Nanny Plum: (Gasps) What?

The Wise Old Elf: (Laughs) It’s Smelly Elf Cheese. (Chuckles)

Holly: Ew! It’s really smelly!

The Wise Old Elf: (Chuckles) Yes, it’s top-quality Smelly Elf Cheese. (Chuckles)

(Ben and Holly giggle)

Nanny Plum: That was not funny at all, Mr Old Elf!

The Wise Old Elf: Oh, yes, it was. (Chuckles)

Nanny Plum: I’m going to turn you into a snail.

Holly: But Nanny, you said never use magic in anger!

Nanny Plum: I’m not angry! Now, where’s my wand? (Wand twinkles)

The Wise Old Elf: Oh, it was just a joke.

Nanny Plum: Yes, and here’s another joke! Elf to snail!


(Ben and Holly gasp)

(Snail slurps)

Holly: Naughty Nanny! You said never use magic when you’re angry!

Nanny Plum: Yes. Happy Elf Joke Day, Wise Old Snail! Ha, ha, ha!

(Snail slurps) (Fanfare plays)

King Thistle: Ew, what’s that snail doing here?

Holly: Well, Daddy! The Wise Old Elf played jokes on Nanny Plum and she got angry and did a spell on him.

(Snail slurps)

King Thistle: The Wise Old Elf was just having fun! Don’t you have a sense of humor, Nanny Plum?

Nanny Plum: Yes, your majesty!

Queen Thistle: Nanny Plum, why did you turn him into a snail?

Nanny Plum: Um, it was meant to be a funny joke!

King Thistle: And was it funny?

Nanny Plum: No, your majesty.

(Snail slurps)

Ben: He doesn’t look very happy.

Queen Thistle: I’m not surprised. Turn him back into the Wise Old Elf, please, Nanny Plum.

Nanny Plum: Very well, your majesty.

(Wand twinkles)

Nanny Plum: Silly Old Elf, back to yourself.

(Briefly slurps like snail)

The Wise Old Elf: Your majesty! Thank you so much for your help.

King Thistle: Oh, that’s alright.

The Wise Old Elf: I must say, you are looking most handsome today, your majesty! May I take your photograph?

King Thistle: Of course.

(Ben and Holly giggle)

Nanny Plum: Um, your majesty…

King Thistle: Not now, Nanny Plum. I’m having my picture taken.

The Wise Old Elf: Say cheese!

King Thistle: Che-e-e-e-ese! 


King Thistle: Bleugh! Ew!

Ben and Holly: Ew! Stinky Elf cheese!

The Wise Old Elf: (Chuckles) I can’t help playing jokes. It’s Elf Joke Day! And I’m an Elf! (Toots trumpet)

(Ben, Holly and Nanny Plum laugh)

King Thistle: Ha, ha! Most amusing! Happy Elf Joke Day!

All: Happy Elf Joke Day!

(All laugh)

(The end)





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