
本和霍利剧本 17 King Thistle's New Clothes

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《本和霍利的小王国》动画介绍 + 资料

King Thistle’s New Clothes

Somewhere, hidden amongst thorny brambles, is a little kingdom of elves and fairies.

Everyone who lives here is very, very small.


HOLLY: And I’m Princess Holly. (JINGLES) (RUFF!) Come on, let’s play!

BEN: Wait for us!

Ben and Holly both giggle

Narrator: Ben and Holly’s little Kingdom. (TRUMPET)

Narrator: Today’s adventure starts at the Little Castle.

Narrator: King Thistle’s New Clothes

Holly: The pink dress or the blue dress? Mummy, I can’t decide!

Queen Thistle: The pink one looks nice on you, Holly. But what about me? Green or yellow or turquoise?

Holly: Ben, what do you think?

Ben: Um, maybe the pink one for you and the greeny-blue one for your mum.

King Thistle: Green, blue, yellow, purple! What’s all this fuss about?

Queen Thistle: King and Queen Marigold are coming to visit today, remember?

King Thistle: (Slurps tea) Oh, yes.

Queen Thistle: They are very fashionable. I don't want them to think we look scruffy.

King Thistle: Who looks scruffy?

Queen Thistle: You look scruffy!

King Thistle: Do I?

Holly: Yes, daddy!

King Thistle: Hm. What do you think, Ben? Man to man. Do I look scruffy?

Ben:  Uh, maybe you could be a tiny bit smarter.

Queen Thistle: That is why I have ordered the Elf Tailor to make you some new clothes.

King Thistle: Hm…

Queen Thistle: And you must have a bath!

King Thistle: (Wearily) OK.

Nanny Plum: (Bell rings merrily) The Elf Tailor!

King Thistle: That’s just the Wise Old Elf!

The Wise Old Elf: I’ll have you know I am not just the Wise Old Elf; I am also a qualified tailor.

King Thistle: Oh, I see. Carry, on, then. I’m off to have a bath!

Queen Thistle: Hurry up. Our guests will be here soon.

The Wise Old Elf: Here are King Thistle’s new clothes, your majesty.

All: Ooh!

Queen Thistle: Lovely. But is this fashionable?

The Wise Old Elf: This is a classic cut, made from the finest woollen fabrics, your majesty.

Nanny Plum: Ooh! Very nice.

The Wise Old Elf: Oh, please. Don’t prod it, Nanny Plum! It’s a very delicate fabric, which means you must not clean it with magic. 

Queen Thistle: Yes, yes. Thank you, Tailor, bye!

Nanny Plum: Good bye!

Queen Thistle: Can you see that speck of dirt there, Holly?

Holly: I can’t see anything, Mummy!

Queen Thistle: Nanny Plum, can YOU see that speck of dirt?

Nanny Plum: Where? There?

Queen Thistle: NO! There!

(All gasp)

Nanny Plum: Oh…

Queen Thistle: Oh, dear.

Holly: Mummy! You’ve made Daddy’s new clothes dirty!

Queen Thistle: So I have. And King and Queen Marigold will be here soon. Nanny, have you got time to clean it?

Nanny Plum: Leave it with me, your majesty!

Holly: Nanny Plum? Can Ben and I help you?

Nanny Plum: Of course. Hm. That’s a fair old stain!

Ben: How are we going to clean it?

Nanny Plum: Um…

Holly: The Elf Tailor said we shouldn’t use magic!

Nanny Plum: That’s alright. We’ll throw it in the washing machine.

Ben: But the Elf Tailor said it was very delicate!

Nanny Plum: Oh, what does an Elf know about washing clothes?

Holly: He makes them!

Nanny Plum: He might, but he hasn’t washed as many as I have. We’ll need lots of soap powder!

Ben: Are you sure this is a good idea?

Nanny Plum: Of course it’s a good idea! Nothing clothes like better than a good, hot soapy wash. You know, as we’re doing a wash, we should clean the King’s old clothes, as well.

Holly: His scruffy clothes?

Nanny Plum: Yes!

Holly: OK.

King Thistle: La La-la, la-la la-la la… La La-la, la-la la-la la, La La-la, la-la la-la la

Holly: (Knocks on the door) Daddy!

King Thistle: Yes?

Holly: We’re going to wash all your clothes.

(Duck squeaks)

King Thistle: OK!

Holly: Shoes and crown too, Nanny?

Nanny Plum: Why not? Then everything will be clean.

(Holly gigles)

King Thistle: La La-la, la-la la-la la… La La-la, la-la la-la la, La La-la, la-la la-la la.

Holly: Here are the clothes, Nanny!

Nanny Plum: Fantastic! In they go!

(Door slams) (Alarm wails)

Nanny Plum: There! Now we let the washing machine do all the work. It’s all very clever and scientific.

Holly: What’s it doing?

Nanny Plum: That’s the first wash cycle.

(Machine chugs and gushes)

Ben: Now what’s it doing?

Nanny Plum: It’s rinsing all the soap out. It’s very clever.

(Machine rumbles)

(Ben and Holly giggle)

(Machine dings)

Ben: Finished.

Nanny Plum: Yes! Let’s see if all that soap got that stain out!

Holly: Oh, Daddy’s crown is a bit bent!

Ben: And his shoes are all soggy!

Nanny Plum: Oh, dear! Were the King’s clothes always this small?

(Holly and Ben gasp)

Ben: They’ve shrunk!

Queen Thistle: Nanny Plum! Are the King’s clothes clean?

Holly: That’s Mummy!

Nanny Plum: Uh, nearly ready, your majesty!

Holly: Nanny, what are we going to do?

Ben: Maybe when the clothes are dry, they’ll go back to their normal size.

Nanny Plum: Yes, Ben! I’ll just do a simple spell to dry them.

Holly: But the Tailor said you shouldn’t use magic!

Nanny Plum: Oh, I’ll only use a teeny-tiny, gentle little spell. (Wand twinkles) Ahem! Abracadabra, make clothes dry. Thunder and lightning, flame and fire!


(Nanny Plum coughs)

(Ben and Holly scream)

Queen Thistle: Nanny Plum, quick! Give me the King’s new clothes. Our guests will be here any minute. Where are the clothes, Nanny Plum? (Sniffs)  and what’s that smell?

Holly: We washed Daddy’s clothes, but they shrunk!

Ben: And Then Nanny burnt them with magic!

Queen Thistle: My goodness! Daddy will have to wear his old clothes, then I suppose!

Holly: But we cleaned Daddy’s old clothes too.

Queen Thistle: What? You mean he has no clothes to wear?

Ben: Uh, yes!

King Thistle: Hello! Where are my clothes?

Queen Thistle: Nearly ready, darling!

King Thistle: I’m clean now.

Queen Thistle: Nanny will bring you your clothes in a moment.

King Thistle: And I smell lovely!

Queen Thistle: Nanny, call the Elf Tailor!

(Doorbell rings)

Queen Thistle: Ah, too late! That’s King and Queen Marigold! What are we going to do now?

All: Uh…

Holly: We can make magic clothes!

Queen: Nanny, can you do that?

Nanny Plum: If you insist, Queen Thistle, but magic clothes can be a bit tricky.

King Marigold: Hello? Anyone here?

Ben: They’re here!

Queen Thistle: (Screams) Just make the magic clothes, Nanny. I’ll go and see to our guests.

Nanny Plum: As you wish, your majesty! First, we need something to turn into shoes.

Holly: Lemons?

Nanny Plum: No, they need to be shoe-shaped. Ah, carrots! (Wand twinkles) Now we need something round and juicy for the jacket.

Holly: A lemon?

Nanny Plum: No, a tomato! (Wand twinkles) What can we use for the crown?

Queen Thistle: Ah, Holly! You remember King and Queen Marigold?

King and Queen Marigold: Hello, Princess Holly.

Holly: Hello, and this is my best friend Ben Elf.

King Marigold: Hello, Ben!

Queen Marigold: I must say your clothes are quite, um, charming.

King Marigold: Yes, nice and, uh, sensible.

Queen Marigold: Oh, is it the ‘country look’?

King Marigold: I think the way one dresses is very important.

Queen Thistle: My husband won’t be a moment. He’s just changing into his new clothes.

King Marigold: New clothes! That sounds … interesting.

Queen Thistle: (Laughs nervously) Well, it is an experiment.

(Fanfare plays)

King Thistle: Sorry to keep you waiting!

King Marigold: Oh, ho, ho! That’s fantastic!

Queen Marigold: Outstanding! Oh-ho!

King Thistle: Really? (His feet squelch) The jacket feels a bit soggy, actually!

King Marigold: It looks wonderful!

Queen Marigold: So fresh and exciting! (Chortles)

King Marigold: We were just saying how important it is to think carefully about what you wear.

King Thistle: Oh, I don’t think I think at all. (His feet twinkle)

(King and Queen Marigold gasp)

(King Thistle’s body squelches)

Queen Marigold: Oh, I say…

(Lemon toots)

King Marigold: Oh, what’s that?

Nanny Plum: Yes, I was worried that might happen. Tricky things, magic clothes…

(Ben and Holly giggle)

Holly: Silly daddy! You’ve got a lemon on your head!

King Thistle: This is nothing to do with me! My wife chose it!

King Marigold: That…is…amazing!

Queen Marigold: Awesome!

King Marigold: I’ve never seen anything like it! Absolute genius!

Queen Marigold: Self-transforming clothes? I would never have thought of that!

King Marigold: And you say that you don’t think about what to wear! (Chuckles)

Queen Marigold: You know more about fashion than we ever could!

King Marigold: Where do you get your inspiration from?

King Thistle: Uh, well. Uh…

Queen Marigold: Now, tell me, have you ever considered teaching fashion?

(King Thistle’s belly rumbles)

King Thistle: Ah, Nanny Plum. Could you make us something for dinner, please?

Nanny Plum: Of course, your majesty! I can make you anything you like, as long as you don’t want carrots, tomatoes or lemons!

(All laugh)

(the end)





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