

热度 18 已有 566 次阅读 2018-2-8 14:37 系统分类:成长记录


1、在加拿大camp写的日记,很傻,笑笑就好。我家还是天真小朋友,日记开头都是:Dear Diary那个是bumblebee.我认为

Dear Diary

 I am so fed up with my sister. She and her silly friend the Canadian girl Anglia foolishly put us all in jeopardy. Want to know why? Wait, let me tell you. 

I was chatting with my friend Max and our coach Jonny by the swimming pool during free time just before supper. Suddenly we saw A & A rushing towards us and shouting something.

‘Jumping into the water?’Is that really what they are shouting at us? Excuse me! Why should I jump into the water? I’d just changed into my best skirt! I do not want to get wet again!

Wait a minute! The two girls were followed by a swarm of bumpbee! OMG! What kind of trouble did these girls get themselves into!

“Anglia, I’ll tell Mum, you do crazy things again!”Max cried out. Oh, he is such a crying boy! I’ll tell Mum this, I’ll tell Mum that! They are a strange pair of sister-and-brother. The sister is wild and crazy while the boy is such a crying baby! And Max is one year older than me.

Anyway, before he can finish his sentence, I was pushed into the pool by my own sister! Then I heard other three loud splashing sound. A & A, me and Max were all in the water. A&A were diving far far below.

I heard the buzzing sound of the bee and dived too. Then I saw coach Jonny too, in the water.

Oh, I’m not a great diver! I had to come to the surface! I will die! I hate them! I rushed to the surface and gasped for air. The bee had gone. A&A came to the surface too, laughing.

I was so angry and climb up bare feet. I lost my flip-flop and I was so wet!

“Hi, you should say thank you, I've just saved your life.”My sister said to me.

“You nearly killed me! And destroyed my best skirt!”

Coach Jonny was serious. He asked what had happened! What happened? I told you, the team A&A were foolish enough to disturb the bump bee!

Coach Jonny gave us four a good inspection and send A & A and Max to college clinics. I do not want to go with them. I need to take care of my skirt and my hair and my flip flop and my skin. My sister begged me not to tell our homeschool teacher. Well, that depends on me.

Half an hour later, she showed up in my room and showed me where she’d been stung. We laughed and laughed. When we showed up in the cafeteria, Anglia and Max were sitting there telling the story to our buddies. Anglia got stung in forehead and arm. Max, haha, he got stung on the butts! It seemed I am the luckiest one.

But, Why everybody werre treating the team A &A like some kind of hero? That’s totally unfair!

Well, I will tell my Mum when we come back to China


Once upon a time, there were no houses nor square nor shopping centers on the planet Earth, let along factories. There was nothing but mountains and forest and grasslands. The first humankind was living among these mountains and forests and on the grasslands. They are the first Nomads.

The first Nomads used simple tools to catch animals for food. Their children, also, had to work. While the adults went to chase large animals, the children went into the forests to collect edible fruits or catch small animals, like birds and rabbits. Their mother would dry those food and store them away. Those Nomads would not stay too long in one place. Because, if they stay too long the animals would be scared away and the fruit would run out. When that happened, they packed up and move to another place.

Some nomads liked to live by the lake, because they can go fishing and their children can swim in the water, which is fun. The life was not so easy. Animals were either run away or had been caught. The fruit in nearby forest had been picked out. People lived in starvation.

One day, a man came to a bright idea! If the forest can provide us with fruit, what would happen if we try to grow fruit? If animals like sheep can enlarge their herd, why cannot we keep some sheep

So, they collected seed and put them into the soil, wish them to grow. They caught some sheep, dog, and raise them in fence.

They succeed! They are the first farmers!

Later on, the farmers found out they would have a better life by living close to each other, So the first villages formed.

Some villages became so successful, they had more than enough crops, animals. Other nomads found out and came to rob the village. The villagers built up stone walls and moat to defend themselves. That’s the first city.

What happened later? Wait till next time.






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  • hidden Vivi妈

    2018-2-8 18:16

  • hidden syhsh2006

    2018-2-9 02:39

  • hidden cqjune

    2018-2-9 09:15

  • hidden lanlanni

    2018-2-9 10:47

    开头的日记好好玩,那个口气有点jones b的感觉呢。
  • hidden oranje

    2018-2-9 11:34

    lanlanni: 开头的日记好好玩,那个口气有点jones b的感觉呢。
  • hidden cococoai

    2018-2-9 12:38

  • hidden olive_fu

    2018-2-10 09:13

  • hidden 乐事0223

    2018-2-12 10:45

  • hidden attentively

    2018-2-12 14:43

  • hidden chppchy

    2018-2-15 09:35
