
转:体验英语少儿阅读文库 教案 Level 1 Book 10 Mother Bird(我偷师的方法就是转别人 ...

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体验英语少儿阅读文库 Level 1   Book 10    Mother Bird
Mother bird is looking for a worm.
Up in the tree the baby birds are hungry.
Mother bird looks and looks for a worm.
Here comes a worm.
Mother bird sees the worm.
Here comes a cat.
The cat sees mother bird.
Mother bird sees the cat.
Up goes the mother bird.
Up, up, up goes the mother bird.
Mother bird goes up to the baby birds in the tree.
The worm is for the baby birds.

1.        和孩子一起读书。注意有语气的强调黑体的单词。looking for, worm, hungry, comes, sees, up, for (手上没有书,我也不确定黑体的词是哪些,不过这些动词在给孩子读的时候可以加上动作) 。
2.        再和孩子读一遍书,这次可以注意观察图片,适当的给予解释和重复。
Look at the picture. 看这个图片。
Where is mother bird? 鸟妈妈在哪?
It’s here. 它在这。
Who’s hungry? 谁饿了?
The baby birds are hungry. 鸟宝宝们饿了。
Where are the baby birds? 鸟宝宝们在哪?
They are here. 它们在这。
What is mother bird looking for? 鸟妈妈在找什么?
Mother bird is looking for a worm. 鸟妈妈在找虫子。
Can you see the worm? 你能看见虫子吗?
Yes, here it is. 是的,它在这。
Oh, no! Here comes a cat! 哦,不!来了一只猫。
Do you know what is the cat looking for? 你知道猫在找什么吗?
The cat is looking for a bird. 猫在找鸟。
Can the cat eat mother bird? 猫能吃到鸟吗?
No, it can’t. Mother bird goes up and up and up! 不,它不能。 鸟妈妈飞上去了。
Can the baby birds eat the worms? 鸟宝宝能吃到虫子吗?
Yes, they can. 是的它们能。
3.        为下列制作单词卡片,加深记忆
bird  baby   hungry   worm   
4.        和孩子玩木偶戏 Make a puppet show.
Today we will make a puppet show. 今天我们来做木偶戏。
We need some paper, some strings, some chopsticks, a pair of scissors and some color pens.我们需要一些纸,一些细绳,一些筷子,一把剪刀和一些彩笔。
First, let’s draw a big picture. 首先,我们画一幅大大的画。
In the picture, there is a tree. 在图片里有一棵树。
In the tree, there are some baby birds. 树上有一些小鸟。
Then let’s draw some pictures of the animals. 然后咱们画动物们的图片。
Mother bird, the worm and the cat. 鸟妈妈,虫子和猫。
Now use the scissors to cut them down. 现在用剪刀把他们剪下来。
Tie the pictures with the strings to the chopsticks. 用细线把图片系到筷子上。
Now let’s begin the puppet show! 现在开始木偶剧表演吧。
It’s a sunny day. 今天是晴朗的一天。
In the big tree, there are some baby birds. 在一棵大树上,有一些鸟宝宝。
They are hungry. 它们饿了。
Baby birds: We are hungry. 我们饿了。
Mother bird goes down. 鸟妈妈飞下去。
She is looking for a worm. 它在寻找虫子。
Mother bird: Little worm, little worm, where are you? My babies are hungry. Look, there is a little worm. 小虫子你在哪?我的宝宝饿了。看,那有一只小虫子。
Worm: Oh, no! The big bird is coming to eat me! Help! Help! 哦,不!大鸟要来吃我了!救命!救命!
Mother bird: Don’t run away. 别跑。
Mother bird: I got you! 抓住你了。
Here comes a cat. 来了一只猫。
Cat: I am looking for a bird. Little bird, little bird, where are you? I am hungry. Look, there is a little bird. 我正在寻找鸟。小鸟,小鸟,你在哪?我饿了。看,那有一只小鸟。
Mother bird: Oh, no! The big cat is coming to eat me! Help! Help! 哦,不!大猫要来吃我了!救命!救命!
Cat: Don’t fly away. 别跑。
Mother bird: I can fly. 我能飞。
Cat: I can not fly. 我不能飞。
Mother bird goes up and up an up. 鸟妈妈越飞越高。
Mother bird: The worm is for you. 这个虫子是给你们的。(对baby birds说)
(表演结束后别忘了说:Thank you for watching. 感谢观看。)






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