

热度 3 已有 90 次阅读 2017-10-9 09:28 个人分类:科学 系统分类:其他 科学

From the BBC, this educational website is home to interactive body explorations, psychological tests, and facts and figures about the human mind and body. A 2004 Educational Webby Award nominee
2.      Centre of the cell
The London museum's website, which features numerous links for students to access to further cell understanding. Includes teacher and students areas with activities, ethics of cell research, and more.
3.      Ask Dr. Universe
How do chameleons change color? When was the light bulb invented? Why can't cats and dogs be friends? Want to know the answers to these and hundreds of other questions? Then just ask Dr. Universe, the world's most curious cat!
4.      BrainPop
Brainpop is a really cool and unique site full of animated health and science movies, and fun quizzes.
5.      Colour Matters
Budding artists and anyone interested in color will want to see how color affects our mind and body, its use in design and art, plus lots more. Explains additive and subtractive color systems, how the eye sees colors, and how other cultures view and use colors.
You can send mug shots of mysterious insects and Bugman will identify them for you.
7.      FT exploring
A fun-filled science site that explores energy and other basic scientific principles. Topics include sections on "super bugs", photosynthesis, marine science, and more. Know-it-all tortoise, Dr. Galapagos provides humorous and insightful answers to science questions.
8.      All about birds
This site is a must visit for bird lovers! It boasts a video gallery, a guide to birdwatching, and a dynamic online bird guide complete with sound files of bird songs for your listening pleasure. You'll need the free RealPlayer to access the video and audio features at this site by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Could there be life elsewhere in the universe? Explore this fascinating question with online adventures, getting your questions answered online in the "Ask a Biologist" section, and more! This site is by the NASA Astrobiology Institute. Various plug-ins are required
Take your pick and explore the beauty of the sea, or the wonders of the universe. Sea and Sky is an incredible resource, providing extensive information on the mysteries of each in amazing detail.





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