

已有 21 次阅读 2017-8-22 11:01 系统分类:英语学习

读书是儿子一生的爱好,儿子还没有到美国,耶鲁大学就发来了推荐书目,发信的教授最后还不忘记附上一句:不建议读China Daily







查询方法很简单,例如我读到 2010511日《参考消息》转载《泰晤士报》201059日、题为《研究证实半岁婴儿可辨善恶》的文章,就先从译文中挑选原文可能用到的关键词,比如“YALE  80%  BABY  SIX MONTHS”等,然后在泰晤士报的官方网站的查询条上输入这些关键词,网站的搜索结果(SEARCH RESULTS )会出现《Six months old and he can tell good from evil》的标题,这便是那篇文章的原始出处了。如果搜索不到,可以换一批关键词。某些官方网站一般只给出七天的免费浏览,所以如果仍然搜不到的话,就到GOOGLE等再搜一下,很多别的网站可能会转载你想看的文章。以下是该篇文章的开头部分。

Six months old and he can tell good from evil


Scientists have discovered that babies can start to make moral judgments by the age of six months and may be born with the ability to tell good from bad hard-wired into their brains


Infants can even act as judge and jury in the nursery. Researchers who asked one-year-old babies to take away treats from a naughtypuppet found they were sometimes also leaning over and smacking the figure on the head.


The research is being pioneered by a team of psychologists at the infant cognition centre at Yale University in Connecticut. Their findings go against the received wisdom that humans begin life with a moral blank slate and are shaped by their parents and social environment……



与生俱来:be born

    分辨:tell from

铭刻:hard-wired into

还有一个我经常光顾的网站也非常好,网址是,该网站是《金融时报》(英语:Financial Times,简称FT)的中文网站。《金融时报》是培生集团旗下一份国际性大开型报章,一般大众对其评价颇高,公信力享誉全球。总部设于伦敦,每日发行量45万份。

该网站上的很多文章都有中英两种文字,翻译得也相当不错。有些专栏作家的文章写得非常耐读,其中露西•凯拉韦(Lucy Kellaway)就是我最喜欢的作家之一,她是《金融时报》的管理专栏作家,2006年获得英国出版业奖的“年度专栏作家”奖项。在过去十年的时间里,她用幽默的语言调侃各种职场现象,并为读者出谋划策。她的专栏每周一出版。



My wife and I work hard, but our kids dont want to know


2011-05-04 (

My wife and I are both lawyers and hard-working. We have a good standard of living, send our two children to expensive, academic-focused schools and have nice holidays. Both are bright, but neither seems at all motivated to do well. I always assumed that our working habits would set them a good example, but the reverse seems to have been the case. My 17-year-old son told me the other day that he did not want to waste his life as we have. I asked what he was planning to live on and he shrugged. What have we done wrong? Lawyer, male, 49


Lucy's answer

The only thing I can think of that you and your wife have done wrong is in choosing to marry each other. Most households need a maximum of one lawyer; two constitutes an oversupply and can lead to a paucity of time, a surplus of money and a certain homogeneity in outlook. Yet its too late to regret that now, and in any case, your childrens lack of motivation may have nothing to do with your working habits.

People are motivated to work hard for all sorts of reasons. Some work simply because they needmoney and they know what poverty feels like. This does not apply to your kids -nor to mine, and I'm quite glad it doesnt. Some people work hard because they were born with a competitive gene. Some do it because they long for approval, and some do it because they have found work that they love.

The only source of motivation that I have never witnessed is parental example: where children slog away because they are copying their mother and father. Instead, most teenagers doggedly avoid the paths taken by their parents, not just out of rebelliousness, but because they have seen the costs. The sight of the pile of exercise books that my mother marked every night after supper made me know for sure the one thing I would never do: teach.

Below you will find advice from readers on how to raise your teenagers and I suggest you take no notice. Forcing them to work at Pizza Hut or changing your life to spend more time with themmight instill a greater work ethic-or it might not. I would also resolutely ignore the woman who suggests you take stock and ask yourself if you really are wasting your own life. The last thing your boy needs now is a father with a massive midlife crisis.

I have four teenage children myself, some of whom have a limited appetite for work of any sort and Ive tried the full spectrum of responses  from yelling, to cajoling, to pouring myself a drink and practicing denial. My advice to you: continue to muddle through as best you can. Yourboy is bright, doesnt appear to be taking crack cocaine and is still talking to you, even if in a somewhat combative manner. Presumably he will find something to do with his life eventually. Banker, male





下面,你会看到读者在培养青春期子女方面的建议,但我劝你别去理会。硬逼着孩子去必胜客(Pizza Hut)打工,或是改变自己的活法、省出更多时间陪伴他们,或许能灌输一种更好的职业道德——也许不会。有位女士劝你进行反思并扪心自问:自己是不是真在浪费生命?对于这一建议,我也坚决不予考虑。眼下,你儿子最不需要看到的,就是一位遭遇严重中年危机的父亲。


Your advice


He needs a job

My wife and I have jobs like yours, and each of our four children knew that finding part-time employment in pizza joints was non-negotiable. Everyone in our house is expected to work. This experience has motivated them as they moved on to their universities. Father and football coach



Engage with him

You have been physically present but not cognitively engaged with your children. I am a retired professor with a professional wife, and four highly competent children  Yale, Stanford, Bryn Mawr, the works  it seems to me you have confused providing for your children with caring about them. Sad.Retired professor, male


你虽然人在家里,却没能和孩子们交心。我是个退休教授,我太太也是专业人士。我们的四个孩子都很有出息,他们毕业于耶鲁(Yale)、斯坦福(Stanford)和博懋(Bryn Mawr),工作也都很棒。在我看来,你似乎混淆了抚养孩子和关爱孩子之间的区别。我为你感到悲哀。退休教授,男。

A familiar refrain

I have observed the same problem manifesting itself in many of my friends: they would much rather sit around on Facebook all day than do anything useful. The problem is that they have always had the money to buy themselves whatever they liked; they would surely not feel the need to earn any because its always been there. female, 15



Hes a teenager

You have done nothing wrong other than to be unrealistic about a 17-year-olds likely maturity. Teenage boys not only shrug, they grunt and, on a good day, mumble. Chuck the odd comfort food into the darkened room where he is almost certainly glued to a screen all day and look forward to him emerging one day  as a wannabe lawyer! Banker,male


你们没做错什么,只是对17岁孩子可能的成熟度抱有不切实际的想法。男孩子们不止会耸肩,也会嗤之以鼻,甚至偶尔还会不满地嘟囔。不妨把那些稀奇古怪的安慰食物(comfort food)扔进他呆的小黑屋(几乎可以肯定,他整天都粘着电脑),期待着有朝一日他自己走出来——并决心成为一名律师!银行家,男

Is he right?

Why dont you try answering your sons implied question: are you wasting your life? Consultant, female, 43









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