

热度 2 已有 87 次阅读 2018-12-15 02:31 系统分类:英语学习 cla


1. 阅读文字。对于他们读K的小朋友,精读需要指读,遇到不认识的单词,可做如下尝试:
Look at the picture for a clue. (Eagle Eye)
Make the sound the first letter makes and take a guess. (Lips the Fish)
Sound the word out. (Stretchy Snake)
Look for any part or chunk of the word that he/she can read. (Chunky Monkey)
Skip the word and read to the end of the sentence. Hop back and try the word again. (Skippy Frog)
Try out a word. Does the word make sense in the sentence and fit with the story? (Sensible Kangaroo)
    If none of these strategies work, tell your child the word. Take the "hard" out of learning to read.

2. 理解内容。
Have your child retell the story.
Discuss the pictures. Have your child relate the book to experiences they have had or know about.
With an informational book, have your child share two things they learned.

How to help: Possible questions and prompts to ask your child:
1). Before reading
What is the title of this book?
Look at the cover, Talk about what you see/notice.
Look at the title page. Talk about this.
Who is the author? Who is the illustrator? What do they do?
Let's take a picture walk. talk about the illustrations and what is happening.
2). While reading
Who are the main characters?
What is the setting in the story?
What are the major events in this story (so far)?
Who/what is the story about?
Check the picture and use the first letter of the word to help you.
Listen as I read this part smoothly... now you try it.
3). After reading
What happened in the story?
Look at the illustration on page _. What moment in the story does the picture show? Tell me about it.
Is this a real or imaginary story? How do you know?
Does the story remind you of anything? Explain.
After I finish a book, I think about it. Watch me as I do this.
If this story had a sequel, what do you think it would be about?

3. 大声重复朗读。
A fluent reader reads smoothly and with expression. Frequent reading of the same text increases a child's fluency skills. Have your child read the books out loud daily. It if fine if your child memorizes the text.

老师最后也一再强调,“Most important, have fun!” 不要每本书都精读,这样会打击小朋友阅读积极性。亲子阅读的时间还是要家长给孩子读,小朋友喜欢泛读各种书,也随他去。只是每周挑几本和他阅读水平相当的绘本精读。

越来越觉得教育孩子的水很深, 好多东西要学,不比读个博士简单。好在家里俩娃,从哥哥身上总结来的经验教训,对教育弟弟会有所启发和帮助。





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