

热度 12 已有 1157 次阅读 2014-4-29 14:28 系统分类:成长记录 文章

Q1. The activities in which a person might compete include:
a spelling bee
a tennis match
a game of checkers

Q2 I once competed with other swimmers in a swimming competition held by a swimming club.
I like competing because if I win I could get trophies and certificates.  I feel proud of myself and become  more confident. If I lose I can still gain more experience and learn from others.

2敗家論壇簡單版-treacherous  20130911
Q1.Rugby (might be), bungee, sky walking
Q2. I don’t want to do a treacherous activity because I might get serious injuries or even die. Then my family will definitely be really sad.

3敗家論壇簡單版-conceal 20130912
Q1. cover
Q2. Once I concealed a book of Chinese poetry from my Mum. I hid it under the bed because my 
Mum asked me to read and recite the pomes. I hated it. But my mum found the book at last.

4寫作敗家論壇試行版-indisposed 2013091
Synonyms: sick, unwell
Antonyms: healthy, well
When I was indisposed, I stayed in bed, drank lots of water and ate some ice cream. My mum kept me company by reading me stories, playing some board games and hugging me.

孩子們的寫作論壇-reap 20130917
Synonyms: harvest, gather, collect, gain
Antonyms: yield, fail, forfeit, surrender
I am so excited that I\'ve got the most outstanding performance in the school play.  I feel like I could just jump 1 metre high into the air. I bet that I am so popular that everyone will want my autograph. I’m as happy as a person that just won lotto. My mum is going to be soooo proud of me. My hard working was paying off.

6孩子們的寫作論壇-overwhelming 20130918 大朋友同樣歡迎
Synonyms:   amazing, crushing, exciting
Antonyms:   mild, resistible, calm

Firstly make a chart of first names in my class to find out the numbers of each name used, arrange the names in alphabetic order. 
Then find a person in each class to do the same thing. 
In the end add up the same names from each class together and figure out which one is the most popular name.

7寫作論壇-glean大中朋友同樣歡迎 20130922
synonyms: gather, collect, deduce, conclude
Q 2
Percy Jackson 2- sea of monsters is a fantastic adventure movie.  Percy Jackson - the son of Poseidon, Elizabeth- the daughter of Athena and other demigod kids lived and trained in Camp Halfblood. One day the tree which created a forcefield to protect the Camp was poisoned so the camp could easily get attacked by evil monsters. Percy and his friends had to find out who poisoned the tree and how to cure the tree.
There are some hints I gleaned that prove Luke - the son of Hermes poisoned the tree.
1: When the forcefield was under attack, everyone tried to destroy the mechanical bull except Luke, who just sat there doing nothing. 
2: Luke also tried to convince Percy to join him to revive Cronus and destroy the gods and goddesses led by Zeus.
Later Luke confessed that he poisoned the tree and disappeared with a clock like device.
When Percy and his friends knew only the Golden Fleece can revive the tree, they went to the Burmuda Triangle to fight a big Cyclope and retrieved the Golden Fleece.  When they put the Golden Fleece on the tree’s trunk, the fallen barks, branches and leaves flew back to the tree. The tree was revived and their home was safe again.

8寫作論壇-splendid 大童家長同樣歡迎20130924
Synonyms:   gorgeous, magnificent, impressive
Antonyms:    ordinary, common, normal

The Symphony No. 5 in C minor of Ludwig van Beethoven was written in 1804–1808. It is one of the most popular and best-known compositions in classical music.
When I hear Symphony No.5, it sounds like a fierce battle going on. The battle is between Beethoven and his fate as a composer losing his hearing. 
The first four notes of the piece da-da-da-DUM are really powerful like a beat on my heart that gives me courage and inspiration. Although I feel sad for Beethoven because he couldn’t hear anymore, I still admire his courage through his music as if he was saying “I shall seize fate by the throat.”
Beethoven’s all masterpieces are fabulous but I think Symphony No.5 is the most splendid because it shows not only his music talent, but also his courage, strength and persistence.

9中童詞彙+寫作論壇-simian  20130927
Synonyms: Gorilla, Chimpanzee, Anthropoid, Apes, Orangutan
Antonyms: Human
Humans and simians look alike in appearance and some behaviour, but human beings are more intelligent than simians. I am writing this essay to compare some similarities and differences between simians and humans.
Humans and simians share similar appearance. Simian faces look more like humans than any other animals. Apes also have similar bodies as ours.
Simians and humans are both mammals. They get their babies out of mothers’ tummies and feed the babies with milk.
There are some distinctive differences between human and simian. Humans are much smarter than simians. Human being can use advanced tools and technology, while simians can only use simple sticks. Humans use oral and written symbols for expressing thoughts and feelings, but simians can only communicate with shout and gesture.
In conclusion, simians look like humans in appearance, but humans are more intelligent than simians.

10寫作論壇-kaput 大童及家長同樣歡迎 20131004
Synonyms: broken destroyed useless finished
Antonyms: fixed, healed
Oh my gosh,
My laptop was kaput,
Damage caused by virus was acute.

No more math practice in Sumdog, 
No more funny games in Minecraft. 

I took my laptop for fixing, 
the whole program needed reinstalling. 

The repairman asked for 50 dollars,
I couldn't thank more
and paid the double amount.

When I got home 

and turned on my laptop,
It buzzed to life 

and I went on Minecraft.

11中童up詞彙+寫作論壇-cache 20131014家長也歡迎
Q1 synonyms: storeroom, treasure, store, conceal, hide
Q2 One Sunday morning I was playing at the beach. It was low tide, so I decided to dig a deep sand hole at the muddy part of the beach. When I was digging the big hole, suddenly my shovel hit something with a big clang. I looked into the hole, there was an old wooden treasure chest! I was so excited that my heart was beating very fast as if it was about to jump out. I checked that nobody was looking. Then I found a big sharp rock and made a hole in the chest. Wow. In the chest, there were lots of gems - sapphires as blue as the deep ocean, emeralds greener than the grass, rubies as red as your blood and diamonds like shiny stars in the sky.
I wondered where the treasure chest came from. Did it come from the pirates of the Caribbean or from the bandits of the wild west? Well I certainly didn’t know. But I am sure with one thing that I couldn’t keep the chest for myself because it wasn’t mine.  It would be like stealing to take something that’s not yours, right? 
I decided that I should give the treasure to the police. I started to carry the chest (which is about as big as a basketball) into my car so I could take the chest to the police station. After a few minutes of driving, I finally got the chest to the police station. After I told the story and showed the chest to the police, the police praised me for my honesty and awarded me by giving me 1/3 of the chest cache.

12中童詞彙+寫作論壇-quail 20131027家長同樣歡迎
Synonyms: cower, shrink, flinch, recoil, fear
Antonyms: calm, face, brave 
My mum went shopping,
Leaving me and my friend playing,
In the big house,
all by ourselves.
We were playing happily,
Until we heard a voice shouting,
Anybody there? 

It came from downstairs,
Which made us terribly quail.                                      
Our faces turned as pale as paper,
Our hands became as cold as ice,
Our blood almost stopped flowing,
Our mind was hardly thinking.

We at last got up our courage,
And went downstairs together.
We saw my mum’s mobile phone ringing,
“Anybody there”, “anybody there”
That’s what was making the scary noise
I guess it was no use for bringing our toy guns





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  • hidden winner

    2014-4-29 16:39

  • hidden 洋洋妈

    2014-4-30 04:52

    winner: 呵呵,楼主怀旧,变老前兆。
  • hidden 芸翼霞客

    2016-7-10 18:10

    Thanks for sharing
  • hidden 急性子妞妞

    2016-12-19 14:15

  • hidden lmjcle

    2019-10-23 14:53
