
Elon Musk听后感

热度 7 已有 98 次阅读 2022-2-15 20:36 系统分类:成长记录

A Great Innovator and Successful Businessman: Elon Musk


This week, I listened to an awesome audiobook. It’s a biography called Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance. He’s the owner of three companies: SpaceX, Tesla, and Solar City.


The book started with Musk’s childhood. Musk was born in South Africa. But his parents were Americans. When Musk was very young, he loved thinking and was so focused that even if you shouted to him, he wouldn’t hear. His parents even thought that his ears weren’t working properly, and took him to a doctor. The doctor thought the same thing as his parents, and did a surgery on him. After some years of happiness, his parents divorced. Musk chose to live with his dad, which was a pretty bad decision. Musk had a very unhappy time there. When he finished high school, Musk went to Canada on his own, literally escaped to Canada. Anyways he went to a relative’s house and stayed there. After a while, he attended college there, and that’s where he met his girlfriend and future wife Justine.


After finishing school he married Justine, and started the company Zip2.The company was successful and was sold for $1.5 billion. Musk started the company in the early 2000s and then quickly succeeded. But there were some quarrels going on in the company between Musk and his employees. That got him ousted and he was replaced by another guy and the company changed its name to PayPal and went on to have even more success.


Musk started SpaceX in June 2002. The company’s goal is to make commercial space travel cheaper and more efficient. They named their first rocket Falcon 1 and the tests for this rocket continued for a long time before it was finalized. The rocket was an instant hit and many countries began using it to send satellites to space. The reason for its success was that it was safe and cheap. After their first success, the company began building even better rockets, with the Falcon 9 and the Dragon coming up a few years later.


Tesla wasn’t founded by Musk, it was actually founded by two men named Martin Eberhard and Mark Tarpenning. Musk took over the company as it’s going toward bankruptcy. Musk changed the condition of the company, and like SpaceX, their first product was a major hit. Tesla eventually became one of the most innovative companies in the history of cars. Wow, what a big thing to say! But tesla deserves all of it.


I think Musk is a very great man and is at the same level to Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. The first reason is he made one of the biggest innovations in automotive industry. He changed how cars are made and made a new concept possible: electric cars. The second is that he made space travel more efficient and cheap. That lets more people have a chance in making a trip to space. 





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