
A Reading Summary of A Walk in the Woods

热度 2 已有 127 次阅读 2022-4-5 10:22 系统分类:成长记录

A Reading Summary of A Walk in the Woods

A Walk in the Woods is one of the best books that I’ve read so far. The author Bill Bryson is an American–British author of nonfiction books on topics including travel, the English language, and science. Born in the United States, he has been a resident of Britain for most of his adult life, returning to the U.S. between 1995 and 2003, and holds dual American and British citizenship. He served as the chancellor of Durham University from 2005 to 2011.

The book told a story of Bill and his friend Steven Katz, who went to hike the famed Appalachian Trail. There they went through some of the most challenging difficulties of hiking, and actually met quite a lot of weird individuals. They hiked from Georgia to Maine, but dropped out a few times. On the trail they had some very funny moments. The first very funny part of the book told a story about Mary Allen, whom Bill and Steven met on the second day of their hiking. As “a piece of work”, Mary Allen is annoying weird, and funny. The second funny part was even funnier. Bill and Steven went into a town to spend a night. There Steven fell in love with a very fat women, and then they planned to meet at a restaurant and have a date. But she didn’t come, her dad came. He threatened Steven and chased him through town. Steven lock himself in his hotel room and refused to come out.

I think the book is really good because it made the challenges of hiking clear, but with a lot of humor. The book taught me that hiking not just requires a love for nature, but courage, passion and an adventurous will to conquer what’s beyond. 





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