

热度 1 已有 142 次阅读 2014-8-26 07:31 系统分类:成长记录 背单词 , 吹风机 , 马桶 , 乳液 , 跳高

打嗝Burp as loudly as you can.
挖鼻孔pick your nose
别扯unroll the toilet paper.
挖鼻pick ur nose.
Wash ur hands go poo-poo
冲洗flush the toilet
lift up(提起来,掀起来) the 马桶座圈toilet seat
Pick up a book you like
sit on the 阳台balcony
turn off the 水龍頭faucet
to take a 小睡, 打盹nap
long jump跳远, high jump跳高
put on some 洗液,乳液lotion
用吹风机吹干blow-dry your hair
PUt the towel on the 架子rack
关小点儿Turn the water down
嗽洗,冲洗Rinse with some clean water
嗽口Rinse your mout
blow bubbles
tickle on your 腋窝armpits
get dressed
clean all this up(打扫干净)
go pee
在门口擦鞋垫上蹭蹭鞋底吧wipe your shoes off on the 擦鞋垫doormat
削皮Peel the carrots.切片Slice the carrots.Boil the chicken
吐在桶外spit it out of the bucket.
剥皮Peel off the shell
tickle your 脚底sole
握紧扶手Hold on tight to the 栏杆,扶手railing
过马路crossing the street
趕快上車Get on the bus quickly!抓緊桿子Hold on to the bar
系好安全带Buckle up
Buckle your 安全带seat belts
坐過去一點Move over a little bit(move over挪开,让位).
离远点儿Stay away
water the 植物plants
你想种花吗plant some flowers.
炒菜Fry the vegetables
冲洗Rinse the strawberries
削皮Peel the pear
切块cut it into pieces.
Boil the egg
指出正方形吗point to the square.
Draw a triangle
Kick your legs
舀出scoop(铲子,舀,挖空) out all the seeds
扭屁股Swing your hips
檫屁股wipe your bottom
right eye open.
left leg up
左右扭屁股Move ur hips from side to side.
Stand on ur left leg.
Hop on one leg
仰卧Lie on ur back
俯卧lie on ur stomach.
lie on ur side.
Sleep with ur right eye open,head up,hips up
摸摸肚子touch your tummy
打嗝Burp 3 times
挠Tickle Daddy 5 times.
Climb a tree
俯卧,趴下来Lie on your stomach.
向后看Look behind you
双腿交叉cross your legs
双手举过头Raise your hands over your head.
Hop on one foot
肩膀向后Shoulders back.
tear the paper
give you a 注射,打针shot
流鼻涕nose is running
扫地sweep the floor
收拾玩具pick up all the toys
整理了玩具tidy up my toys
Hold me!抱我
knock on the door
用力關門slam the door
Close the door gently
扶住门(别关上)hold the door
shake your 拔浪鼓rattle
把音量调小一点Turn the volume down(turn down转小,turn up转大)
抓grab my glasses!
grab my hair!
do a 翻筋斗somersault
滚到右边Roll to the right.Roll to the left!
翻滚roll over!
收起来clean up.打扫干净clean it up
堆Stack ur building blocks
play with 木偶puppets
朗诵recite the poem
一起表演perform it together
跟着我做Copy me.
Jump three times
上去啦,下来啦Up you go,down you go
一直往前Keep going straight
滑滑梯吗go down the slide
排队溜滑梯Line up to go on the slide
排队wait in line
在杠子前排好队Line up at the bar.(排队stand in a line).
抓鸽子catch a pigeon
追鸽子chase the pigeons
Kick the ball
传球Pass me the ball.
catch the ball
扔回来throw it back
滚球roll it.roll the ball
吹气球blow up your balloon
掷骰子roll the dice
散步take a walk together
站到相应数字上面stand on the number
吹灭,吹熄blow out the candles
hang on the railings(railing 栏杆,扶手)
感冒catch a cold
get a 发烧fever
离电视远点Stay back from the TV
划伤了ge scratch
抓挠scratch it
好痒It itches really badly
痒的My eyes are itchy.
put some 药膏ointment on it
Open the lid
moving forward (向前走)moving backward (向后退)
wiggle my fingers.
Keep laughing,crying,sneezing打喷嚏,coughing,yawning for twenty seconds.
Keep moving your hips for half a minute. Stop moving
comb my hair
fasten系牢my shoe
put my toys and blocks in place
放进去拿出来Put it in.Take it out.
Shake it.Give it to me
give a shout
Stretch your arms
我头晕I fell dizzy






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  • hidden rachelfish

    2014-8-28 12:44
