

热度 1 已有 262 次阅读 2019-7-21 20:34 系统分类:英语学习

lenxile  感兴趣的年级    书目

500L-G6-8        The Ocean Within

560L-G3-5        The Egg Tree

560L G3-5        Sarab,Plain and Tall,Skylark and Caleb's story 纽奖

580L G3-5        The story of doctor dolittle 怪医杜立德的故事

580L-G4.3-5      Encyclopedia Brown mystery series

570L G3-5        The Whipping Boy

570L G3-5        The Castle Mystery

570L G6-8        The Bells of Christmas

610L G8-12       A year down yonder《背井离乡的365天》(2001纽奖)

630L G9-12       Of Mice and Men 人鼠之间

630L G3-6        Mackenzie Blue

640L G5-8       The Secret Seven 7个小神探  Enid Blyton

640L G6-8       Museum of thieves   小偷博物馆   纽伯瑞奖

640L G9-12      A Midsummer Night's Dream仲夏夜之梦

650L G9-12      The Bourne 伯恩三部曲

660L-G6-8       Sammy Keyes and the Art of Deception

680L G6-8       Olive's ocean  纽伯瑞奖

680L-G6         The Small Adventure

690L G6         S.O.S. Titanic

690L            The Doll Shop Downstairs

700L G3-7       Zorgamazoo纽伯瑞奖

700L G3-5       The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane 爱德华兔子

710L-G3-5       The Adventures of Spider

710L-1050L G6-8 Eragon 龙骑士

720L G3-5       Lily's Crossing 莉莉的渡口 纽伯瑞奖

720L-G3-5       The Mini pins

720L-G305       The Snow Queen冰雪女王

740L G6-8       Kira-Kira 亮晶晶 纽伯瑞奖

740L  G4-7      Island of Adventure 《冒险岛》

750L G3-7       A corner of the universe《宇宙的一角》2003年纽伯瑞

750L G4-7       101 Ways to Improve Your Grammar Skills

750L G6-8       Miracles on maple hill 枫树山的奇迹 纽伯瑞奖

750L G6-8       The Perilous Road 纽伯瑞奖

750L-G3-5       Hypno Hounds!

750L-G5.7 3-5    A Bear Called Paddington 小熊帕丁顿

750L-G7-12       The Ruby in the Smoke

760L G4-7        Harriet the Spy

760L G3-5        Whittington 惠灵顿 纽伯瑞奖

760L G3-5        Gone-Away Lake 《消失的湖》纽伯瑞奖

760L G4-7        The Black Cauldron book 2纽伯瑞奖

760L G5-8        The Giver 纽伯瑞奖

760L G6-8        Feathers 纽伯瑞奖

770L G7-9        My Brother Sam Is Dead  纽伯瑞奖

770L             The Sisters Eight

780L-G5.9        The Borrowers   借东西的小人

790L-G4.8        Taking Care of Yoki

790L G4-7        Winnie-the-Pooh

800L G3-5        Elmer and the Dragon

800L G3-5        The Penderwicks    《夏天的故事》 纽伯瑞奖

800L-G5.9        Anne of Green Gables  《绿山墙的安妮

810L G3-5        Bridge to Terabithia   《仙境之桥 纽伯瑞奖

810L G6          Horrible Science  可怕的科学

810L             Were puppy on Holiday

810L-G6          A Little Princess 《小公主

810L  G6-8       The Tao Of Pooh  维尼小熊

820L G4-8        Maniac Magee 疯子玛格  纽伯瑞奖

820L G6-8        Lord Brock tree   红城王国

830L             Over to you  a collection of short stories

830L G5-7        Call it Courage   《海上小勇士 纽伯瑞奖

830L G6-8        Worth 纽伯瑞奖

830L-G6.1        Mary Poppins 欢乐满人家

830-930L G5-9    The Dark Is Rising 黑暗崛起 纽伯瑞奖

840L             Pinocchio 匹诺曹

840L G3-5        Paddle-To-The-Sea 《划向大海》纽伯瑞奖

840L G3-5        Young Fredle  纽伯瑞奖

840L G6-8        The great blue yonder  天蓝色的彼岸

840L             Gulliver's Travels  格列夫游记

850L G6-8        The Witch of Blackbird Pond 《黑鸟湖畔的女巫 纽奖

850L             The Last Polar Bears

860L G5-7        Julie of the Wolves 狼女茱莉 纽伯瑞奖

860L G9-12       The Lord of the Rings Trilogy魔戒

870L G3-5        The View from Saturday 相约星期六 纽伯瑞奖

870L  G3-5       Pollyanna 波丽安娜

870L G6-8        Dragonwings 龙翼 纽伯瑞奖

870L-G8.1       To Kill A Mockingbird杀死一只知更鸟

880L G6-8      Justin Morgan Had a Horse 查士丁.摩根有一匹马 纽伯瑞奖

880L-G5.9      Alice's Adventures in Wonderland 爱丽丝漫游仙境

900L G4-7      The King ---纽伯瑞奖

900L G5-7      Sounder 纽伯瑞奖

900L G6-8      Our Only May Amelia 纽伯瑞奖

910L-G5.6      The Secret Order of the Gumm Street Girls

920L G5-8      Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry 纽伯瑞奖

920L G6-8      A Single Shard 《青瓷碎片纽伯瑞奖

920L-G4.7      Johnny Appleseed 苹果核约翰尼的故事

920L-G6-8     The Railway Children 铁路少年

920L-G6.1     Peter Pan 彼得潘

920L-G6.7     Daddy-Long-Legs 长腿叔叔

950L G6-8     Everything on a Waffle 松饼屋的异想世界 纽伯瑞奖

960L-G7-12    Ultimate Writing Guide For Students

970L-G6.8     The Secret Garden秘密花园

980L-G6       Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn马克吐温

1000L G6-12   The hobbit 霍比特人 纽伯瑞奖

1000L G9-12   The Hitchhiker s Guide to the Galaxy 银河系漫游

1000L         万物有灵且美(3mp3)

1030L         1001 Unbelievable facts

1050L G7-9    Hitler Youth----Susan campbell bartoletti纽伯瑞奖

1070L-G6.4    Little Lord Fauntleroy小爵爷

1070L-G6.9    The Water Babies水孩子

1090L-G9-12   The Mysterious Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 福尔摩斯探案集

1100L -G9      Gone with the Wind

1100L G9-12    Across Five Aprils  纽伯瑞奖

1100L-G9       Pride and Prejudice  傲慢与偏见

1110L G3-5     Lincoln a Photo biography 纽伯瑞奖

1140 G4-6      Rascal----North, sterling 纽伯瑞奖

1140L-G8.3     The wind in the willows   《杨柳风

1170L-G9.0     Animal Farm   《动物庄园

1190L G6-9     A Short History of Nearly Everything 《万物简史

1250L G8-12    The History of Science

1280L-G11      Flatland   《平面国》

1320L G4–7   Robinson Crusoe: His Life and Strange Surprising Adventures






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