

已有 129 次阅读 2014-7-28 10:48 系统分类:成长记录

自昭昭上次的《一千零一夜》已经有好一段时间了,原因是我毫不留情的打击了昭昭,说他每次中式英语味道浓重,而且大段对白,内容贫瘠,毫无新意。以至于昭昭发誓说再也不讲了。后来任凭我求了好多次,昭昭就是没开尊口。可是俺知道,本来没有英语环境的情况下,全靠昭昭的日常发挥了。所以今日,俺利用昭昭最近的大爱——赛百味三明治,糖衣炮弹一番,昭昭果然美食面前低下头,给俺讲了白雪公主的故事。话说这个故事曾经给昭昭讲过,今天小屁孩心血来潮,给俺来了个昭昭版本,其中愣是把七个小矮人变成了六个,昭昭说故事太长,所以人家给删减了部分,美其名曰有那个意思就行了,明显应付了事的心态啊。平心而论,这次讲的真的很到位。 以下是昭昭讲的故事,其中的"she"昭昭都说成了"he",每次都是我提醒改过来的。

Snow White

Once upon a time, there was a girl called Snow White.
Her hair is black and ink.
She has a bad mother. Her mother has a magic mirror.
One day, her mother asked the mirror" Mirror on the wall, who is the most pretty girl in the world?"
"It's Snow White."
Her mother was very cross. "I don't like Snow White."
Her mother found a hunter." Let Snow White go!", she said.
The hunter takes Snow White in the woods,
"Run away!" said the hunter.

She found a little house.
In the little house, there was 6 little beds,6 little cups.
6 dwarves go inside."there was a girl sleeping", they said.
"She was very beautiful."
Snow White wake up. They lived very good.

As her mother asked the mirror again,
"Mirror on the wall, who is the most beautiful girl in the whole world?"
"It's Snow White." said the mirror.
Her mother turned into a woman.
She got to the Snow White house,"give you the comb."
And the Snow White got the comb on her head, the comb changed a knife,
and the Snow White died.

A prince saw Snow White. Four men take Snow White into the palace.
And Snow White wake."Where am I?" she said.
"I'm the prince," said the prince, "You are in the palace."
"Can I merry you?" said Snow White.

At the party day, Snow White's mother saw her and prince.
The prince got an arrow and killed the Snow White's mother.
The end. 






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