
【好书推荐】Next time I will:An old English Tale(善良,幽默)

已有 520 次阅读 2011-8-30 12:32 个人分类:好书推荐 系统分类:英语学习 好书推荐 , 民间故事

来源:Bank street Ready to Read, Level 1

Next Time I Will

An old English Tale

Retold by Doris Orgel


In a humble hut in the woods lived a good-hearted boy named Bill.

His mother earned their bread by spinning yarn. But it was not enough.


One Monday they ate only cabbage soup for supper, and were hungry all night long.


On Tuesday morning Bill said, “I am old enough now, Mother I will go out and find work.”

So he put on his shabby coat and set out.


On his way he passed a fine, big house on a hill.

“Who lives there?” he wondered.


A rich man lived there with his daughter, Sally.

Sally was a sad girl who never spoke. She never laughed or even smiled.

Her father called in many doctors. They tried many medicines. But it was no use.


Bill passed the rich man’s house and soon found work on a farm.

He worked cheerfully all day, and the farmer paid him a penny.


The penny gleamed in his hand. Bill was happy and proud.

But on his way home the penny fell into a brook.


“Silly Bill,” said his mother.

“Why didn’t you put it in your pocket?”

“Next time I will,” said Bill.


The next day bill worked in a cow barn.

He milked the cows and got paid a jar of good fresh milk.

He put the jar in his pocket. But the pocket ripped and out spilled the milk.


When he got home, not a drop was left.

“What a pity,” said his mother. “Why didn’t you carry it on your head?”

“Next time I will,” said Bill.


The next day Bill herded goats.

He got paid a soft, smelly cheese. He carried it home on his head, but it melted.

It stuck to his hair in clumps. It ran down his face and neck.

“Ugh, what a mess!” cried his mother. “Why didn’t you carry it in your hands?”

And Bill said, “Next time I will.”


On Friday Bill worked for a baker.

The baker was poor himself.

All he could give Bill for pay was a big old cat.

Bill tried to carry it in his hands, but the cat wiggled so much Bill had to let it go.


He came home with nothing but scratches.

“How foolish!” cried his mother. “Why didn’t you tie it with a string and pull it?”

“Next time I will,” said Bill.


On Saturday he worked for a butcher.

The butcher gave Bill a good piece of meat.

Bill tied it with a string and pulled it home through muck and mud.


“You numbskull!” cried his mother.

“Now we have no Sunday dinner! Why didn’t you carry it on your shoulder? ”

And Bill said, “Next time I will.”



Bill felt very bad. He wanted to make up for it.

So he worked the next day, even though it was Sunday.

This time his pay was a good gray donkey.


Poor Bill! He had a hard time lifting that donkey onto his shoulders.

But at last he did it and struggled home.

Silent Sally and her father looked out the window.

Sally was as sad as ever.

Then she saw Bill climb the hill with the donkey around his neck.

The donkey’s hind legs dangled down.

His front legs danced in the air.

His tail swung to and fro.

“Eee aww, eee aww!” he brayed.


And do you know what happened?


Sally started smilking—yes!

Then she laughed.

Then she spoke.

“Who is that funny fellow?” said Sally, loud and clear.

“You spoke!” her father cried.


He rushed outside to Bill.

“You made my daughter speak and laugh—at last!

Tell me, how can we thank you?”


Bill ran home, all excited.

“Mother, put on your Sunday dress!”

“What for?” she sighed.

“We have no Sunday dinner.”

But Bill said, “Just come with me!”


He took her to the house on the hill.

The had a wonderful dinner:

fresh ham and sweet potato pie.


“Come back every Sunday,” said Sally and her father.

Then they gave Bill and his mother a special parting gift:

a great basket filled with good things to eat.


“Mother, are you pleased now?” asked Bill.

“Yes, very pleased,” she replied.

“For you have a kind heart, dear Bill, and can make people laugh.

Those are the best gifts of all.”







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