

热度 24 已有 815 次阅读 2013-8-17 23:16 系统分类:成长记录

      小女儿热爱阅读和写作,七岁以前爱用A4纸图文并茂地创作,慢慢地发现太多作品不易保存和修改 ,现在鼓励孩子用电脑打字,孩子看到J.K.Ronling打字写作很潇洒,很喜欢模仿,现在已经有了不少作品.我没有做任何修改,因为不想打击孩子的创作热情,看到孩子轻松愉快地享受写作,作为家长,只想记录下她成长的过程,静静地等待她开花结果!                                                   




                                                                 The Necklace of Terror                
                                                                                By  Jasmine

                                                                 Chapter 1.       Ants and Stones

"This it's so gross!"Jill whined.They were looking at a hole full of ants streaming out,"I think it's rather fun."Max said, looking at an ant with his magnifying glass,then picking one up."Let's do something else. "Jill suggested "well why not?" sighed Max,trying to lose interest."How about this?"Jill asked picking up a massive rock covered with dust and soil,and stared scrap scrap scraping into the soil,"Let's see what we can find!"Jill carried on.So Max followed Jill and soon both of them were scraping madly at the earth they now stood.Suddenly Jill's rock bumped into something solid, Jill pulled it out,it was a lovely gold necklace "Oooo ahhhh pretty......." Jill seemed glued to the spot and forgot everything but the necklace."Give me that!"Max cried and soon they both were ooing and ahhing. "I am taking this home!"said Max "Hey!"Jill cried "No fair , I found it so it is mine!"Max was about to say something else but before he could ,Jill dashed away taking the necklace with her..........

                                                                      Chapter 2.        The Necklace
In Jill's house Jill was trying on the golden necklace .She noticed that the necklace had strange signals ,at least she thought it's signals. She put it on, it was a tiny bit tight but she didn't take it off.She was about to call her other friend (not max) to tell her what happened to her this morning with Max but then she thought she felt the gold necklace tighten around her neck,she tried to block out thought then she thought she heard laughter ,then a soft voice right behind her said "You must be careful."Jill whipped around in the speed of light but saw no one.

After lunch ,Jill lay in bed with a really,really bad ......emm something like a headache only 10,000 times worser and it really didn't help that her body was tingling in the most strangest of ways.Max and Mia who was her two best friends had called together so now all three of them could talk ." Are you Okay?"Mia asked."ya,I am worried sick about you!"huffed Max."We heard all about it!" added Mia."Thanks guys but-but I want to sleep really!" stuttered Jill."Okay, no prob!"said Mia and Max said together, Jill could tell they were really stunt .

                                                                         Chapter3.            Football

Mia liked football , even if she was a girl but it didn't matter to her that girls always should play with dolls and things.That explained what she was playing with Max in her garden.FOOTBALL.Easy to guess. Max was her friend, not a boyfriend but simply a Boy Friend because Max was a boy and he was Mia 's friend and Mia knew Max thought the same because (a)Max said that when others teased them and(b)because he never tried to kiss her.Simple(again).Still Mia Underskeen wasn't any good at football, Max Castellen was better......

After a big game of football Mia sat down on the porch .Max stood wearily before her , both of them were hot and sticky, and both were tired ."Let's go see Jill ," sighed Mia as she drank from her water bottle .Max could almost feel his hair go white as bone and a long white beard sprouted from his chin as he thought about his sick friend,Jill.He knew he was still there but his heart seemed to be far in space and the only thing left was a dull shell....."Max!"Mia's words were like a bell through Max's head and he felt his insides fill him to the brim "Mmmm?"Max sounded like a awkward loser but he couldn't stop the words from stumbling out of him"Yeah, yeah of-of ...... "Mia sighed again ,she could stop Max from doing damn things along with wrong ones but she just cannot stop him from being a total loser.

                                                                         Chapter 4.                Jill

Jill just knew that the family party will go without her,the family schedule was always September 3,but it was already September 2.Tears welled up in her eyes and she blinked them back ,she looked down at her hands, they looked unreal and pale.She filched as her head throbbed and then heard the doorbell rang,"Jill!"Max's voice thundered towards her "how are you?" Mia 's voice followed closely behind, this time the impact nearly bursted her eardrums. "Stooppp.......,"wined Jill "What?"hollered Max, Mia punched him. "shut u-"she was cut short by a shout from Jill's mom "Is everything all right in there?" "p!" Mia finished, Jill turned over in her bed, she got enough shouting for one day. "Yes!" Max shouted back to Jill 's mom,Jill sighed as she turned over again and stuffed her pillow over her head .Mia punched Max again and Max glowered and stomped to the other side of the room.Jill looked up, Mia looked down and Max looked around,then after a few seconds of silence they all burst out laughing .

                                                             Chapter 5.        Trying hard

In Jill 's house Max,Mia and Jill were all desperately trying to tear off the golden necklace "Is this a part of your skin or what?"wailed Max in complaint , " because you and this necklace are all glued up!"" Please!Just try!"Jill pleaded ,Max grunted as he pulled at the necklace ."I can't believe it ,I looked in all the books I could find but the answer is just not there!"said Mia"Ha,sounds like that you just have have to read the whole Library then."Max said gruffly ."shut up, "Mia snapped "now I think I got a book that can help us in my bag ......."she mumbled as she walked away towards the living room."Well,that was something"and Jill started to tell Max the warning she heard when she tried on the necklace .Max stared ,Max knew Jill was trying to look confident, but he could hear the worry flooding her voice, Jill suddenly stopped , and stared at something behind Max ,Max turned and to his horror he saw a wolf inside Jill's full length mirror .There was a few lines of words on top of the wolf 's head but he only caught the first few lines before he caught the wolf's eye ,gleaming red and stumbled back and........

                                                       Chapter 6.                                           The clue

 Max woke up with the first lines of the mirror ringing in his ears:                

When the person that has the necklace of terror
Shall transform with the meaning that is fairer
For the answer is simple always
One only clue shall lead and then the choice is made

"Max, Max?!"Mia was crouching next to Max"thank goodness your okay!"Jill cried leaning forward in her bed.Mia helped Max into a sitting positing and then sat down herself and only then he saw that Mia had a notebook and a pencil,"let's see ,"she said slowly as she took out her spectacles and stared at the notebook ,"Wait,Max did you see some of those lines?""You mean the ones in the mirror?"Max asked,"yeah,I did"and he told Mia and Jill the lines he saw ."Now I am going to read it out loud ,"said Mia ."When the person that has the necklace of -" "Stop!"Jill cried" Not the first lines!We've already heard  those, start reading my lines!"  "Never mind !" said Mia rudely as she started again.

"But everything is easy to say
So then you shall be at bay
This night you last before you raise
But maybe you will save

Whose necklace is this?
Even I don't know!
Read and read it didn't work
Even you should know."

"Odd," Jill said "why didn't the last 4 lines rhythm?"The room was silent for a long time,then Mia jumped." I got it!The last lines start with W.E.R.E which spells were! But what does that mean?"Mia said"there was a wolf in the mirror, how about werewolf?" Max replied

                                                                       Chapter 7.                The plan

Jill didn't like the news that Jill was going to become a werewolf this very midnight or the PLAN,for it was that Mia will bring in a medicine at 11:30 and that Jill must not eat or drink when the time was after 7:00 so that if the medicine was the only liquid in a bowl then because of thirst she would  drink it but at exactly 11:59 she also needed to be on her bed with a short copper chain with one end tied to her necklace ,the other on the bed post so when she turned into a werewolf she had to bite off the necklace first because the chain was too short and then she would jump down the bed drink the medicine and it would  be all over.So she said to her mother that she was full when dinner arrived and she pretended she was asleep until 11:30,when Mia and Max sneaked in through the open window and then Mia poured the medicine into the bowl she brought and Max pulled out the short copper chain from his dad's workshop he'd promised and tied it to Jill's necklace and the bedpost."I can't believe you are doing all the for me!"Jill said"nonsense we are your friends!"said Max"We'd do anything to help you!"said Mia.They did the rest of the work in peace.After a long time later Mia and Max climbed out of the window.

                                                                 Chapter 8.              A happy ending

Mia still could not believe the next morning when the call from Jill came,that the plan had worked! When she Jill and Max happily shared a fun joke about Jill being "wolf-free"on the bus to the air after Max's and Mia's parents agreed that they could go with  Jill to a sunny holiday in Australia.

                                                                                  The end






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  • hidden 洋洋妈

    2013-8-19 03:52

  • hidden shanljs

    2013-8-19 11:36

    洋洋妈: 才7岁的小朋友能写出这么思维缜密、逻辑清晰、语言地道,有很多细节描写的小说,真是太棒了!!
  • hidden 19932003

    2013-8-19 16:10

  • hidden rheabird

    2013-8-19 17:14

  • hidden ccmbrr

    2013-8-19 23:04

  • hidden xdorise

    2013-8-20 09:05

  • hidden candy1224

    2013-8-21 22:45

  • hidden yy\'mom

    2013-8-22 11:00

  • hidden xagln

    2013-8-22 11:02

    啊? 如何做到的?
  • hidden maydog

    2013-9-6 15:08

  • hidden liushengli9595

    2013-9-15 13:41

  • hidden zyzljzh

    2013-9-17 14:38
