
The Magical Queen

已有 137 次阅读 2014-8-7 11:24 系统分类:成长记录

            The Magical Queen

 Once upon a time at the Middle Age, a kingdom named Andredle. It
was controlled by a beautiful  queen named Elsa. She's have mysterious
power and she can control ice and snow.( You see that is very good
but the story is just begun.)
 When Elsa was young, a witch cursed her.One day, She was playing
with her sister Anna. She suddenly shooted a icy blast on her head.
She fell down and turned out very cold. The parents found out and 
they took their daugthers to the trolls.The old  troll help Anna persuaded
her memories and said to Elsa:" Your powers would grow when it have beauty
in, and then fear would be your enemy. " So Elsa and Anna's parents told the gaurds
close the gates until Elsa knew how to control her power.When she became
the  Queen her power finally release.( Warning don't got near Elsa) She climbed
to the nearest mountain and reached  to the top and made a wonderful 
ice castle. Aftera while, Her sister came to find her and really asked Elsa to
go back Andredle. Elsa didn't want to hurt Anna. At the end Elsa was back to
Andredle and she learned how to contriolled her power. Then she opened
the  gate and made her palace to a snowy wonderful land. Elsa and Anna
live happily ever after. ( of course) 






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