
G4 speech

热度 1 已有 119 次阅读 2015-3-2 12:38 系统分类:成长记录

If I were a teacher for one day


  Hello everybody ! My name is YY .  If it pleases you , I would like to tell you a about what I would do if I were a teacher for one day . Firstly, I need to get the job. When I arrived at school, I would call the headmaster’s office. I would call the headmaster and say: “ Hello! I would like to inform you that you won a vacation to Nigara Falls. When she has gone, I would sneak into her office and lock the door. Then I would get on the intercome and I would begin changing the rules.

Right now, everybody has to go to detention whenever a teacher sees them running, shouting or playing in class. Well I hate it. Who wants to sit listening to a teacher speech. Not a solitary single soul. That’s why under my control. I would let everybody be as free as they were at home I would everybody play, run and shout. It will be good for the children. They need exercise.

Another thing that is good for children is our pets. Going home with a exploded brain is no good. Pets help children relax after a stressful day.

Well my brilliant idea is to bring pets to school. Some parents think pets are not good, but I heard some people die because of stress. Once these parents see their children with an exploded brain,   they’ll be sorry. If pets are allowed at school, they will cheer up their owners. At the end of the day, students will feel so cheerful and relaxed that they will forget their trouble.

Finally, I would get rid of classwork. Have you ever daydreamed before in a class? I’m sure you have. Why? Because of being old classwork, sometime doing all your classwork hurts your brain. If your brain is on fire how will you survive? This is why I suggest no classwork I think doing more  fun assignments is better.

In conclusion, if I were a teacher for one day, I would want to change the rules to let the students know that playing hard is as important as working hard I think that you would like me too because I would like throw parties in the school. Thanks you everybody for listening kindly!






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