
A Short Story

热度 1 已有 177 次阅读 2016-2-1 11:29 系统分类:成长记录 Story , Story

 A typical Tuesday in Shanghai everyone was busy. However, where was
really engaged was the school: teachers were teaching, students were listening
or daydreaming. Suddenly, a huge noise disrupted the business. It seemed 
didn't bothered anyone in school except Timmy. It made him curious. At recess
everyone in the school heard the huge noise again. Timmy couldn't resist the curious,
he ran to where the noise came from. He saw a giant ! The giant turned around 
and noticed Timmy and then started trying hit him. He dodged and yelled.Timmy
thought the giant would never end. and he realized soon the giant was hiding something
then he looked around and saw a ordinary book behind the giant. He quickly realized the 
book would be meaning something to  giant. And then Timmy would try to take the book.
Fortunately,  they were fighting beside a dumpster. He saw a metal rod in the dumpster.
He picked up the metal rod. He slashed and slayed. Finally he is able to get the book.
Timmy opened the book and stepped closer the giant for whatever reason. The giant was sucked
inside the book." whao" said Tommy:" It is over!" After that the day went to be very normal. 





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  • hidden marciay

    2016-2-1 14:24

  • hidden yy'mom

    2016-2-3 21:55

    marciay: 妈妈英文很棒!
    My little one wrote it.