

热度 1 已有 161 次阅读 2016-2-5 21:40 系统分类:成长记录

                Convince your classmate to eat more Lettuce

Hello, everyone! I have a question especially for you: Why are vegetables are so yucky to you? Well, my answer is they aren’t actually yucky at all! In fact, I love to eat vegetables, mainly lettuce. Today, I’m going to convince you that lettuce isn’t bad at all by explaining how lettuce is good for us as people.

     First, lettuce is a good source of vitamin K and vitamin A. Vitamin K helps our bodies heal injuries faster than usual. Vitamin K is also needed for strong bones. Vitamin A, on the other hand, is good for our eyes, which is especially important for those of us who need to wear glasses, like me. It also helps prevent certain cancers, too, which is why older people should also eat lettuce. 

     Second, lettuce contains folate and iron. Folate helps our bodies absorb nutrients, which also prevents sleep problems, nerve pain, skin disease, and Restless Leg Syndrome. Iron also has its benefits too. It helps our red blood cells deliver life-giving oxygen to our organ systems.

     Well, I almost to forget telling you Lettuce has low calories. It not only helps people to lost weight . It but also is good for chubby people and then the people be more attractive.  Keeping fit is model lifestyle nowadays and helps people many ways like run faster and jump higher. As this reason I strongly recommend your guys to eat more lettuces then the girls looks pretty and the boys be handsome. 

     Finally, lettuce tastes good! You might think that lettuce tastes awful, especially with salad. However, when you cook it, it tastes salty and sweet at the same time! It tastes especially wonderful with pork prepared with oil and salt. 

     In conclusion, lettuce is not as bad as you think it is. I hope I have convinced you that eating lettuce more, particularly for older people like teachers and parents. If I have, then let us all eat more lettuce! Thank you!





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  • hidden Giant

    2021-4-7 11:28
