
Jiper High School

热度 1 已有 122 次阅读 2016-11-14 15:51 个人分类:works 系统分类:成长记录

Story Description:
  Piper was new in Jiper High, met Jason the famous singer what would happen next?

First Day of School

Piper PoV

  Piper was permanently angry and she lost her friends,because her stupid dad suddenly one day told her that she is going to live with her Mommy. The witch that broke her dad's heart, the one that left her. She was pissed and sat on the plane, looking out of the window. Once she got a plane and saw a man about 30-40 years old holding a sign writing Miss. Mclean. She walked towards him. " Hi my name is Piper Mclean." She said formally."Hi I'm your permitted personal chauffeur for now. You may call me as William." He introduced himself. Then He took her into the limousine. Didn't get her wrong. Apparently, her mommy is the famous designer Aprodite Love. She arrived to her "home". Her butler led her to her room. Soon she was relieved her room was bare, Just with a closet, a bad, a desk, a bedside drawer, and a drawer. Her mommy let her to decorate her room. She collapsed on her bed thinking about tomorrow. She slowly drifted to sleep.

  She woke up in a different room. She panicked for a while and remembered she was in her mommy's home. She signed got into her uniform and trudged downstairs."Good morning, sweetie!" a voice ranged out. It was her mother sitting in the dining room. She once heard from her father that her mother was beautiful but her mommy hasn't expected to be that beautiful. All through breakfast she didn't talk with her mother. Before she walked a new school she didn't want to catch all the attention to her mother. Her new school is a big and posh school that is called Jiper High. She walked into the principal office and saw a teenage boy arguing."Ummmmm" She started to say but was cut by two angry glares.

  After about half an hour they finally stopped apparently the teenager lost."Ummmm, I am the new student here." Piper whimpered. The eyes met on her, suddenly she felt self-conscious."   " New girl what is your name?" The big man wearing a yellow tie and block suit, very formally. She assumed that is the principal. "Piper, Sir" She answered softly. The principal pulled out a piece of paper, "Surprisingly you have the same schedule as my son, Jason Grace." Jason Grace

the name sound familiar, she thought to herself." Jason shows her school, please." saying to the boy that just argued with him. He started to protest but stopped. He turned around and signed. When they reached to the hallway, it seemed like everyone was gone to their homeroom. She closely studied him, blond hair, electrifying blue eyes. "I am sure I've seen him somewhere." she thought.


Jason PoV

  He was arguing with his father when this girl came in. He didn't took notice until the fight was over. She has choppy brown hair, kaleidoscopic eyes which is memorizing. His heart started beating faster and faster. After his father assigned Jason to take this girl around the school, they reached to the class. When Jason opened the door, the most of the girls in the class squealed because of his looks and fame. He was famous for the band "Demigods". Surprisingly half of the day passed so quickly, at lunch he saw Piper with his friend laughing about something.

"God damn, she was unbelievable quick !" Jason thought. He closed the table. Percy looked up and cried out:Hey man, what' s up." and gave him a high five.

He sat down and replied "Nothing mu-" " Hey man," Leo interrupted. " Have you met our new friend Piper!" "In a matter of fact I have." He said calmly. " What!!!"

They exclaimed. Piper cut in " Jason actually is my guide."

   After school his sister was outside waiting for him. His sister looked up her eyes widen. Jason looked behind. "It was Piper.His sister rushed to her and cried out "OMG, Piper it couldn't be you." Piper with a stunned expression squealed " Thalia, it is you!!!" Ended up that his sister knew her for a long time but had to leave because of his dad.

   The next day, Jason saw her talking to his friends. He grinned and joined in. Piper's laugh was melodic and musical. He couldn't help smiling. At the second class, Greek Methodology they were partners to study the Gods, Posiden, Zues and so on. After school day, Jason invited her to his mansion. She didn't seem stunned

about it. She just walked in. He led her to his dinner room and they started working on a project.    


The Event


  Jason PoV

Jason tied his tie for the final time. His mother just told him that he was going to

have dinner with a famous designer - Aphrodite Love. After he and his mommy stepped into the restaurant, a woman came in with a teenage girl. The girl has choppy brown hair with a feather as an ancestry and she has kaleidoscopic eyes. "Wa it...She looks like Piper, no she couldn't be here" Jason thought to himself."Jason, is it you!" The girl questioned."Wait, Piper this is you!" He pleasantly surprised. After that she nodded her head face reddening. His eyes widened and blushed. Her mother laughed softly and said:" My goodness! you two already knew each other!" Then they sat down. Piper was beautiful. Her hair was in her usual style and she was wearing a blue dress that leads to the floor. He suddenly felt hot inside. All through dinner they didn't talk to each other. Their parents agreed that Jason and his friends would be models for the newest Clothes Show. After dinner they all went to Piper's house. Hearing that Jason's face as soon as lit up. That night he was flipped over and over. He was to excited to sleep.


   The next day he told the news to Percy, Annabeth, Grover, Juniper, Leo, Calypso, Frank, Hazel and Nico. Everyone cheered except for Nico he scowled. The day past like a blur for Jason. After school Piper led the crew to her mansion. Everyone oohed and wowed except Jason, he already got used to art because his mother is Beryl Grace the famous actress. She led them to the basement where makeup artists, photographers and Aphrodite was waiting for them. The makeup artists pushed them into their fitting room where everyone's name stuck on it. Jason entered his room. The first outfit was a purple button up shirt, a navy jacket, and a blue pants, a pair of black trainer.

He got dressed and when he stepped outside he was surrounded by makeup artists. After almost 30 minutes the crowd disappeared he saw Annabeth in a baggy grey dress, and a brown high heel boots. Next came Percy, underneath a light blue button up shirt, a blue wool shirt, a blue pants, and a white trainer. Then Leo and Calypso appeared. Leo was wearing a white button up shirt, a dark brown belt, and a light brown pants with brown trainer. Calypso was wearing a simple, strap dress and a flip-flop. Calypso blushed when she saw Leo in the outfit. Hazel and Frank appeared shortly after. Hazel was wearing a middle sleeve dress and a red high heel. Frank was wearing a white shirt with a black jacket, and a black jacket and a black trainer. Lastly, came Piper. She was absolutely stunning.  A simple white dress filled with little blue butterfly with simple silver open toe shoes they stared headed to the photograph place.


Piper PoV

  She could not believe it Jason was the son of Beryl Grace. She understood why she felt Jason is familiar while  she first met Jason. Their mothers agreed that he and his gang and Piper is going to be the models for her mother clothes show. She was a bit excited when she heard the news. After school she led Jason and the crew to her  

mansion. Her mother already prepared outfits for them.40 minutes later she was finally ready. When she saw Jason, her heard started to beating faster and faster again. What happening to her, she scolded herself. They went to the photograph place. The first models were the boys. They rocked at it especially Jason. She blushed a little when she saw Jason posing. He was, she shook her head, what the hell. After a while it was the girls turn to do all the shooting. Finally the third round was the "couples". Her partner was Jason. Her heart was skipping a beat whenever she thought of it. The first one was Frank and Annabeth , they were the amaziest couple ever! Next came Hazel and Frank, they were the cutest couple. The third came Calypso and Leo the weirdest "couple". At last she and Jason were up. She found  herself blushing hard when Jason put his arm onto her waist." Sweeties, Stop blushing." My mother called out. Everyone were gigging. I looked at Jason he was blushing as well.


   The routine kept repeating months and months. One day when they went to school they were surrounded by media. Cameras were flashing. People were holding microphones.  It was a chaos. The teachers surrounded them like their bodyguards. Leading them to the principal office....
































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  • hidden lemon2029

    2016-11-14 15:52
