

热度 1 已有 111 次阅读 2017-1-4 14:45 系统分类:成长记录



 Astrid was nervous. Their family moved again because of her father’s job but this time they stay here permanently. The town is called Berk. It has got a pretty view of the sea.

 However, school is a different matter. In her experience she has been bullied everywhere because of her appearance. She was one of the nerd type. Her room was filled with books. She has never listened to popular songs. In short, she was outdated.

She walked into the school avoiding everyone’s gaze. Finally, she reached to the principal’s office. She knocked at the door three times. A sweet, female voice answered” Come in.” She came and saw a woman sitting behind a desk smiling sweetly. She was stunned she thought all the principal would be harsh and serious but this principal is what you will see on the road. “You must be Ms. Hofferson. I am Mrs. Haddock the principal here your schedule.” she said while smiling.


  “I’ve sent some students to show you around the school. I hope you feel comfortable in this school.” Astrid answered with a small thank you and walked out the school. “Hi my name is Ruffnut.” Someone said behind her back. Astrid looked around startled to find four girls behind her back. “I-I am A-Astrid.” she stuttered back. The other girls introduced themselves. The brown hair with kaleidoscopic eyes was called Piper. The blond with grey eyes was call Annabeth. The raven hair with obsidian eyes was called Teresa and Ruffnut is a girl with blond hair and charcoal eyes.


  They led her around her school and quickly became friend. Strangely, Ruffnut had the same schedule as her. Surprisingly, the morning passed quickly. After it was lunch,the worst time of the day, especially for a nerd like Astrid. However, this time was different she sat with Ruffnut and her friend. Some boys join in. Thomas was Teresa’s boyfriend so of course they would sit together. He brought two of his friends. Minho and Newt.



  It was after-school. She was walking down the corridor to get to the entrance when she bumped into someone. “Ouch.” She muttered to herself. “Oh Thor, did I hurt you?” a worried voice came above her. She looked up and saw a pair of emerald eyes staring at her. She looked down as fast as she can, avoiding the person’s   gaze.  She whispered “No worries” and dashed down the corridor until she reached to the entrance.



  He was having a rotten day until he bumped to the most beautiful girl he hasn't ever seen. She has blond hair and sky blue eyes. He didn’t catch her name since she bolted down the corridor. He chuckled. He definitely need to find out her name. At home, he fed his black Labrador Toothless and went to supper. At night he kept thinking about the girl.

Next day, he hung out with his group. They were always was called the populars. Girls blush and giggles at their presence, boys envies. He wasn’t like Snotlout. Snotlout was a player. He almost dated all the girl in the school except for the losers. He watched Snotlout flirt with girls. His friends were also doing that. He watching them when he saw the girls standing beside the group which was been flirted by his friends.

 Apparently, the girl was trying to not laugh seeing her friends being flirted. He smirked and walk towards her. The girl stopped laughing and gulped when she saw he stopped before her. He held his hand while say his name. She seemed to hesitated to shake hands. Finally, her hand shook his hand and she murmured” Astrid.” He didn’t get time to talk to Astrid when the bell rung. Fortunately, his first class was with Astrid and they’ve been assigned together for the science fair. He was excited. At lunch, he kept staring at Astrid’s table. Her table were laughing and talking while his table is just flirting. He hated it. He dumped his lunch and walk towards a tree. He sat down thinking about his life when a voice popped out” H-Hayden isn’t it?” Hayden looked up. It was Astrid looking down blushing. “Yes.” he replied. “W-What are you d-doing here?” she asked. “Oh, just thinking.” He said.  “O-Oh” she said sitting beside him. They didn’t talk for a while until Hayden asked” When do we start the project?” After about 10 seconds she stammered” A-After s-school 6:3-30 at the D-Dragon Edge Park and she stand up and ran into school. Hayden smiled. Astrid was feeling nervous again.


Astrid PoV

Astrid was all nervous again.inviting a person to a park ,even more a boy.  Afterschool, she felt giddy. When she reached to the park she kept jumping up and down. She can’t describe the feeling she was feeling. “Hey” someone’s voice popped out. She looked up…








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