本帖最后由 可依爸 于 2013-7-17 07:22 编辑

Leo Lionni 是我最喜欢的绘本作家,提起大师的作品,很容易想到4本凯迪克大奖作品:田鼠阿佛,小黑鱼,一寸虫,亚历山大和发条老鼠.最初的10本中就有4本凯奖,之后呢?怎么回事?不管怎样,在我眼中LIONNI一个人的作品可以打败所有的大名鼎鼎凯奖作品。
其他的6本分别是独一无二的手撕画巨作 Little blue and little yellow,绚丽有趣的经典 Fish is fish.妞非常喜欢的关于爱与得失的 Tico and the golden wings.非常创意可爱的字母树The alphabet tree.关于取舍蜗牛的世界上最大的房子,和童趣石头书 On my beach there are many pebbles.
之后的theodore and the talking mushroom,妞很长时间的最爱,“咯噗”,蘑菇吓了昏昏欲睡的胆小的老鼠一跳,是关于一只老鼠和朋友们的谎言的故事,书中大师手撕贴画的风格明显。
The green tail mouse讲的是一群老鼠带上面具生活,进入各自的角色,最后被一只原原本本的老鼠吓到,烧毁面具的认识自我的故事。
Pezzettino 是很抽象的色彩拼凑人物的故事,故事很简单,也是寻找自我的故事。
A color of his own有是一本色彩让人着迷的书,故事非常可爱,百读不厌的书,又是自我认知的书。
It\\\'s mine 这本书太贴心了,追求完美的小朋友都是自私的,天空是我的,水是我的,地面是我的,认识接受自我可能解脱。
Nicolas,where have you been.又是一本非常喜欢的经典,老鼠寻找成熟berry的丰富历险记。
Six crows,乌鸦农夫猫头鹰稻草人Scarecrow,\\\"words can do magic\\\"很喜欢里面的这句话。
Tillie and the wall,老鼠Tillie想方设法要看到墙的另一半的故事。
Matthew\\\'s dream也是一本巨作,每个人都像马修寻找自己的未来,图画异常绚丽。
An extraodinary egg.非常非常漂亮的书,故事也非常非常好,收官绘本非常完美。
还有一本Let\\\'s make rabbits,很简单好玩的故事,但是写出了大师撕纸画的方法。
还有纸版书Let\\\'s play,20来元,非常适合小BB,今天干什么啊,可以游泳,爬树。。。
有几本是国内收不到的,关于12个月的老鼠和一棵树的故事A busy year.两只跳蚤寻找居住地的故事A fleo story.
还有我不知的In the rabbitgarden&mr.mcmouse.
又可以编辑了,补充一下,15楼有In the rabbitgarden,讲2只兔子和一条serpent的故事,当然不要用成人的眼光看待serpent.
买下这些书也许只要几天时间,宝宝读懂也许只要几个月时间,但是天才的Leo Lionni却用半生为孩子们创作这些作品,

补充内容 (2013-6-6 12:57):


参与人数 2 贝壳 +70 理由 收起
tigermom + 50 感谢你!
肉肉奶奶 + 20 我也喜欢他!
2329 查看 24 收藏帖子 (15)


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  • misxy328

    2013-5-9 21:43:03 使用道具

    看标题就猜是你发的 ,呵呵
  • steven80

    2013-5-9 21:55:53 使用道具

  • suermum

    2013-5-9 22:10:18 使用道具

  • Youyoubaby2012

    2013-5-9 22:17:00 使用道具

    本帖最后由 Youyoubaby2012 于 2013-5-9 22:18 编辑


  • 玛丽的妈妈

    2013-5-10 12:31:08 使用道具


  • 可依爸

    楼主 2013-5-10 13:15:11 使用道具

    玛丽的妈妈 发表于 2013-5-10 12:31
    有一本小蓝和小黄,宝宝非常喜欢,所以现在最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。买鞋子时候,让她从橙色和蓝色中选,她选蓝 ...

    如果只选一本,那就 A COLOR OF HIS OWN 吧,非常漂亮的纸版书亚马逊才¥22.5。

  • luniuniumother

    2013-5-10 13:22:49 使用道具

    我对李大师还没产生特别感觉,最爱的是彼得兔和frog andtoad的作者,见到必收
  • yangziqimama

    2013-5-11 13:31:13 使用道具

  • 黄昏的故乡

    2013-5-11 19:32:04 使用道具

  • susanpku

    2013-5-15 14:20:48 使用道具

  • 小小小玲子

    2013-5-16 07:59:03 使用道具

  • 辛夷

    2013-5-19 23:50:20 使用道具

  • 胖小海

    2013-5-27 12:43:30 使用道具

    我们也是Leo Lionni 的超级粉丝
  • 可依爸

    楼主 2013-7-4 19:15:49 使用道具

    本帖最后由 可依爸 于 2013-7-4 19:23 编辑

    这个楼贴一本LEO LIONNI 不常见的书: In the rabbitgarden.这本书图片有省略,文字是完整的。In the rabbitgarden
    The rabbitgarden was surely the most beautiful garden,and the two little rabbits the happiest bunnies,in the world.
    on day the old rabbit called them.\"I am going away for a while,\"he said in a raucous voice.\"Behave well,and remember--eat all the carrots you want,but don\'t touch the apples or the fox will get you.\"

    The two little rabbits ran back to play,and when they were hungry they dug up a carrot or two.The next day they dug here and they dug there,but they couldn\'t find a single carrot.\"what will we do now?\"they said,and tears came to their eyes.
      Suddenly they saw a beautiful big carrot.half hidden by the trunk of an apple tree.They grabbed it eagerly,but--whoops!--it disappeared.
      And there in front of them was an enormous serpent.
      \"Were you going to eat the tip of my tail?\"he said.\"Do little rabbits eat serpents nowadays?\"And he laughed,\"Ha!Ha!Ha!\"
      \"Sorry,\"mumbled the bunnies.confused and a little scared.\"We thought the tip of your tail was a carrot.We are hungry and there isn\'t a carrot to be found anywhere.\"
      \"Carrots,carrots,\"laughed the serpent.\"With all the beautiful apples thet hang in the apple tree!\"
      \"We can\'t reach them,\"said the bunnies.\"And besides--\"
      But before they could say\"the old rabbit\"the serpent presented them with the reddest,most fragrant apple they had ever seen or smelled.And was it good!When they had eaten their fill,the serpent said,\"And now let\'s play!\"
      In the days that followed,the three became the best of friends.The serpent invented tricks and games.They rolled down slopes together,and he bounced them up into the air.and when they were hungry he picked them the ripest apples.

    One morning the two little rabbits awoke with a jolt.There,peering out at them,half hidden in the weeds.was a big red fox.For a moment they felt as if they were frozen to the ground.Then they leaped for their lives.The fox followed close on their heels and was just about to catch them when...

    there was the serpent waiting for them,his mouth wide open.The little rabbits understood at once.With a thump they plunged right into the serpent.

    The fox had never seen such a fearful animal.\"A dragon!\"he cried.He turned around and ran right back where he had come from.

    Then one fine day the old rabbit returned from his trip.He couldn\'t believe his eyes.Two happy little bunnies who ate apples!A smiling serpent!He was so surprised that he forgot to be angry.
      The bunnies told him all about the serpent and how he had scared away the fox.
      \"Hmmm...\"said the old rabbit,thinking about what he had heard.
      Then the serpent picked the juiciest apple he could find.
      \"Okay,\"said the old rabbit,smiling.\"Maybe apples are just big,round,shiny carrots that hang from carrot trees,\"and in a jiffy he gobbled up the apple,skin and all.

  • 忙着休息

    2013-7-16 20:20:11 使用道具

  • mickeymaggie

    2013-7-16 20:28:48 使用道具

  • 你我谁谁谁

    2013-7-17 10:14:15 使用道具

  • 遇见Lynn

    2013-7-17 10:29:21 使用道具

    I will select some also. Thank u.
  • aurorarui

    2013-7-19 11:46:31 使用道具

    看的他第一本Tillie and the wall, 谢谢你的分享 抽空下来看看
  • 春绵雨

    2013-7-19 12:03:28 使用道具

  • 小书屋菲菲

    2013-7-19 12:09:50 使用道具

  • 爱乐乐的麻麻

    2014-7-17 16:29:03 使用道具

  • 手捏核桃

    2014-7-18 16:44:12 使用道具

  • 可依爸

    楼主 2014-7-20 13:40:49 使用道具

    哇,今天跑到亚马逊去看了下,居然有A BUSY YEAR!!!立马下单,等待也不紧要了。