本和霍利的小王国》英文名:Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom-这个相当于PEPPA PIG的升级版(原班人马制作)。画风 画面干净,线条简单,色彩明了。时长11分左右每集。语速 正常。 难度 适合启蒙有一段时日的小朋友们,但是...句型没有很复杂的。《本和霍利的小王国》适合5-10岁的小朋友观看自2009年4月份开播到目前2014年,已持续播出2季,已播出64集。(相当于vol 1-6)。《本和霍利的小王国》是美国尼克频道(Nick Jr.)制作的一套优秀儿童动画节目。
《本和霍利的小王国》曾在2009年获得英国电影和电视艺术学院年度儿童娱乐领域最佳学龄前动画学院奖。英国电影和电视艺术学院(The British Academy of Film and Television Arts,简称BAFTA)每年颁发学院奖,旨在奖励电影、电视、儿童影视和互动媒体领域的优秀之作。

就像是小小孩的哈利波特,皇后,公主,城堡,魔法棒和魔法咒语,小小精灵,会飞的翅膀......很童话很魔幻的元素集中在一起。也讲孩子常遇见的事,比如躲猫猫和到海边玩耍的故事,却因发生在魔幻的小小王国就变得不寻常,与Peppa Pig故事一样简洁明快,一样浓的化不开童真童趣却因魔法洋溢着奇幻色彩,让人更加爱不释手。


如果大家有更好的剧本版本,请拿出来和大家分享啊!如果你有我没有收集发布的剧本,也请回帖分享。剧本分享回帖至主题 《本和霍利的小王国》剧本 1-5集合大家的力量不知道能搜集到多少。在此感谢大家论坛对我收集剧本的帮助!

01 Holly's Magic Wand
02 Gaston the Ladybird
03 The Royal Fairy Picnic
04 The Elf Farm
05 Daisy and Poppy
《本和霍利的小王国》剧本 1-5
06 The Lost Egg
07 Queen Thistle's Teapot
08 The Frog Prince
09 King Thistle Is Not Well
10 Fun and Games
本和霍利的小王国》剧本 6-10
11 The King's Busy Day B&H剧本11
12 Gaston's Visit
13 Nanny Plum's Lesson
14 The Elf Windmill
15 Mrs Witch
16 Elf Joke Day
17 King Thistle's New Clothes
18 Elf School
19 The Royal Golf Course
20 Morning, Noon and Night
21 Tadpoles
22 A Trip to the Seaside
23 The Elf Factory
24 Ben's Birthday Card
25 Books
26 Betty Caterpillar
27 Queen Holly
28 Woodpecker
29 The Elf Band
30 The Ant Hill
31 Redbeard the Elf Pirate
32 The Tooth Fairy
33 The Elf Games
34 Cows
35 The Toy Robot
36 The Dinner Party
37 Big Bad Barry
38 King Thistle's Birthday
39 The Wand Factory
40 Daisy & Poppy's Hamster
41 The Elf Rocket
42 Picnic on the Moon
43 Queen Thistle's Day Off
44 Nature Class
45 Lucy's Picnic
46 Acorn Day
47 The Elf Submarine
48 Visiting the Marigolds
49 Camping Out
50 Party
51 Snow
52 The North Pole

53 Mrs Fig's Magic School
54 No Magic Day
55 Nanny's Magic Test
56 Giants in the Meadow
57 Daisy and Poppy's Playgroup
58 Spies
59 Lucy's School
60 Elf Rescue
61 Gaston goes to School
62 The Shooting Star
63 Baby Dragon
64 Dolly Plum
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  • jyt0910

    楼主 2015-11-4 05:23:48 使用道具

    本帖最后由 jyt0910 于 2015-11-6 13:31 编辑


    Vol1-01 Holly’s Magic Wandelf  fairy  kingdom adventure castle magic wand practice promise stand still empty turn into accidentally exactly expect blame watch and learn rescue shake gently scaredforgotten lost left meadow(草地/牧场) find forever plan remember smelling tingling allow no problem climb be careful trick reward bother control cowboy believe trust spell()

    Vol1-02 Gaston the Ladybirdcave fly catch fetch wiggle(扭动/摆动) never mind meet answer upset tip over ride enjoy messy smelly clean surprise brushy duster soap mop cobweb floor tackle(处理) filthy stuff fresh polish cheer up in fact be good at sock lollipop untidy(不整齐的) brilliant be afraid of

    Vol1-03 The Roya Fairy Picnic : royal picnic perfect prepare jelly pudding promise trust suppose invite enough share carry light() language pleasure pity translate spot strange custom charming special choose lemonade boring ordinary exotic(奇异的) choice stinky nonsense rotten flood spectacular(壮观的) worry shrink spell declare emergency remind enjoy view command  

    Vol1-04 The Elf Farmbreakfast your majesty boiled taste disgusting dragon get rid of lay an egg delivery carrot tomato lettuce(生菜)/ buzzing engine wise wear in case field clear(v.清空) can()  amazing plants bug chief pest(害虫) controller harvest(收获) dangerous job scary collecting fence lock gate exciting important escape catch follow wind(v.) goodness certainly  

    Vol1-05 Daisy andPoppy :  porridge(粥) pot empty practicing spell feeling flood hard(努力) fill twins tasty more yuck covered horrible gooey(胶粘的) flash think chance courtyard sweet hold glister insect meant (注定) stay menace(<口>讨厌的人) hide seek problem count safe again escape damage sniff noise hop phew fairy elf impossible handful(管束的人) harm impressed suppose expect tired wonder dream

  • 猪乐宝518

    2015-11-4 08:15:22 使用道具

  • yl.zheng

    2015-11-4 08:15:52 使用道具

  • jyt0910

    楼主 2015-11-4 08:18:15 使用道具

    本帖最后由 jyt0910 于 2015-11-6 13:31 编辑


    Vol1-06 The Lost Egg:thorny bramble adventure in forest/catch ball wonder flew(fly的过去式) dragon idea /show interesting  wise tap excite wild mommy trail clever build nest bottom kind silly(愚蠢/可笑的) uncomfortable collect stick thistle(奶草,一年或两年生菊科) soft cozy crack hatch follow usually worms insect charming breathe give up too…to… chirp loud last(v. ) long wear off

    Vol1-07 Queen Thistle’s Teapot : set arrive sparkly delicate break[broken] touch instead afraid busy perhaps allow even party suppose fix mend[amend] spell hope invisible quiet wear off glitter mat apron stick glue stuck hooray quite difference/question goblin special purpose exactly excuse unfortunately accident slug harsh snail pottery mean fragile treasure
    *fix vs repair vs mend:不确定时用fix,因为最常用。

    Vol1-08 The Frog Prince : already prince princess pretend frog mix up croak help wait accident calm fetch hop forever pond live naughty really worry same hat best friend at last easy-peasy whatever horrible flies(苍蝇) finish happen/ football flown(fly的过去分词) annoying nest lucky climb again together disgusting goodness wondering simple bird rabbit once spirit moment teeny-tiny girl rule

    Vol1-09 King Thistle Is Not Well : blown(blow)card ill cold(感冒) feel worse(bad) grumpy cure except common serious sort(安排妥当) doctor sneezing stuffed-up nose qualify stick(vt.伸出) wiggle flap whistle interesting acute viral trick[tricky] taste expect cough mixture recipe ingredient slime slug burp spider breath dewdrop shout polite loud jar relax rub horrible potion disgusting baldness suit poor personal charge necessary

    Vol1-10 Fun and Games : recipe flower honey milk chocolate apple  yummy add egg stir help cake of course favorite splash mixture oven cook bake remember ready yet start game tag fair(公平) fast hop still cheat wing/hide seek either clue cold warm hot ice boring found(find) promise magic mind invisible polar bear think(thought) give up meadow worn(wear) off  whizz(v.飕飕地飞驰) trick disappear

  • kiwi998

    2015-11-4 09:10:21 使用道具

  • fcy123

    2015-11-4 09:11:53 使用道具

  • 31895550

    2015-11-5 08:38:44 使用道具

  • 31895550

    2015-11-5 08:48:56 使用道具

  • jyt0910

    楼主 2015-11-5 13:54:46 使用道具

    本帖最后由 jyt0910 于 2015-11-20 06:27 编辑

    11/5日 更新 11 13 15 剧本。更新 音频至Vol2 完毕。
    11/6日 更新 16 17 剧本。音频至Vol3完毕。
    11/7日 更新 18 剧本, updates 剧本06 -v2(我日志里)音频至Vol4 完毕。
    11/8日 更新 27  63 剧本。 音频至Vol5 Vol6 完毕。
    11/14日 更新剧本 61 64。
    11/20日 剧本 20 57
  • 31895550

    2015-11-6 08:16:56 使用道具

  • jyt0910

    楼主 2015-11-6 08:46:07 使用道具

    本帖最后由 jyt0910 于 2015-11-6 14:24 编辑

    Vol1-11 The King's Busy Day: dash delivery speech shake wave drive launch smash declare truly hammer cook captain honor lunch in charge(掌管) judge fruit vegetable competition finalist tomato strawberry grow main course(主菜) pudding(甜点) scrumptious(美味的) trophy nap excellent instrument awful / big-bigger-biggest; bad-worse-worst

    Vol2-01 Gaston's Visit: sneeze surprise leak hole pebble drip builder fix respect live(生活) wipe trouble fuss hard(硬) yummy delicious foul forever and ever(永远) mend weather sunny splendid(极好的) boring noise rush(仓促行事) deal(处理) worth rough soft tired sleep tight(好好睡吧) uncomfortable miss replace ceiling sort out(解决) insist lovely  

    Vol2-02 Nanny Plum's Lessonjoin miss(错过) as long as(只要) even rule stylish never spot(斑点) windy learn rescue sniff complete information throw lasso waist resume weight feather difficult blow soak wet stuck island mistake hatch pleasant mud quicksand(流沙) sink fantastic heavy pull detail control notice shout especially
  • 考试必过

    2015-11-18 17:21:19 使用道具

  • sing在4月

    2015-11-18 21:44:53 使用道具

  • sing在4月

    2015-11-19 10:09:36 使用道具

    jyt0910 发表于 2015-11-6 08:46
    Vol1-11 The King's Busy Day: dash delivery speech shake wave drive launch smash declare truly hammer ...

  • sing在4月

    2015-11-19 10:10:59 使用道具

    jyt0910 发表于 2015-11-4 05:23
    由于每位小朋友水平不一样,这里的单词仅提供参考,读者根据自家娃的水平取舍。橘黄色标记为本集动画重复出 ...

  • darcy2014

    2015-11-20 22:41:31 使用道具

  • 彤彤妈gz

    2015-11-23 11:51:52 使用道具

  • transe

    2015-11-24 09:03:52 使用道具

  • melville

    2015-12-4 10:46:39 使用道具

  • yanlina

    2015-12-4 20:18:37 使用道具

  • pspndsgo

    2016-3-24 04:46:49 使用道具

  • andygeng

    2016-3-24 11:34:58 使用道具

  • hzwym9128

    2016-3-24 14:13:34 使用道具

    jyt0910 发表于 2015-11-4 05:23
    由于每位小朋友水平不一样,这里的单词仅提供参考,读者根据自家娃的水平取舍。橘黄色标记为本集动画重复出 ...

  • 爱米线

    2016-3-24 14:34:57 使用道具

  • 张红梅vicky

    2016-3-28 10:06:00 使用道具

    好东西, 非常感谢!
  • littleone

    2016-4-10 13:08:07 使用道具

  • 可爱海宝

    2016-4-10 13:55:19 使用道具

  • lily5298

    2016-4-10 20:10:53 使用道具

  • hinduismduck

    2016-4-17 11:10:37 使用道具

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