Pink B
Fly Away Home 《伴你高飞》 ISBN 0-00-718544-8
Poor Ladybird is lost and flies around the garden looking for somewhere she can call home. 可怜的瓢虫迷路了,在花园周围飞来飞去寻找着她称之为家的地方。

Play 《玩耍》 ISBN 978-0-00-732916-8
A lovely story of three friends who enjoy playing outside in all seasons; summer, autumn, winter and spring – whatever the weather. 关于三个小朋友的温情故事,春天,夏天,秋天和冬天,一年四季无论什么天气他们都很喜欢在外面玩。

Monster Mess 《怪物》 ISBN 978-0-00-718560-1
In this funny story, two little monsters have a great time painting different shapes – on their mum! 在这个有趣的故事里,两个小怪物的欢乐时光是--在他们的妈妈身上画不一样的图形!

The Robot 《机器人》 ISBN 0-00-718546-4
The inventors are building a robot – but do they have all the pieces they need? 发明家们正在做一个机器人-但是他们有了所需要的所有零部件了吗?

The Big Splash 《巨大的水花》 ISBN 0-00-718557-X
A young monster is getting everything she needs to take a dip: a boat, a toy shark, armbands, goggles, flippers...until she’s ready...for her bath! 一只小怪物准备了所有去游泳需要的东西:一只小船,一只玩具鲨鱼,救生衣,护目镜,蛙鞋…直到一切都准备好了…在浴缸里!

The See-saw 《跷跷板》 ISBN 0-00-718553-7
Hippo wants to play on the see-saw. Who will play with him? 河马想玩跷跷板。谁会和他一起玩呢?

Colour Bears 《色彩熊》 ISBN 0-00-718652-5
Red and yellow make orange, blue and yellow make green, but what do three bears and three pots of paint make? A mess! 红色和黄色可以变成橙色,蓝色和黄色可以变成绿色,但是三只熊和三罐颜料会变成什么呢?一片混乱!

The Pond 《池塘》 ISBN 0-00-718549-9
Which animals live at the pond? Find out in this simple non-fiction book. 什么动物住在池塘里?在这本简单的非小说图书内找出答案吧。

In the Desert 《沙漠》 ISBN 978-0-00-732917-5
This simple non-fiction report explores the exciting, extraordinary elements of the desert, from beautiful plants, to tall buildings, and children themselves! 这本简单的非小说图书探究了沙漠里令人兴奋和非凡离奇的元素,从美丽的植物到高层建筑,还有沙漠里的孩子!

I Can Do It 《我能做到!》 ISBN 978-0-00-718651-8
This simple information book shows how we can move our bodies, and compares us with animals like kangaroos and sloths. 这本简单的信息书解释了我们的身体是如何移动的,并将我们与袋鼠和树懒等动物进行比较。

Cats 《猫》 ISBN 0-00-718548-0
Find out all about domestic cats and their wild relatives in this simple non-fiction book. 在这本简单的非小说图书内找出所有关于家猫和它们的野生亲戚的一切。

Come to the Circus 《来马戏团吧》 ISBN 0-00-718551-0
Come to the circus! A combination of artwork and photographs show children some of the things they might see in a circus, such as clowns and acrobats. 快到马戏团来吧!这本结合了插图和照片的图书向孩子们展示了一些他们可能在马戏团里看到的事物,比如小丑和杂技演员。

Wheels 《轮子》 ISBN 0-00-718550-2
Some wheels are big and some wheels are small. This exciting book is full of photos of all kinds of wheels, from skateboards to tractors. 有些轮子很大,有些轮子却很小。这本令人兴奋的书充满了各种各样的轮子的图片,从滑板的轮子到拖拉机的轮子都有。

We Like Fruit! 《我们爱水果》 ISBN 0-00-718653-3
This non-fiction book explores the different types of fruit that children like to eat, with mouthwatering
photographs of melons, oranges, strawberries and much more. 这本非小说图书介绍了孩子们爱吃的各种水果,还配有令人垂涎三尺的西瓜,橙子,草莓以及其他水果的图片。

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  • xiaojingling

    2013-6-2 00:17:00 使用道具

  • 若馨

    2013-6-2 00:09:37 使用道具

    我也差点取消订单了  想想还是算了
  • 橙汁拌拌

    2013-6-1 23:11:11 使用道具

  • 赵桂花儿

    2013-6-1 23:06:57 使用道具

  • 我爱我家妞

    2013-6-1 22:52:58 使用道具

  • rosamund

    2013-6-1 22:48:35 使用道具

  • myw2008

    2013-6-1 22:46:02 使用道具

  • ealo

    2013-6-1 22:45:04 使用道具

  • wyhwyh000

    2013-6-1 22:43:36 使用道具
