本帖最后由 menghe 于 2017-5-4 11:22 编辑

  • AgentSheet 是屡获大奖的游戏和仿真制作工具,它可以简单到让中学生通过制作视频游戏来学习计算机知识,也可以复杂到让 NASA 的科学家来模拟航天飞机的有效负荷。AgentSheet 是由一个叫做 Scalable Game Design(可扩展的游戏设计)的完整课程提供支持的,它从简单的像青蛙一样(Frogger-like)的游戏一直到复杂的人工智能仿真游戏。AgentSheet 支持游戏(动画,交互,声音,语音合成/识别(Mac)),科学应用程序(绘图,输出到电子表格,3D绘图(Mac))。AgentSheet 有英语,希腊语和日语版本。Lego Mindstorms 以 AgentSheets 为基础,开发了 LegoSheets 程序设计语言,比Brick Logo 的学习曲线要平缓的多。
  • Alice 是一个免费的编程软件,旨在教会孩子们事件驱动的面向对象编程。编程者可以使用现代 IDE,以拖拽的方式创建交互式的故事程序。Alice 目标群体是大多数中学阶段的有计算机使用经验的女生,可谓寓教于乐。还有一个叫 Story Telling Alice 的 Alice 的变体,能够提供更强的讲故事能力。
  • Baltie 是图形化的编程工具,适合儿童,青少年(成人)。Baltie 是软件中一个主要的角色,一个巫师,用来执行各种命令、将出现在他视野的图片变魔术。通过 Baltie 的帮助,孩子们能够很快认识到什么是计算机,如何对计算机进行操作和编程,这些都是在玩的过程中实现的。Baltie 同样能够帮助逻辑思维训练,而且对孩子们的知识并没有多少要求,只要求会玩和想象力。Baltie 已经在许多国家的小学中采用了。新版本的 Baltie 4 甚至完全支持 C#,更多的信息可以在 SGP Systems 中找到。
  • Guido van Robot 是一个机器人控制程序,有点类似于 Logo 和 Karel J. Robot,使用了 Python 语法中的很少一部分。Guido van Robot 被设计成对任何高级语言都尽量简化和通用。还有一个叫 RUR-PLE的变体,它包括了完整的 Python 语法和一些经典的课程。
  • KarelKarel++,和 Karel J.Robot 是为那些完全的初学者而准备的。用来在一个由长方形街道网格组成的城市中控制一个简单机器人。Karel 是一个自主的程序设计语言,而 Karel++ 是 Karel 的 C++ 实现,Karel J. Robot 则是 Karel 的 Java 实现。
  • Learn to Program BASIC 是一个通过互动课程教会中学生 Basic 的 Basic 解释程序,在 Basic 语言中加入了一些的游戏,包括对 2D sprite 支持。在 LTPB 中编写的程序能够脱离 LTPB 独立执行,即是一个可以自由分发的“runner”。
  • Lego Mindstorms(乐高机器人)是集合了可编程 Lego 砖块、电动马达、传感器、Lego 砖块、Lego Technic 部分(齿轮、轮轴、横梁)的统称。Mindstorms 起源于益智玩具中可编程传感器模具(programmable sensor blocks)。第一个 Lego Mindstorms 的零售版本在1998年上市,当时叫做 Robotics Invention System (RIS)。最近的版本是 2006 年上市的 Lego Mindstorms NXT。许多语言都能对 Mindstorms 进行编程,包括 Logo、Basic、Java 的衍生版、Smalltalk 和 C 语言。Computer Clubhouses 是专注于 Mindstorms 编程的网站。
  • Phrogram(第二代的 KPL,MS Kid's Programming Language)是 2006 年引入的一个商业的、易于学习的程序设计语言和集成开发环境。它强调图形和声音,使得它特别容易开发游戏,寓教于乐的程序。Phrogram 是简化的结构化语言,提供了基于组件开发的特性,例如类和方法。Phrogram 在现代 IDE 中进行建模,例如 Eclipse 和 Visual Studio. NET,并可以帮助初学者为这些或者其他的专业开发环境做好准备。
  • RoboMind 是一个简单的教育性质的编程环境,能让初学者对机器人编程。RoboMind 介绍了流行的编程技术、一些机器人学和人工智能的知识。人们能够使用阿拉伯语、中文、荷兰语、英语和瑞典语对机器人进行编程。
  • StagecastCreators 是基于示范编程的可视化编程系统。用户通过移动屏幕上的图标,为物体(角色)制定规则来操作整个系统。用户可以创造 2D 模型来模拟一个概念,多层次的游戏,交互的故事等。
  • Tynker 是一种以拖放程式方块方式进行的教育编程语言商业软件,视觉设计及原理类似Snap!及Hopscotch等,不过Tynker是以HTML5及JavaScript为基础,也可以用在平版电脑及智能手机中。


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  • alalei945

    2019-5-31 09:45:39 使用道具

  • bitmanchi

    2019-5-27 14:46:50 使用道具

  • vanilla2011

    2019-5-12 00:03:34 使用道具

  • menghe

    楼主 2017-5-4 14:31:26 使用道具


    • AgentSheets is a computational thinking tool to author 2D/3D games and simulations. Authoring takes place through desktop applications or browser based apps and can create 2D/3D games playable in HTML5 compliant browsers including mobile ones.
    • Alice is a free programming software designed to teach event-driven object-oriented programming to children. Programmers create interactive stories using a modern IDE interface with a drag and drop style of programming. The target audience is incoming college freshmen although most children with computer experience will find it entertaining and educational. Story Telling Alice is an Alice variant designed for younger children, with an even stronger story telling bent.[17]
    • Blockly is an open source web-based, graphical language where users can drag blocks together to build an application; no typing needed. It is developed by Google. More information is available at the project home page.[18]
    • CiMPLE is a visual language for programming robotic kit for children. It is built atop C as a DSL. ThinkLabs an Indian Robotics education based startup has built it for iPitara Robotic kit. The language bears strong resemblance to the C language. Approximately 5000+ students in India have brought the iPitara kit and programmed it using CiMPLE. More information is at CiMPLE Original Developers Weblog[19] and ThinkLabs.[20]
    • Physical Etoys is a free open-source extension of Etoys. Its philosophy is "help kids model and program the real world in order to learn more about it". It can run on Windows, Linux and Sugar. Physical Etoys lets different electronic devices such as Lego NXT, Arduino boards, Sphero, Kinect, Wiimote joystick, among others, be easily programmed and interact between themselves due to its block scripting system. Its perfect for the educational curricula.
    • Hackety Hack is a free Ruby-based environment aiming to make learning programming easy for beginners, especially teenagers.
    • Karel, Karel++, and Karel J. Robot are languages aimed at absolute beginners, used to control a simple robot in a city consisting of a rectangular grid of streets. While Karel is its own language, Karel++ is a version of Karel implemented in C++, while Karel J. Robot is a version of Karel implemented in Java.
    • Kodu is a language that is simple and entirely icon-based. It was incubated out of Microsoft Research as a project to reach younger children and especially girls into enjoying technology. Programs are composed of pages, which are divided into rules, which are further divided into conditions and actions. Conditions are evaluated simultaneously. The Kodu language is designed specifically for game development and provides specialized primitives derived from gaming scenarios. Programs are expressed in physical terms, using concepts like vision, hearing, and time to control character behavior. While not as general-purpose as classical programming languages, Kodu can express advanced game design concepts in a simple, direct, and intuitive manner. The Kodu tool is available in three forms: PC as a free download in public beta and academic forms, and as a low-cost Xbox 360 Live download.
    • Logo is an educational language for children, designed in 1967 by Daniel G. Bobrow, Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert and Cynthia Solomon. Today the language is remembered mainly for its use of "turtle graphics", in which commands for movement and drawing produced line graphics either on screen or with a small robot called a "turtle". The language was originally conceived to teach concepts of programming related to Lisp and only later to enable what Papert called "body-syntonic reasoning" where students could understand (and predict and reason about) the turtle's motion by imagining what they would do if they were the turtle.
    • Lego Mindstorms is a line of Lego sets combining programmable bricks with electric motors, sensors, Lego bricks, and Lego Technic pieces (such as gears, axles, and beams). Mindstorms originated from the programmable sensor blocks used in the line of educational toys. The first retail version of Lego Mindstorms was released in 1998 and marketed commercially as the Robotics Invention System (RIS). The current version was released in 2006 as Lego Mindstorms NXT. A wide range of programming languages is used for the mindstorms from Logo to BASIC to derivatives of Java, Smalltalk and C. The Mindstorm approach to programming now have dedicated physical sites called Computer Clubhouses.
    • Mama is an educational object oriented language designed to help young students start programming by providing all the language elements in the student mother tongue. Mama language is available in several languages, with both LTR and RTL language direction support. A new variant of Mama was built atop Carnegie Mellon's Alice development environment, supporting scripting of the 3D stage objects. This new variant of Mama was designed to help young students start programming by building 3D animations and games. A document on educational programming principles explains Mama's design considerations.[21]
    • RoboMind is a simple educational programming environment that lets beginners program a robot. It introduces popular programming techniques and also some robotics and artificial intelligence. The robot can be programmed in Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, German, English and Swedish.
    • Scratch is a blocks-based graphical language to create animated stories and games.
    • Snap! is a free open-source blocks-based graphical language implemented in JavaScript and originally derived MIT's Scratch. Snap! adds the ability to create new blocks and has first-class functions that enables the use of anonymous functions. It is actively maintained by UC Berkeley. The source is entirely hosted on GitHub.
    • Stagecast Creator is a visual programming system based on programming by demonstration. Users demonstrate to the system what to do by moving icons on the screen, and it generates rules for the objects (characters). Users can create two-dimensional simulations that model a concept, multi-level games, interactive stories, etc.
    • Stencyl is a visual programming and game development IDE that has been used for education and commerce. The concept it uses of code blocks is based on MIT's Scratch visual language (listed above). It also permits the use of normal typed code (separate or intermingled) through its own API and the Haxe language.
    • ToonTalk is a language and environment that looks like a video game. Computational abstractions are mapped to concrete analogs such robots, houses, trucks, birds, nests, and boxes. It supports big integers and exact rational numbers. It is based upon concurrent constraint programming.
    • Tynker is a visual educational programming site that teaches kids to programm games. Visually it is based on Scratch but is based on a modern platform with HTML5 and JavaScript, and has many pre-made graphical backdrops and actors for use in games.

  • sue_xia

    2017-5-4 14:19:19 使用道具
