本帖最后由 上海悄悄 于 2013-3-6 12:49 编辑


好难过,亲子英语1年半,孩子读的章节书别人听不懂。。P7 新的思考与小结



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  • 上海悄悄

    楼主 2013-3-6 12:48:49 使用道具

    The Story of Grandpa’s Sled and the Pig

    {/ o  o /}  
    ( (oo) )   
      ︶ ︶︶
    "When your Grandpa was a boy, Laura, Sunday did not begin on Sunday morning, as it does now. It began at sundown on Saturday night. Then everyone stopped every kind of work or play.

    "Supper was solemn. After supper, Grandpa's father read aloud a chapter of the Bible, while everyone sat straight and still in his chair. Then they all knelt down, and their father said a long prayer. When he said, 'Amen,' they got up from their knees and each took a candle and went to bed. They must go straight to bed, with no playing, laughing, or even talking.

    "Sunday morning they ate a cold breakfast, because nothing could be cooked on Sunday. Then they all dressed in their best clothes and walked to church.  They walked, because hitching up the horses was work, and no work could be done on Sunday.

    "They must walk slowly and solemnly, looking straight ahead. They must not joke or laugh, or even smile. Grandpa and his two brothers walked ahead, and their father and mother walked behind them.

    "In church, Grandpa and his brothers must sit perfectly still for two long hours and listen to the sermon. They dared not fidget on the hard bench. They dared not swing their feet. They dared not turn their heads to look at the windows or the walls or the ceiling of the church. They must sit perfectly motionless, and never for one instant take their eyes from the preacher.

    "When church was over, they walked slowly home. They might talk on the way, but they must not talk loudly and they must never laugh or smile. At home they ate a cold dinner which had been cooked the day before. Then all the long afternoon they must sit in a row on a bench and study their catechism, until at last the sun went down and Sunday was over.

    "Now Grandpa's home was about halfway down the side of a steep hill. The road went from the top of the hill to the bottom, right past the front door, and in winter it was the best place for sliding downhill that you can possibly imagine.

    "One week Grandpa and his two brothers, James and George, were making a new sled. They worked at it every minute of their playtime. It was the best sled they had ever made, and it was so long that all three of them could sit on it, one behind the other. They planned to finish it in time to slide downhill Saturday afternoon. For every Saturday afternoon they had two or three hours to play.

    "But that week their father was cutting down trees in the Big Woods. He was working hard and he kept the boys working with him. They did all the morning chores by lantern-light and were hard at work in the woods when the sun came up. They worked till dark, and then there were the chores to do, and after supper they had to go to bed so they could get up early in the morning.

    "They had no time to work on the sled until Saturday afternoon. Then they worked at it just as fast as they could, but they didn't get it finished till just as the sun went down, Saturday night.
    "After the sun went down, they could not slide downhill, not even once. That would be breaking the Sabbath. So they put the sled in the shed behind the house, to wait until Sunday was over.

    "All the two long hours in church next day, while they kept their feet still and their eyes on the preacher, they were thinking about the sled. At home while they ate dinner they couldn't think of anything else. After dinner their father sat down to read the Bible, and Grandpa and James and George sat as still as mice on their bench with their catechism. But they were thinking about the sled.

    "The sun shone brightly and the snow was smooth and glittering on the road; they could see it through the window. It was a perfect day for sliding downhill. They looked at their catechism and they thought about the new sled, and it seemed that Sunday would never end.

    "After a long time they heard a snore. They looked at their father, and they saw that his head had fallen against the back of his chair and he was fast asleep.

    "Then James looked at George, and James got up from the bench and tiptoed out of the room through the back door. George looked at Grandpa, and George tiptoed after James. And Grandpa looked fearfully at their father, but on tiptoe he followed George and left their father snoring.

    "They took their new sled and went quietly up to the top of the hill. They meant to slide down, just once. Then they would put the sled away, and slip back to their bench and the catechism before their father woke up.

    "James sat in front on the sled, then George, and then Grandpa, because he was the littlest. The sled started, at first slowly, then faster and faster. It was running, flying, down the long steep hill, but the boys dared not shout. They must slide silently past the house, without waking their father.

    "There was no sound except the little whirr of the runners on the snow, and the wind rushing past.

    "Then just as the sled was swooping to-ward the house, a big black pig stepped out of the woods. He walked into the middle of the road and stood there.

    "The sled was going so fast it couldn't be stopped. There wasn't time to turn it. The sled went right under the hog and picked him up. With a squeal he sat down on James, and he kept on squealing, long and loud and shrill, 'Squee-ee-ee-ee-ee! Squee-ee-ee-ee-ee-ee!'

    "They flashed by the house, the pig sitting in front, then James, then George, then Grandpa, and they saw their father standing in the doorway looking at them. They couldn't stop, they couldn't hide, there was no time to say anything. Down the hill they went, the hog sitting on James and squealing all the way.

    "At the bottom of the hill they stopped. The hog jumped off James and ran away into the woods, still squealing.

    "The boys walked slowly and solemnly up the hill. They put the sled away. They sneaked into the house and slipped quietly to their places on the bench. Their father was reading his Bible. He looked up at them without saying a word.

    "Then he went on reading, and they studied their catechism.

    "But when the sun went down and the Sabbath day was over, their father took them out to the woodshed and tanned their jackets, first James, then George, then Grandpa.

  • 上海悄悄

    楼主 2013-3-6 12:54:03 使用道具

    2013-3-3  第一本中章 little house in the big woods

    by: Wilder, Laura Ingalls
    lexile: 930L
    Pages: 238 | Ages: 5 to 7
    IL: MG - BL: 5.3 - AR Pts: 5.0
    AR Quiz Types: RP, LS, VP


    整本书13个章节,音频220分钟,折合3个半小时还多呢!我往Enoch的复读机里装了这第一本,以为应付这个春节足够了。谁想,Enoch从2月9日开始听,每天午睡时在床上听,一听听一个多小时,一点睡意也没。听了3天听完了,问我“第二本的音频呢,你给我装了没?” 回复他说:没。于是他又开始从头听,春节那几天里,他反复听了两三遍。最夸张的是有一回我们去公园划船,在嘈杂的公园和大街上,人声鼎沸的公车上,他一路走一路费力的把复读机举在耳朵旁边听,这么一路听回了家。



    C1   6个  mink / trundle / hinge / haste / brine / lard
    C2   4个  crocery / scald / loaf / kerosene
    C3   2个  sleek / switch
    C4   6个  curlicue / gilt / savage / flannel / gaiter / griddle
    C5   5个  heap / solemnly / sabbath / hymn / cobbler  (sermon布道  catechism教义问答手册这样的词,若不是看了中文版,他肯定不认识)
    C6   3个  afford / prickled / myrtle
    C7   10个 eaves / cedar / haul / basswood / spell 在这里是一段时间的意思 / delaine / basque / seam / stitch / marine这个没说准确不应该啊
    C8   13个 spacious / span / petticoat / stiff / starch / flounce / sprig / ruffle / scallop / gent 不知道是缩写 / nip / brass / gaily
    C9   12个 hazel / hem / slender / wisp / snarl / whip / plank / bolt / denim / jumper / galluse / greedy
    C10 10个 embroidery / primly / sunbonnet / sulk / rennet / ridge / curd / whey / groove / rind
    C11 3个  cradle / spoil 这里是溺爱的意思 / swell
    C12 8个  notched / scarlet / crimson / thresher / cluck / racket / bushel / giddap
    C13 1个  grub
    合计 83个  

  • 果子的妈妈

    2013-3-6 13:02:42 使用道具

    沙发坐一下, 呵呵
  • angle33ak

    2013-3-6 13:12:17 使用道具

  • sunnyboy

    2013-3-6 13:17:22 使用道具

  • 洋洋妈

    2013-3-6 13:21:36 使用道具

  • 萱-妈

    2013-3-6 13:22:03 使用道具

  • bigcroco

    2013-3-6 13:24:39 使用道具

  • 上海悄悄

    楼主 2013-3-6 13:24:48 使用道具

    萱-妈 发表于 2013-3-6 13:22
    孩子真的挺棒的 ...



  • 萱-妈

    2013-3-6 13:35:13 使用道具

    上海悄悄 发表于 2013-3-6 13:24

    严 ...

  • 西子兜兜

    2013-3-6 13:36:06 使用道具

  • 上海悄悄

    楼主 2013-3-6 13:46:19 使用道具

    萱-妈 发表于 2013-3-6 13:35
    我估计他读得快也是因为他熟悉, ...


  • 碧云金毛

    2013-3-6 13:50:07 使用道具



    参与人数 1 贝壳 +30 理由 收起
    上海悄悄 + 30 感谢小窗支招!!!
  • lamb20

    2013-3-6 13:54:59 使用道具

  • 圣妈咪

    2013-3-6 13:57:04 使用道具

  • wherezhang

    2013-3-6 14:01:30 使用道具

    本帖最后由 wherezhang 于 2013-3-6 14:03 编辑


  • niuniu2008

    2013-3-6 14:15:35 使用道具

  • 最爱丁宝

    2013-3-6 14:25:58 使用道具

  • 风来心自凉

    2013-3-6 14:34:04 使用道具

  • 宝罗快乐

    2013-3-6 14:40:35 使用道具

    本帖最后由 宝罗快乐 于 2013-3-6 14:40 编辑

  • 恋恋随园

    2013-3-6 14:48:27 使用道具

  • mystique

    2013-3-6 14:48:55 使用道具

    听了My Father's Dragon和Little House。的确进步很大。目前的朗读是带着理解读的,所以比以前容易听了。

    另外,在书的选择上可以考虑一下。My Father's Dragon(尽管获奖了)系列个人觉得写得一般,情节很平淡。Littler House重在了解相关的背景。一个7岁的中国小孩对Little House感兴趣并能读下来,是比较令人意外的。
  • 碧云金毛

    2013-3-6 14:51:19 使用道具



  • mondaniel

    2013-3-6 15:13:43 使用道具

  • 瑞希妈

    2013-3-6 15:14:21 使用道具

  • 上海悄悄

    楼主 2013-3-6 15:28:28 使用道具

    碧云金毛 发表于 2013-3-6 14:51
    老友记大家肯定都看过,不记得是哪一集了,反正是很老的的一集。剧中Joey跟他人对台词,要求就是爆破音要到 ...


    不过我家儿子我知道,他不是个表演型人才,他说他自己有"stage fright"。。。。{:soso_e127:} 我让他读书,没问题。但我要是批评他读得太小声,非要他大声一点,像对着别人讲故事那样,他就该跟我急了。我要让他去学表演,我怕打死他也未必肯去。。。您可还有招么?{:soso_e106:}
  • 碧云金毛

    2013-3-6 15:39:28 使用道具

    本帖最后由 碧云金毛 于 2013-3-6 15:40 编辑
    上海悄悄 发表于 2013-3-6 15:28

    不过我家儿子我知道,他不是个表演型人才,他说他自己有"stage fr ...

    越是这样,就越需要锻炼。。。你可以跟他说这是英语学习班么。。。其实这种班你去就知道了,以having fun为主。


    一是 Good people skills 就是为人处世的能力,详见:

    另外就是presentation或者说是public speaking的能力。

    没有这两点能力,永远是公司金字塔的最底层, 当然拼爹是另外一回事。
  • animy

    2013-3-6 15:45:26 使用道具

  • 碧云金毛

    2013-3-6 17:19:38 使用道具

    你仔细看一下这个视频,认真听一下女主播,就会明白什么叫slowly and distinctively。有时候儿童书可能没有那么明显。