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Swallows and Amazons series - Arthur Ransome 燕子与鹦鹉 全系列有声书 1-12部 MP3

Swallows and Amazons series - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Arthur Ransome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

在20世纪的作家中,亚瑟·兰瑟姆(Arthur Ransome)是个可爱却又无足轻重的角色。一代又一代英国读者是读着他的《燕子与鹦
鹉》(Swallows and Amazons)系列青少年小说成长起来的,这个系列第一本出版于1930年。在这12本书中,孩子们在英国的湖
或别的什么地方度假,尽情享受航行、露 营、钓鱼与扮演海盗嬉戏的欢乐。当代读者是看着《饥饿游戏》,体验着在虚构的帕姆国发生的嗜血游戏长大,他们也许会感觉这个系列太平淡,但小说本身其实非常迷人,叙事精彩。

兰瑟姆是在45岁时,方开始创作《燕子与鹦鹉》,此前他一直从事驻外记者工作。从第一次世界大战、俄国革命到之后的俄国内战,他有11年的时间频繁出入俄罗斯,为几家英国报纸撰稿。在众多报道战事的记者中,包括了像约翰·里德(John Reed)这种毫不掩饰的苏共支持者;兰瑟姆同样也只是个小角色,在他看来革命暴动与其说让人欢欣鼓舞,倒不如说劳命伤财。他告诉母亲:“俄罗斯非常好, 但说太多俄罗斯不仅会让人疲惫,甚或教人发疯。”即使是在跟进重大新闻时,他也梦想着英国绿意盎然、风景如画的景致,渴望能找一片这样的地方构思作品.

读者对《燕子与鹦鹉》经久不息的喜爱,使得数本关于兰瑟姆的图书都拥有 一定的读者群,这当中包括几本他的传记、他本人的回忆录,以及2003年出版、由泰德·亚历山大(Ted Alexander )与塔蒂亚娜·维日兹尼科娃(Tatiana Verizhnikova)合写的研究
专著《兰瑟姆在俄罗斯》(Ransome in Russia),后者与《最后的英国人》所涉及的领域基本一致。

The Swallows and Amazons series is a series of twelve children\'s books by English author Arthur Ransome, named
after the title of the first book in the series. The twelve books involve adventures by groups of children almost
all during the school holidays and mostly in England and Scotland, between the two World Wars. The stories
revolve around outdoor activities, especially sailing.
Literary scholar Peter Hunt said he believes the series \"...changed British literature, affected a whole
generation\'s view of holidays, helped to create the national image of the English Lake District and added Arthur
Ransome\'s name to the select list of classic British children\'s authors\".[1]
The series remains popular today. It contributes to the tourist industry in the Lake District and Norfolk Broads
areas of England, where many of the books are set. There are also several societies dedicated to the study and
promotion of Ransome\'s work which are largely inspired by the series. The first one to be founded was the Arthur
Ransome Club in Japan. There is also the British-based group, The Arthur Ransome Society, which has an
international membership.

Format: MP3
Author: Arthur Ransome
Date(s) Published: 1930-1947
01 - Swallows and Amazons 48 kbps
02 - Swallowdale 63 kbps
03 - Peter Duck 63 kbps
04 - Winter Holiday 63 kbps
05 - Coot Club 64 kbps
06 - Pigeon Post 64 kbps
07 - We Didn\'t Mean To Go To Sea 64 kbps
08 - Secret Water 64 kbps
09 - The Big Six 64 kbps
10 - Missee Lee 64 kbps
11 - The Picts the Martyrs 63 kbps
12 - Great Northern  64 kbps


The Swallows and Amazons series is a series of twelve children\'s books by English author Arthur Ransome, named
after the title of the first book in the series. ?The twelve books involve adventures by groups of children
almost all ?during the school holidays and mostly in England and Scotland, between ?the two World Wars. The
stories revolve around outdoor activities, especially sailing.

Description:The Swallows and Amazons series is a series of twelve children\'s books by English author Arthur Ransome, named after the title of the first book in the series.  The twelve books involve adventures by groups of children almost all  during the school holidays and mostly in England and Scotland, between  the two World Wars. The stories revolve around outdoor activities, especially sailing. Swallows and Amazons is the first book in the Swallows and Amazons series by English author Arthur Ransome; it was first published in 1930, with the action taking place in the summer of 1929 in the Lake District. The book introduces central protagonists John, Susan, Titty and Roger Walker (Swallows) and their mother and baby sister, as well as Nancy and Peggy Blackett (Amazons) and their uncle Jim, commonly referred to as Captain Flint.

Swallowdale is the second book in the Swallows and Amazons series by Arthur Ransome. It was published in 1931. In this book, camping in the hills and moorland country around Ransome\'s Lake in the North features much more prominently and there is less sailing. A significant new character, Maria Turner, the Blacketts\' Great Aunt, is introduced.

Peter Duck is the third book in the Swallows and Amazons series by Arthur Ransome. The Swallows and Amazons sail to Crab Island with Captain Flint and Peter Duck, an old sailor, to recover buried treasure. During the voyage the Wildcat (Captain Flint\'s ship) is chased by another vessel, the Viper, whose piratical crew are also intending to recover the treasure.

Winter Holiday is the fourth novel of Arthur Ransome\'s Swallows and Amazons series of children\'s books. It was published in 1933. In this story, the third set of major characters in the series, the Ds  Dick and Dorothea Callumare introduced. The series\' usual emphasis on boats and sailing is largely absent, as the story is set in the winter. Instead, the children\'s activities focus on ice skating, signalling with semaphore and Morse code and sledging.

Coot Club is the fifth book of Arthur Ransome\'s Swallows and Amazons series of children\'s books, published in 1934. The book sees Dick and Dorothea Callum visiting the Norfolk Broads during the Easter Holidays, eager to learn to sail and thus impress the Swallows and Amazons when they return to the Lake District later that year. Along with a cast of new characters, Dick and Dorothea explore the North and South Broads and become \'able seamen\'.

Pigeon Post is an English children\'s adventure novel by Arthur Ransome, published by Jonathan Cape in 1936. It was the sixth of twelve books Ransome completed in the Swallows and Amazons series (1930 to 1947). He won the inaugural Carnegie Medal from the Library Association, recognising it as the year\'s best children\'s book by a British subject.

This book is one of the few Swallows and Amazons books that does not feature sailing. All the action takes place on and under the fells surrounding the Lake. Ransome made use of the mining and prospecting knowledge and experience of his friend Oscar Gnosspelius, who appears in the book as a character known as Squashy Hat.

We Didn\'t Mean to Go to Sea is the seventh book in Arthur Ransome\'s Swallows and Amazons series of children\'s books. It was published in 1937. In this book, the Swallows (Walker family) are the only recurring characters. They are staying in a new location, Pin Mill on the River Orwell upstream from the ports of Felixstowe and Harwich.

The book features a small sailing cutter, the Goblin, which is almost identical to Ransome\'s own boat Nancy Blackett. This book also features accurate geography unlike the Lakes books. Ransome sailed Nancy Blackett across to Flushing by the same route as part of his research for the book.

Secret Water is the eighth book in Arthur Ransome\'s Swallows and Amazons series of children\'s books. It was published in 1939.

This book is set in and around Hamford Water in Essex, close to the resort town of Walton-on-the-Naze. It brings the Swallows and the Amazons together and introduces a new group of characters, the Eels and the Mastodon. Ransome used to sail to Hamford Water, an area of tidal salt marshes and low-lying islands, in his yacht Nancy Blackett. He set the book here to offer his characters new opportunities to explore and make maps in a different landscape.

The Big Six is the ninth book of Arthur Ransome\'s Swallows and Amazons series of children\'s books, published in 1940. The book returns Dick and Dorothea Callum, known as the Ds, to the Norfolk Broads where they renew their friendship with the members of the Coot Club. This book is more of a detective story as the Ds and Coot Club try to unravel a mystery that threatens the Death and Glories freedom to sail the river.

Missee Lee is the tenth book of Arthur Ransome\'s Swallows and Amazons series of children\'s books, set in 1930s China. The Swallows and Amazons are on a round the world trip with Captain Flint aboard the schooner Wild Cat. After the Wild Cat sinks, they escape in the Swallow and Amazon but are separated in a storm. Both dinghies eventually end up in the lair of the Three Island pirates where they are held prisoner by the unusual Missee Lee, the leader of the Three Island pirates.

The book, published in 1941, is considered one of the metafictional books in the series, along with Peter Duck and perhaps Great Northern?. One aspect of this book which modern readers may find objectionable is that all the Chinese characters are depicted as speaking English with a very stereotypical accent and grammar.

The Picts and the Martyrs is the eleventh book in Arthur Ransome\'s Swallows and Amazons series of children\'s books. It was published in 1943. This is the last completed book set in the Lake District and features the Blackett sisters, the Amazons and the Callum siblings, Dick and Dorothea, known as the Ds. Ransome\'s most native character, the Great Aunt also features prominently as do many aspects of Lakeland life. The Dog\'s Home is based on a small stone hut built in the woods above Coniston Water close to Ransome\'s then residence.

Great Northern? is the twelfth and final completed book of Arthur Ransome\'s Swallows and Amazons series of children\'s books. It was published in 1947. In this book, the three families of major characters in the series, the Swallows (the Walker family), the Amazons (the Blackett sisters) and the Ds (the two Callums), are all reunited in a book for the first time since Pigeon Post. This book is set in the Outer Hebrides and the two familiar Ransome themes of sailing and ornithology come to the fore


01 Swallows and Amazons (published 1930)
02 Swallowdale (1931)
03 Peter Duck (1932)
04 Winter Holiday (1933)
05 Coot Club (1934)
06 Pigeon Post (1936)
07 We Didn\'t Mean To Go To Sea (1937)
08 Secret Water (1939)
09 The Big Six (1940)
10 Missee Lee (1941)
11 The Picts And The Martyrs: or Not Welcome At All (1943)
12 Great Northern? (1947)
Coots in the North (unfinished at the time of Ransome\'s 1967 death, published in an unfinished form in 1988 with
some other short works)


The following diagram shows the implied timeline of the books in the series. S, A, and D represent the main
protagonists, the Swallows, Amazons, and Dick/Dorothea, respectively.

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