宝宝报了英语班,开课前刚好参加万圣节活动,两次她都去了,第二次去回来晚上跟我说她会唱 no no trick treat 哈哈,这个儿歌确实很好玩,易学易唱,分享给大家,希望大家贊我一下哦呵呵
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  • 乐悠

    2013-11-1 16:23:31 使用道具

  • lygtju

    楼主 2013-11-1 19:43:22 使用道具

    恩恩 简单易学 ,要是万圣节之前找到就好了
  • 开花结果

    2013-11-1 19:55:43 使用道具

  • 阿利

    2013-11-14 07:46:57 使用道具


    阿利于2013-11-14 07:49补充以下内容:
  • 鲁宾兔

    2014-6-13 15:05:20 使用道具

  • 晴晴12

    2015-10-23 15:20:12 使用道具

  • shuiruotian823

    2015-10-26 10:42:33 使用道具

    thank you for sharing!
  • yym湘安安

    2015-10-26 11:17:37 使用道具

  • 雲笑了

    2015-10-27 09:08:51 使用道具

  • candyfish

    2015-10-27 09:10:51 使用道具

  • 张小宝妈咪

    2015-10-27 09:12:55 使用道具

  • candyfish

    2015-10-27 09:28:38 使用道具

    Lyrics and actions:
    In this song we introduce 6 costumes. Here are some gesture ideas for each of the costumes.

    Ghost: Place your hands in front of you like a floating ghost.
    Cowboy: Pretend to put on your cowboy hat.
    Witch: Make a witch's hat over your head by forming a pyramid with your hands.
    Ballerina: Bend at the knees like a ballerina.
    Monster: Raise your hands like claws above your head.
    Pirate: Cover one eye with your fist, as if you were wearing an eye patch.

    Knock. Knock. (Pretend to knock on the door.)
    Trick or treat? (Place one hand out, palm up, and then your other hand out palm up, as if offering 2 choices.)
    Who are you? (Shrug your shoulders and then point forward.)

    I'm a ghost. (Point to yourself and then make a ghost gesture.)
    I'm a little ghost. (Point to yourself and then make a ghost gesture.)

    Knock. Knock. (Pretend to knock on the door.)
    Trick or treat? (Place one hand out, palm up, and then your other hand out palm up, as if offering 2 choices.)
    Who are you? (Shrug your shoulders and then point forward.)

    I'm a ghost. (Point to yourself and then make a ghost gesture.)
    I'm a little ghost. (Point to yourself and then make a ghost gesture.)

    (Movement music: Everyone floats around the room making ghost noises!)

    Knock. Knock.
    Trick or treat?
    Who are you?

    I'm a cowboy. (Point to yourself and then make a cowboy gesture.)
    I'm a little cowboy.

    Knock. Knock.
    Trick or treat?
    Who are you?

    I'm a cowboy.
    I'm a little cowboy.

    (Movement music: Move around the room like cowboys riding on horses.)

    Knock. Knock.
    Trick or treat?
    Who are you?

    I'm a witch. (Point to yourself and then make a witch gesture.)
    I'm a little witch.

    Knock. Knock.
    Trick or treat?
    Who are you?

    I'm a witch.
    I'm a little witch.

    (Movement music: Fly around the room like witches riding on broomsticks.)

    Knock. Knock.
    Trick or treat?
    Who are you?

    I'm a monster. (Point to yourself and then make a monster gesture.)
    I'm a little monster.

    Knock. Knock.
    Trick or treat?
    Who are you?

    I'm a monster.
    I'm a little monster.

    (Movement music: Stomp around the room with your arms in front of you like Frankenstein's monster!)

    Knock. Knock.
    Trick or treat?
    Who are you?

    I'm a ballerina. (Point to yourself and then make a ballerina gesture.)
    A little ballerina.

    Knock. Knock.
    Trick or treat?
    Who are you?

    I'm a ballerina.
    A little ballerina.

    (Movement music: Stand on your tippie toes and spins in circles.)

    Knock. Knock.
    Trick or treat?
    Who are you?

    I'm a pirate. (Point to yourself and then make a pirate gesture.)
    I'm a little pirate.

    Knock. Knock.
    Trick or treat?
    Who are you?

    I'm a pirate.
    I'm a little pirate.

    (Movement music: Make pirate voices - Aaaaarrrrghhh! - and pretend to have sword fights .)

    Knock. Knock.
    Trick or treat?
    Happy Halloween!
    Happy Halloween!

    Knock. Knock.
    Trick or treat?
    Happy Halloween!
    Happy Halloween!
  • tomatorenren

    2019-10-25 12:03:44 使用道具

  • 许艳

    2019-10-28 15:02:51 使用道具

  • barbaraying

    2020-1-20 16:48:01 使用道具
