链接:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1eQtLYL0 密码:y698
The last two decades have yielded some important research on how first and second generation immigrant children live and study in the United States. In particular, there are some significant findings that concern young children's second language development. This book provides an overview of recent linguistic and methodological research and examines the ways in which new theoretical findings can inform classroom practice. The author is particularly concerned with ways of rendering instruction intellectually challenging and exciting in the primary level ESL classroom. The first three chapters offer an overview of recent sociological and ethnographic studies of children's immigration and examine research about various aspects of children's second language development. The book's second half summarises some of the most important methodological concerns that pertain to teaching young language learners. While referring to research findings, the book illustrates how to link theory with samples of good practice. Practical recommendations contained on these pages flow directly from the classroom. The author describes innovative second language lessons developed and implemented by ESL teachers who work with language learners enrolled in primary grades.