本帖最后由 kindya 于 2016-6-13 08:39 编辑


心理学家兼作家的美籍波兰裔女士 Jeanne Chall 博士 1983 年在纽约出版《Stages of Reading Development(阅读力进阶)》一书,在书中,Jeanne Chall 博士将美国孩子从阅读入门,到阅读流畅的过程,划分成六个阶段。

在第一阶段,美国孩子喜欢听大人朗读绘本。绘本语言简单,大多一页仅一句话,句式经常重复,比如:I like the dog. I like the cat. 孩子喜欢简单的文字,也喜欢重复的句式。大人的朗读,有助于孩子内化语言

所谓内化语言是指孩子吸收的不是“一个单词”而是“一个话语”。比如,孩子反复听过“I like the dog. I like the cat.”之后,孩子吸收的语言,并不是孤立的单词“I”, 也不是孤立的单词“like”,而是像“I like ……”这样的话语结构。日后,孩子想说喜欢什么的时候,就会直接调用“I like…”表述自己的喜好。


在第二阶段,孩子时不时猜测单词。通过猜词,孩子逐渐明白阅读既包括“看字”的过程,也包括“理解”的过程。相比于看图听故事,孩子觉得阅读费脑子。在这个阶段,孩子意识到自己没有阅读文本的能力。因此,孩子常常拒绝朗读文本。在这个阶段,可以教孩子认识视觉词汇(Sight Words),教自然拼音(Phonics),教孩子注意英文字母与读音的联系。

视觉词汇比如 at, and, that, the, he, it, on, she这样的单词孩子应该见词能读无需分析字母发音。有的美国幼儿园把视觉词汇写在星形卡片上,并把卡片贴到布上,挂起来,方便小朋友记忆。

在这个阶段,孩子经常把注意力放在单词形状和读音上,不去关心单词的意义。比如,孩子或许能轻轻松松读出下面的单词:there, their, they're ,但孩子不知道 3 个单词的意义差别。







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  • 开心的爸妈

    2016-6-13 08:32:40 使用道具

  • Angela麻麻

    2016-6-13 09:28:14 使用道具

    值得思考 学习了。谢谢大大的分享。回头好好自己琢磨琢磨 谢谢了
  • spig11

    2016-6-13 09:41:54 使用道具

  • skyao_shpc

    2016-6-13 09:47:48 使用道具

  • xuqxian

    2016-6-13 09:59:32 使用道具

  • wja-tj

    2016-6-13 10:07:18 使用道具

  • kindya

    楼主 2016-6-13 10:18:11 使用道具

    本帖最后由 kindya 于 2016-6-13 10:21 编辑

    An expert on reading development, JeanneChall, surmised that "the learning and uses of literacy are among the mostadvanced forms of intelligence, and, compared to other forms, depend more on instruction and practice" (1983, p. 2). Chall (1983) proposed six developmental stages that describe how children typically learn to read, assummarized in table below. Chall commented that many adults may never reach the most mature stage of reading, even after 4 years of college.

    Chall's Six Developmental Stages in Reading

    Stage and Age Range Description ofActivities and Skills

    Prereading: Birth to kindergarten Parents"read" to infants and toddlers by pointing to and naming objects andcolors in books and reading simple stories. Many 3-year-olds pretend toread—flipping through pages, reciting memorized stories, and creating their ownstories as they point to words and pictures. By kindergarten, many children canrecite the alphabet, recognize written letters, and print their own name. Theseand other prereading skills lay the foundation for further development.

    Reading/Decoding: Grades 1-2 Children learnto associate letters with their corresponding sounds. Using phonics, childrensound out letters, decoding the word that is formed when they run the soundstogether. With the whole word method, children recognize words based oncontext, pictures, and the shape of the word. Readers at this stage often focuson individual words and phrases and miss the larger meaning of the story.

    Fluency: Grades 2-3 Children become morefluent in recognizing or decoding words. Rereading familiar books and readingstories with familiar or stereotyped structures, children gain speed, fluency,and confidence in their reading ability. Chall (1983) commented th~t childrenare "learning to read" by associating printed words with stories theyalready know and understand.

    Reading for New Learning: Grades 4-8Fluency with words allows children to move to less familiar material. With thedecoding load reduced, children can focus on meaning and messages, gaining anew way to learn new information. Fourth graders typically begin using printedmaterials to study subjects like science, history, and geography. Now childrenare "reading to learn," focusing on fact-based information.

    Multiple Viewpoints: High schoolAdolescents move beyond basic facts. They begin to appreciate layers of informationrepresenting different viewpoints or theories. Examples: History texts mightdescribe events from differing perspectives; biology can be discussed at thecellular, organismic, and ecological levels. School assignments and freereading of more mature fiction and nonfiction facilitate this development.

    Construction and Reconstruction: Collegeand adulthood Mature readers can read multiple sources, opinions, and views andthen construct their own understanding. They read to suit their purpose, whetherto gain understanding, enjoy entertainment, or consider views of others. Theydecide how fast or deeply to read and when to gloss, skim, or attend to detail.They know what not to read as well as what to read in order to suit theirpurposes.

  • 钟棕小

    2016-6-13 10:19:45 使用道具

  • littleair

    2016-6-13 10:33:48 使用道具

  • shellybruce

    2016-6-13 12:02:06 使用道具

  • MamaGo

    2016-6-13 12:35:12 使用道具

    kindya 发表于 2016-6-13 10:18
    上面不就是中文吗?英文原文如下:An expert on reading development, JeanneChall, surmised that "the lear ...


    小學低年 - 第三階段
    小初中  -  第四階段
    高中 - 第五階段
    大學 - 第六階段
  • MamaGo

    2016-6-13 12:43:17 使用道具

    MamaGo 发表于 2016-6-13 12:35

    從 learn to read 到 read to learn 大約在 三年級發生,
    這點和我之前在H5版大的一篇貼文回應, Raz kids 進入到 read to learn 是 Q級

  • zadu430

    2016-6-13 13:03:27 使用道具

  • laosha3612

    2016-6-13 16:22:49 使用道具

    thanks for sharing
  • 836774719

    2016-6-14 07:17:56 使用道具

  • sydpp

    2016-6-15 09:17:35 使用道具

  • jessica402

    2016-6-15 11:12:14 使用道具

  • winko

    2016-6-15 21:30:23 使用道具

    thanks for sharing
  • oasis

    2016-6-18 04:59:18 使用道具

    学习了,中英文版本。感谢来自: Android客户端
  • qw16507

    2016-6-18 10:29:36 使用道具

  • liliya816

    2016-6-19 16:46:55 使用道具

  • JJJ1989

    2016-6-20 17:35:51 使用道具

    谢谢分享 好好看一看~~