Miss Long 爱叨叨:手工活动能激发大脑的发展,启发孩子们去创造。 我希望孩子们灵巧地运用双手, 做出自己喜爱的作品, 这有助于培养他们的艺术气质。手工活动应该轻松愉快,同时也锻炼了孩子们的意志力。如果不动手去做,什么也不会发生!而手工活动也能能对其他课程起到辅助和补充作用, 使整个教育更加平衡和完整。通过动手搭建活动,激发孩子们的多元感官,使他们对学习该课程产生更加深刻的连接。在这个教学活动中,我使用一种全新的学习方式,通过搭建深入学习英文字母的拼读,带着孩子玩,让他们体验不一样的乐趣。

一. 游戏目标:
1.字母A学习:认识字母Aa , 会读, 会写
2.A字母的拼读:单词Alligator, airplane, apple
3.轻砖积木搭建:通过搭建感受字母 A的形象, 鳄鱼Alligator ,飞机airplane, 从搭建与读音建立连接,在玩中学。
二. 游戏材料:词卡, 轻砖积木
三. 游戏过程:
1.Warming up: (热身活动)
1) Song: The more we get together (韵律热身歌)(拉圈游戏)
The More We Get Together
The more we get together,
The more we get together,
The happier we'll be.
For your friends are my friends,
And my friends are your friends.
The more we get together,
The happier we'll be!

The more we get together,
The more we get together,
The happier we'll be.
For your friends are my friends,
And my friends are your friends.
The more we get together,
The happier we'll be!
2) Listen and do: touch your head . touch your shoulders, touch your knees ,touch your nose ,open your mouth,close your eyes......(注意力游戏)

2.Greeting : (问候活动)
Say hello and ask some questions like what color/time/ season is it?
3. Story : Letter A is looking for friends (听故事:字母A 找朋友)

One day, in the alphabet kingdom, the king is going to have a party for his birthday. He says  the more people come to his party the more happier he will be . There are 26 letters in this alphabet kingdom. They must make a good preparation for it. Letter A is the first letter.(show the picture of A to children)
A belongs to the sky letter.  It is very proud of that. A is going out for its friends. Who are A’s friends?
A: (letter A is singing while walking) a ,a ,a ,i am letter a, I am the first letter of alphabet. A, a, a, I am letter A, i am happy to be your friend.  i need some friends to our king’s birthday party with me . walking walking, a,a a, i am letter a , looking for friends. A, a ,a .  (rhyme as walking walking) OUCH! What’s that? (an apple is falling down on its head), apple, a, a a ---apple. Yes, apple is my friend. Hello, apple,(show apple picture to children) would you like to come to king’s party?
Apple: Hello,A.  I’d like to .
A: OK . Let’s go!
A&Apple: A, a a, apple, apple, we are friends.
A: Look, who’s there?
Apple: It’s alligator!(show alligator picture)
A: Hey, alligator is our friend ,too.
A& apple: Hello, alligator.
Alligator: Hello, a, hello, apple
A:  Alligator, would you like to come to king’s birthday party?
Alligator: Yes, i’d like to .
A &apple &alligator: A ,a a ,apple, apple ,alligator ,alligator, we are friends.(they sing the song together)
Apple: What’s the noise?
They all Look up the sky, it’s airplane in the sky.
A: Airplane is our friend, too. (show airplane picture)
A &apple &alligator: Hey , airplane (they shout to the airplane)
Airplane: Hello, A, hello apple , hello, alligator. How are you?
A &apple &alligator: We are fine, thank you. We are going to the king’s birthday party. Would you like to come?
Airplane: Yes, I would like to . we can go together. Come on!
A &apple &alligator&airplane: A, a a, apple apple, alligator and airplane, we are friends ,we are friends, we go to the party together.(sing the song)

4. We are friends. Point and say. (指着说)
5. Trace and write (描写字母)
6. Let’s play and build (我们搭我们建)

7. Color and fill the blank (涂色填空)

8. Act out story. (情景表演)

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