


Seasons of China Episode 1: Beginning of Spring 立春
Seasons of China Episode 2: Rain Water 雨水
Seasons of China Episode 3: Insects Awakening 惊蛰
Seasons of China Episode 4 : Spring Equinox 春分
Seasons of China Episode 5: Fresh Green 清明
Seasons of China Episode 6: Grain Rain 谷雨
Seasons of China Episode 7: Beginning of Summer 立夏
Seasons of China Episode 8: Lesser Fullness 小满
Seasons of China Episode 9: Grain in Ear 芒种
Seasons of China Episode 10: Summer Solstice 夏至
Seasons of China Episode 11: Lesser Heat 小暑
Seasons of China Episode 12: Great Heat 大暑
Seasons of China Episode 13: Beginning of Autumn 立秋
Seasons of China Episode 14: End of Heat 处暑
Seasons of China Episode 15: White Dew 白露
Seasons of China Episode 16: Autumn Equinox 秋分
Seasons of China Episode 17: Cold Dew 寒露
Seasons of China Episode 18: First Frost 霜降
Seasons of China Episode 19: Beginning of Winter 立冬
Seasons of China Episode 20: Light snow 小雪
Seasons of China Episode 21: Heavy Snow 大雪
Seasons of China Episode 22: Winter Solstice 冬至
Seasons of China Episode 23: Lesser Cold 小寒
Seasons of China Episode 24: Greater Cold 大寒

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