本帖最后由 richartleo 于 2021-5-3 13:15 编辑

2012 | 484 Pages | ISBN: 0571144861 | EPUB | 1.8 MB

The present volume gathers all of Beckett's texts for theatre, from 1955 to 1984. It includes both the major dramatic works and the short and more compressed texts for the stage and for radio.
'He believes in the cadence, the comma, the bite of word on reality, whatever else he believes; and his devotion to them, he makes clear, is a sufficient focus for the reader's attention. In the modern history of literature he is a unique moral figure, not a dreamer of rose-gardens but a cultivator of what will grow in the waste land, who can make us see the exhilarating design that thorns and yucca share with whatever will grow anywhere.' - Hugh Kenner
Contents: Waiting for Godot, Endgame, Happy Days, All That Fall, Acts Without Words, Krapp's Last Tape, Roughs for the Theatre, Embers, Roughs for the Radio, Words and Music, Cascando, Play, Film, The Old Tune, Come and Go, Eh Joe, Breath, Not I, That Time, Footfalls, Ghost Trio, but the clouds, A Piece of Monologue, Rockaby, Ohio Impromptu, Quad, Catastrophe, Nacht und Traume, What Where.

塞缪尔·贝克特(Samuel Beckett,1906年4月13日-1989年12月22日)爱尔兰作家,创作的领域主要有戏剧、小说和诗歌,尤以戏剧成就最高。他是荒诞派戏剧的重要代表人物。1969年,他因“以一种新的小说与戏剧的形式,以崇高的艺术表现人类的苦恼”而获得诺贝尔文学奖。


The Complete Dramatic Works of Samuel Beckett.epub(访问密码:107138)
The Complete Dramatic Works of Samuel Beckett.pdf (访问密码:107138)


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