本帖最后由 shunshun121 于 2011-11-28 12:04 编辑

最近在跟孩子一起读绘本《How to catch a star》,感觉非常好,跟大家一起分享。How to catch a star是Oliver Jeffers的作品,他的Lost and found比较有名气一些,High5推荐过,在坛子里可以找到PDF,土豆网上也有根据绘本改编的动画,不过这本How to catch a star介绍的要少一些。但是我跟孩子非常喜欢这本,有非常愉快的阅读体验,并可以进行很多的衍生学习。

An inspirational story of a boy who loved the stars so much, he decided to catch one of his very own. The beautifully illustrated, original debut picture book from shining talent, Oliver Jeffers. There once was a boy who loved stars so much that he wished he had one of his very own. Every night he watched the stars in the sky from his bedroom window and dreamed of how he could be their friend and how they could play hide-and-go-seek together. So, one day, he decided to set about catching a star of his very own!

"!the best recent picture book by light years, is stylishly spellbinding" Telegraph "A story about possibilities and disappointments with a triumphant ending, all of which Jeffers captures through the beautifully expressive changing moods of his little boy." Guardian "This is a magical, beautifully illustrated tale about reaching for dreams! Adults tend to think of waiting as tedious, but the magic of this book is that it understands waiting as children wait -- alert, apprehensive and using their imaginations." Mail on Sunday "If the title sounds magical and optimistic to you, it's probably because that's exactly what this book is" Junior (BOOK OF THE MONTH) "A stunning debut!" Books for Keeps (NEW TALENT) " How To Catch A Star is a beautiful debut picture book from an extremely talented and innovative illustrator. This is a fantastic story which teaches children that if you wish hard enough your dreams just may come true" The Bookseller "Hail to new talent! If only all picture books could be this good" The Bookseller



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bamboo8009 + 20 我很喜欢!
肉肉奶奶 + 20 我很喜欢!学习了!
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  • shunshun121

    楼主 2011-11-27 16:25:19 使用道具

    本帖最后由 shunshun121 于 2011-11-27 18:06 编辑

    拿出这本书,我问顺顺:“Can you catch a star?”顺顺回答“No, It's too high, but we can catch a star by a rocket." ”Ok, Let's find out How to catch a starin the book。“
    "Once there was a boy and the boy loved stars very much." 我指给顺顺看:"Look, there are so many stars twinkle in the sky.”
    "Every night the boy watched the stars from his window and wished he had one of his very own. He dreamed how this star might be his friend. They would play hide-and-go-seek and take long walks together.读到这里,我指给顺顺看:“Look, the boy hide behind the door。” 但是顺顺说:“ No, he hide behind the tree." 我一看,是树,看来孩子读图的能力比我强。汗.......然后我问顺顺:”when can you see a star?“顺顺答:”night“。好了,故事进行到下一页。

    The boy decided he would try to catch a star。 He thought that getting up early in the morning would be best, because then the star would be tired from being up in the sky all night. So, the next day he set out at sunrise. But he could not see a star anywhere. He sat down and waited for one to appear. He waited...

    故事讲到这一页,可以引入Shadow的知识了,我指给顺顺看影子的变化,从早上到晚上,随着太阳的移动,影子从长变短,我问顺顺:"Where the sun should be."他能指出太阳大概的方位。"Because the shadow is on the other side of the sun"."Look, when the sun goes up on top, the shadow is here down the tree."顺顺会跟着说”the sun is here,the shadow is very small”。黄昏来临,顺顺说“This(shadow) is very long,there is a star, the sun goes away。”
    The boy tried to jump up and grab it. But he could not jump high enough. So, very carefully, he climbed to the top of the tallest tree he could fin. But the star was still way out of reach.".我问顺顺:" Why he cann't grab the star."顺顺答:“It‘s too high."

    He thought he might lasso the star with the life belt from his father's boat. But it was much too heavy for him to carry.He thought he could fly up in his spaceship and just grab the star. But his spaceship had run out of petrol last Tuesday when he flew to the moon.顺顺不太理解petrol, 我告诉他,no petrol, you cann't run a car. you cann't run a rocket.

    再后来,The boy thought he would never catch a star.我指着图问他:"Is he happy?" 顺顺说"Sad, He can't catch a star."。Just then he noticed something floating in the water........我问顺顺:“Is there a star in the water?”顺顺说:”It's a starfish.“但是我问他,Why he couldn't reach it。”顺顺笑:It is a shadow of a star。“顺顺已经懂了很多科学知识了,特别是关于影子,所以这本绘本就没有那么梦幻了,如果是小宝宝,你跟他们讲这本绘本,他们就会相信星星就是从天上掉到水里了,其实这样感觉更诗意,看,我们学习了科学,变得过于理性了,在读绘本时反倒失了很多乐趣。

    最后,小男孩来到海滩,watched and waited..."Look, the star fly down from the sky."”The star falls down to the beach。“ The boy had caught a star。 A star of his very own。 我问顺顺:“Is he happy now。”顺顺答:"yes".


    参与人数 1 贝壳 +50 理由 收起
    tigermom + 50 很给力!
  • shunshun121

    楼主 2011-11-27 16:25:29 使用道具

    本帖最后由 shunshun121 于 2011-11-27 20:53 编辑

    这本绘本可以围绕Shadow and star,space展开
    1、Harcout Kindergarten里面有一本Shadows。

    2、Let’s read and find out science-Level1——What makes a shadow

    3、关于shadow的有一集动画特别有趣,就是Peep and the big wide world系列的动画。第一季有一集“Shadow play”,顺顺非常喜欢看。
    Shadow Play——story description
    Peep, Quack, and Chirp discover their shadows — then use them to teach Tom (that trouble-making cat!) a lesson.

    4、关于star的科普读物也很多,比如Magic school Bus系列的Lost in the solar system,可以配合动画一起看。

    5、我给顺顺买过一套九大行星系列,不过planet不是star,star是恒星,这个顺顺早就明白了,twinkle twinkle的是恒星,行星是不会闪的。但是这些关于planet的绘本仍然可以进行延伸阅读。这套绘本比较简单,适合初学的孩子学习和阅读。

    6、Usborne——Look inside Science,这本翻翻书坛子里很多家长都买了,也有太空方面的内容。


    参与人数 2 贝壳 +40 理由 收起
    greener + 20 顺顺太棒了!
    bamboo8009 + 20 好东东。。。九大行星的书也买了。
  • shunshun121

    楼主 2011-11-27 16:25:34 使用道具

    本帖最后由 shunshun121 于 2011-11-27 18:20 编辑

    Twinkle twinkle little star
    Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
    How I wonder what you are.
    Up above the world so high,
    Like a diamond in the sky.
    Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
    How I wonder what you are!

    When the blazing sun is gone,
    When there's nothing he shines upon,
    Then you show your little light,
    Twinkle, twinkle, through the night.
    Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
    How I wonder what you are!

    In the dark blue sky so deep
    Through my curtains often peep
    For you never close your eyes
    Til the morning sun does rise
    Twinkle, twinkle, little star
    How I wonder what you are

    Twinkle, twinkle, little star
    How I wonder what you are

    还有大家非常熟悉的WEE Sing——For baby,最后一首就是Twinkle twinkle little star。顺顺的外教也跟孩子们一起唱跳过这首歌曲。

    我个人比较喜欢Disney Children's Favorite Songs Vol1里面的这首,由Larry Groce演绎。

  • shunshun121

    楼主 2011-11-27 16:25:40 使用道具

    本帖最后由 shunshun121 于 2011-11-27 20:48 编辑


    再来看看怎么做一个magic pencil


  • ysyllp

    2011-11-27 17:16:39 使用道具

  • julyjuly77

    2011-11-27 20:41:59 使用道具

    回头就去找坛子里的pdf 下载打印出来给孩子看
  • diana_d

    2011-11-27 22:23:19 使用道具

  • Lindsay512

    2011-11-28 00:35:01 使用道具

  • bluefoxlee

    2011-11-28 09:45:42 使用道具

    翻译的书名也很有意境啊The Way Back Home 天上人间 How to Catch a Star 摘星的日子Lost and found远在天边
  • 小城多树

    2011-11-28 10:13:29 使用道具

  • biechen121

    2011-11-28 14:39:55 使用道具

  • joecities

    2011-11-28 14:40:39 使用道具

    很喜歡 Usborne 的書. 圖畫十分簡潔但又很細緻, 很適合大人小朋友看的
  • yashia

    2011-11-29 12:09:37 使用道具

  • yashia

    2011-11-29 13:08:08 使用道具

    yashia 发表于 2011-11-29 12:09

    淘宝入了~~~45RMB {:soso_e102:}
  • tinabinchen

    2011-11-29 13:36:36 使用道具

  • abc111

    2011-12-6 11:11:32 使用道具

  • 我知足常乐

    2011-12-9 15:45:34 使用道具

  • bamboo8009

    2011-12-12 14:09:35 使用道具

    [I can read book L1] Fancy Nancy See Stars ... 45&fromuid=2913

  • calyzh

    2011-12-31 14:22:03 使用道具

  • xiaoxiaoto

    2012-1-5 21:23:35 使用道具

  • smiles222

    2012-3-8 10:58:39 使用道具

    真好   谢谢  
  • victoria_yu

    2012-4-13 09:04:58 使用道具

  • nuggetyang

    2012-6-17 17:29:51 使用道具

    以前看过一些英文早教课老师,说英文的时候也是经常说look, look.

    我个人感觉如果频繁说这个词,有点chinglish的味道。有时候也可以说watch,或者更口语化: check it out! 或者改成疑问句: can you see a whole bunch of stars twinkling up above?

  • 昕昕妈咪

    2013-4-20 00:03:43 使用道具

  • sisi10049

    2013-4-22 01:33:47 使用道具

  • iamswatch

    2013-4-23 16:15:15 使用道具

  • dafudafu1

    2013-4-23 17:57:24 使用道具

  • sunnyebama

    2013-5-30 15:30:34 使用道具

    也有oliver jeffers全套书籍,来学习楼主这里学习一下。

  • 花未眠

    2014-7-15 23:58:03 使用道具
