  • isus-ruby
    2016-2-23 07:47
    The Graduate * A boyish college graduate named Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman) returns to his parents' house in California and is seduced by the original cougar, Mrs. Robinson. When Benjamin starts to fall for the Robinsons' daughter, Elaine; however, the ghost of her mother's affair looms la ...
  • isus-ruby
    2016-2-23 07:41
    An Affair to Remember * Nickie Ferrante (Cary Grant), a playboy and aspiring artist, meets Terry McKay (Deborah Kerr) on a transatlantic journey, but both of them are already in a relationship. The two develop a friendship aboard the ship that soon blossoms into love. Upon returning to New York, ...
  • meritseeker
    2016-2-6 06:24
    史蒂夫乔布斯.HD720P.中英字幕.mp4 百度网盘 下载: 密码:58i9 360网盘 下载: 密码:f161
  • isus-ruby
    2016-2-5 09:58
    Say Anything * The Cameron Crowe classic that spawned a thousand copycats wearing trench coats holding up boom boxes outside the object of their affection's window. Underachiever Lloyed Dobler(John Cusack) and valedictorian Diane Court(lone Skye)fall in love the summer after graduating from hi ...
  • 傅群china
    2016-2-3 15:27
    罗尔德·达尔是挪威籍的英国杰出儿童文学作家、剧作家和短篇小说作家,是当代世界最重要的奇幻文学作家之一。2000年,英国在“世界图书日”期间进行的一次“我最喜欢的作家”投票中,达尔这个名字高踞榜首,连《哈里·波特》的作者J.K.罗琳也只能位列其后。 斯皮尔伯格的新片 《吹梦巨人》定档2016年上映,喜欢罗尔德的 ...
  • isus-ruby
    2016-2-3 07:05
    The Umbrellas of Cherbourg * A salesgirl is an umbrella shop falls in love with a mechanic, but her mother refuses to let them marry on the grounds that they are too young and he is not well-established enough. The two consummate their relationship-and she becomes pregnant-before he heads off ...
  • isus-ruby
    2016-2-3 03:14
    Beauty and the Beast * Singing clocks and dancing china add charming whimsy to Disney's animated adaptation of the classic fairy tale about a prince condemned to live as a hideous beast until he finds someone able to love him in his creature form. Just your typical "tale as old as time" with e ...
  • 默默黑墨墨黑
    2016-2-1 10:53
    很 多人去欧洲旅行,一开始觉得很新鲜,教堂很宏伟,城市很小资,处处风景如画,可是过几天后,审美疲劳就会一阵阵袭来,看来看去,好像都差不多啊。说实话, 欧洲要玩得好,真得懂历史。如果带着孩子去,还要学会把一些历史故事揉入参观过程中,这样小朋友才会有兴趣陪着你到处转,否则,还不如在城里的游乐场转几 圈 ...
  • isus-ruby
    2016-2-1 02:50
    The Princess Bride * Chances are the majority of men in your life list The Princess Bride as one of their must-see movies-even though it's a fairytale about a princess being rescued by her knight in shining armor. With swashbuckling aplenty, a man named Inigo Montoya on a quest to avenge his f ...