  • 1、阅读:数学童话总动员:数学司令出征、数学童话总动员:智人国遇险记、Geronimo Stilton Heromice: The Invisible Thief、Geronimo Stilton Heromice: the peromice plants、Geronimo Stilton Heromice: Robot Attack 2、听:平说盛世大唐、平说经典、Super-fudge、Diary of a Wimpy Kid、基口听力 3、写:关于零花钱 ...
  • 期中考试娃班语文考得差,语文班主任开始发功,最近每天作业布置量相当于以前的周末作业量。不过还是有效果,娃的语文作业的确比之前整洁了不少,我对语文作业也严正以待,生怕日期没写、漏一个拼音、错个字被老师在微信群点名:) 看看记录,这周的阅读太少:( 1、阅读:Thea Stilton and the Mystery on the Orient Exp ...
  • 最近都疏于记日志,还是得坚持下去! 只问耕耘,不问收获~ 1、阅读:Thea Stilton and the Great Tulip Heist,Thea Stilton and the Frozen Fiasco、Thea Stilton and the Tropical Treasure、数学总动员:沙漠大冒险; 2、听:平说盛世大唐、平说经典、Calendar Mysteries、Ghosthunters、Otherwise Known as Sheila ...
  • 两个星期过去了,上周太忙没来得及记录:( 1、阅:八十天环球地球、数学总动员:智斗活神仙、Geronimo Stilton:Meet Me In Horrorwood、Thea Stilton and the Spanish Dance Mission 2、听:平说三国、the midnight gang、Charlie and the Chocolate Factory、Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator 3、写:What was your ...
  • 最近感觉进展不大,无论是中文还是英文~ 1、阅:八十天环游地球、生命的故事、数学童话总动员:荒岛寻宝记、Thea Stilton and the legend of the fire flowers 2、听:magic tree house、the midnight gang、平说三国 3、写:Write an advertisement for toddle bike or Juicy Why should people buy it? 4、看: ...
  • 1、阅:八十天环游地球、Thea Stilton and big trouble in the big apple、Tales of a fourth grade nothing 2、听:magic tree house、The Complete Wizard of Oz、平说三国 3、写:Compare Peter and Fudge. How are they the same/different. 如果我有超能力 4、看:学而思春季班第四课 5、背:古诗词、百词斩
  • 1、阅:八十天环球世界、乌鸦队长银斑儿、Thea Stilton and the Dancing Shadows 娃还在坚持要看 Thea Stilton,但是 Thea Stilton的难度超出娃现在的阅读水平,有的AR指数超过5.0,估计看得半懂不懂。 2、听:magic tree house、平说三国 上学后听音频的时间减少了,娃很迷平哥的三国,我也跟着听了几次,怎么 ...
  • 1、阅:绿野仙踪、八十天环游世界、勇敢的缺缺耳、Thea Stilton and the mountain of fire、 Thea Stilton and the cherry blossom adventure、Tales of a forth grade nothing 2、听:magic tree house,平说三国 3、写:What is your biggest problem? Why? How do you think you can solve it? 4、看:学而思春 ...
  • 1、阅:绿野仙踪 2、听:magic tree house,平说三国 3、看:学而思春季班第一课 4、读:magic tree house 8:Midnight on the moon 5、背:古诗词