
Sunny's English path 1

已有 271 次阅读 2012-11-11 14:31 个人分类:英语 系统分类:英语学习 him , learning , interest , English

To keep track of Sunny's growing up and also my own reflections, I decide to record things here, in English. Hopefully, I can stick to it. Well, if I can't, how can I expect Sunny to keep on learning English day after day?
Sunny's 6 now. He didn't show much interest in English since early days and I, accomodating natural nurturing, didn't try to force him to. Well, this fall has seen some changes since Sunny starts to have English classes in school---he has no interest but he has a strong self-esteem, not to fall behind others. He seems to care a lot about his performance in school. And this is how and when I start to be useful.
well, I still prefer natural acquisition as for language learning.
so, listening and speaking first. videos, MP3 will be very useful.
then,graduallly input words, sentence patterns awareness and recognition.
next, short story reading.
I will try the phonics materials first.
In the past two weeks, I have downloaded a whole bunch of materials. still browsing through. try to set up a system.
Right now, Sunny is watching ROLA series and listening to Mp3 to his textbook used in school everyday.
Later on, will use some drawing books to help him recognize sounds and words to establish connection.







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