  • these two weeks, sunny listened to several english stories. brown bear brown bear what do you see five monkeys jumping on the bed. he seems to be able to pick up the language points such as conjunctions, singular and plural forms of nouns. amazing! 已同步至 yqzy的微博
  • 桑尼六岁 从他出生,我就不停地在思考,应该怎样养育他? 他是他,我是我.我不过是他经过的桥梁. 桥梁,应该引他往什么方向去呢? 我希望他健康乐观自信,塌实诚恳,谦虚谨慎,勤奋进取. 希望他自立,能过上自己理想的生活,能惠及身边他爱和爱他的人. 如果这两个都实现了,那就更进一步,做一个 ...
  • To keep track of Sunny's growing up and also my own reflections, I decide to record things here, in English. Hopefully, I can stick to it. Well, if I can't, how can I expect Sunny to keep on learning English day after day? Sunny's 6 now. He didn't show much interest in English since early days a ...