  • 英文:Brown bear,brown bear what do you see; Rosie the hen went for a walk; Peek a boo; 中文:米菲系列6本;蹦;声律启蒙1。 音频:英文童谣10首 视频:Kid's abc 一集。
  • Goodnight moon; If you give a mouse a cookie; 声律启蒙(1至3)。
  • On Children Kahlil Gibran (黎巴嫩) 纪伯伦 冰心译 Your children are not your children. 你们的孩子都不是你们的孩子。 They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. 乃是生命为自己所渴望的儿女。 They come through you but not from you, 他们是凭借你们而来,却不是从 ...