

热度 11 已有 825 次阅读 2019-8-8 08:36 系统分类:成长记录

最近常有朋友问孩子如何学好英语,找到了女儿四年级写的一篇文章放在她的公众号上. 阅读书籍真的是最好的办法。如果还有什么建议,就是刚开始写作的时候,建议找有经验的中教

贴图总是不成功,公众号: DanceInTheStorm

  The most unforgettable thing

   I did not have a particular interest in reading English books when I was in the first two years of school; the extensity of adventure was just not present. This is a story of how I began to relish the joy hidden in the books’ neat words.


   One evening, I sat on a chair staring into absolute nothingness when my mum snapped me out of the trance. “Darling, read this book,” she requested. I turned my head sluggishly as if I had all the time in the world. “No.” I refused flatly. She just took out her kindle and replied patiently, “This has a series of books that has made kids love to read.”


   I did not have a particular interest in reading, nor did I despise them,so I just shrugged. I took the kindle from my mom’s hands and stared at it as if it was a school book. The book was named Miss Hannah is Bananas. “Well, that is a peculiar name.” I thought.


   I skimmed through the first page, but then I slowed down my hasty pace. The book was unexpectedly brilliant or witty. It was the best book in the world to me at the time. It was funny, it had a variety of words, and the plot was intriguing. It was perfect!


   After finishing the first book, I asked mum for more. She knows what I like, sometimes even better than I do to myself! Books started to find their ways into my life, like water that has been held back by a large piece of rock, and the rock has been removed. Without much knowledge, I have read stacks of books.


   Then, later on, I journeyed through school hallways with A.J. in My Weird School, battled fearsome monsters, beasts and visited the almighty Gods with Percy in Percy Jackson and the Olympians, I saw an entirely new world through a wardrobe inNarnia; I felt grief, pain, joy, and victory with Tris in Divergent, and I also saw many more breathtaking things.


   From the moment when mum handed me the Kindle, a window has been opened up for me, through which streaks of sunshine flood into my life. This is a window everybody has a chance to peek through, or even go through it. It is neither visible nor tangible; it is more of a mental dimension. It is a portal leading to all the wonderful things I desire to see and experience.


There’s one thing I learned from reading countless books, not about the language or the in-depth definition of the reason it was written. A reader lives a thousand lives.





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  • hidden wjjzw1111

    2019-8-8 08:53

  • hidden 双城记_

    2019-8-8 09:07

    wjjzw1111: 楼主是一年来一次了。
  • hidden frmtdh

    2019-12-2 07:54

  • hidden kelly_wwhh

    2020-8-10 11:05
