  • 本人且歌
    2014-9-10 16:39
    1) Lift the seat 2) Pull down their pants 3) Sit on the toilet 4) Use the toilet 5) Wipe the bottom 6) Flush the toilet 7) Close the lid 8) Wash their hands
  • 本人且歌
    2014-7-31 09:57 By Katie McLaughlin, CNN July 1, 2010 -- Updated 1258 GMT (2058 HKT) Faye Rogaski supervises her young students as they learn how to properly shake hands when greeting someone. STORY HIGH ...
  • 本人且歌
    2014-6-9 21:24
    Can you name the following in English? The 7 Colours of the Rainbow The 7 Continents The 7 Days of the Week The 7 Deadly Sins The 7 Seas The 7 Teens The 7 Wonders of the Ancient World These are the answers to your test. Did you get them all right? The 7 Days ...
  • 本人且歌
    2014-5-25 22:29
    Write /t/, /d/ or /Id/ after each of these -ed verbs: Example: worked /t/ played added delivered wanted washed landed liked Answers This entry is in the following categories: Power Of Seven
  • 本人且歌
    2014-5-20 22:22
    Do you know all the words for the meals that we eat during the day? Most people probably eat about three main meals every day, but here are seven words for main and other meals that we often use: breakfast The first meal of the day. Usually around 6am-9am. brunch A meal ea ...
  • 本人且歌
    2014-5-19 10:37
    There are several different ways to write the date in English. They vary from formal to informal, and there are differences between British and American English. The following table shows some typical formats. Format British: Day-Month-Year American: Month-Day-Year A the Fourt ...
  • 本人且歌
    2014-5-19 10:11
    Everybody knows that there are 7 "days of the week". But do you know that there are only 5 "weekdays"? And of course the "weekend" has 2 days. The days of the week come from the Names of mythical figures, so the first letter of each day must be a CAPITAL letter. D ...
  • 本人且歌
    2014-5-17 21:53
    What's a "teen", or a "teenager"? People sometimes talk about "teenagers" when they really mean "young people". For example, you might read: "This is a club for teenagers from 12 to 16." Time to get accurate. Someone who is twelve years old is not a teenager. Someone who is th ...
  • 本人且歌
    2014-5-14 20:45
    There are 7 continents. The word "continent" comes from the Latin "terra continens", meaning "continuous land". Like countries, continents are proper nouns. That means they are "names" and the first letter must be a CAPITAL letter. Even for the adjective, the first letter is always a capita ...