  • Hands on Math 6 – Ordering by Rachel on August 10, 2010 – 1:16 pm No Comment Before starting on these Ordering activities, do ensure that you child understands the math concept of One to One Correspondence . The concept of Ordering is to organise and arran ...
  • Math-Start Series – Every Buddy Counts by Pauline on July 21, 2010 – 12:55 pm One Comment This week we are covering the math concept of One-to-One Correspondence through the use of the book "Every Buddy Counts" in the MathStart Series. When it comes to math, as pare ...
  • Hands on Math by Rachel on April 15, 2010 – 9:25 pm No Comment I did not grow up liking Math. Maybe because I did not have a logical mind and Math just did not make sense to me. Or maybe it was simply because I learnt Math by rote and never got to learn the principals of ...
  • 2012年7月4日——“果木商场系列故事之二——尾巴的故事” 今天给宝宝捏脊的时候,宝宝问:“为什么要从屁股开始捏呢?” 妈妈:“因为这是我们的尾椎啊!我们人类以前和猴子一样都是有尾巴的,后来因为坐的时间久了,尾巴就退化掉了!宝宝你想要尾巴吗?” 宝宝:“不要,因为白白的屁股上有个黑黑的尾巴,好丑!” ...
  • 棒棒仔借书: 拉便便,真舒服 自有书: 鼻孔的故事 脚丫的故事 牙齿的故事 着凉 已同步至 小猪mama的微博
  • Hands on Math – Patterning by Rachel on July 7, 2010 – 2:36 pm One Comment Before starting on these patterning activities, do ensure that you child understands the math concept of classification. Patterns occur naturally in our environment, we are surrounded by p ...
  • Hands on Math – Classification by Rachel on June 15, 2010 – 3:01 pm One Comment Before starting on these classification activities, do ensure that you child understands spatial concepts . When children know the vocabulary and understand the concepts of attributes thro ...
  • Hands on Math – Exploration by Rachel on April 15, 2010 – 9:40 pm No Comment Prior to starting these activities, do read about how you can teach your child math through a development sequence . The concept of exploration gives children concrete experiences to learn about ...
  • 中文阅读 棒棒仔借的书: 家中藏书: 英文书: 已同步至 小猪mama的微博 已同步至 小猪mama的微博
  • 中文书阅读情况: 棒棒仔借书: 《我觉得自己很棒》这本书语言简单,但表达的内容非常的好,宝宝在看的时候也会说“我觉得海熙很棒!” 在看《卖火柴的小女孩》之前,有给宝宝读过这个故事,当时宝宝就说要给这个小女孩拿个毯子她就不冷了。这回借的这个版本的画风非常的温馨,宝宝很喜欢看。 ...