  • 开始给孩子听《三国演义》了
  • 孩子一开始很高兴,画了快一个小时还没画好,就烦了,耐心还是差了些。
  • In the graveyard, there was a dead body lying on the ground. Suddenly, it got up and walked, walked and walked. .... Andy编的故事,开头还好,后来就各种奇思幻想,搞成了five chapters。昨天去医院,等候的时间就给我和他爸爸各讲了一个故事,都是ghosts and zombies。
  • Andy loves stories of various sorts -- Chinese stories and English ones. He can't even fall asleep without hearing stories. Last night I read some chapters of King of the Wind (the Chinese version) , but he still insisted on some more. I laid my hand on a book of Amelia Bedelia and asked him w ...
  • Some people start early but drop up quite soon; some people start late but persist in enriching it day by day. Under the guidance of some experts at English education, with the experience of early beginners, either successes or failures, we head on, in hope of our terminal success.
  • 写作业慢,穿衣服慢,扫各地,洗个碗更是慢得要命,唉。。。
  • 昨天儿子放学回到家,雪白的校服后身下摆粘了一大片口香糖,脏兮兮黏糊糊的。询问之后得知是同桌的小朋友粘在了他的凳子上,他不知道坐上去了,后来知道了又急于弄干净,结果更是弄得脏成了一片。 晚上我上了QQ给孩子同桌的妈妈留言,她也很快回复了,说是问过孩子,不是她儿子 ...