  • runningfox
    2015-10-26 12:52
    Once upon a time, there was a cow who didn't moo. He said "Hi" to the frog. The frog was frightened and leap away and fell down flat. The cow went to see the bird. The bired flew away and they are scared of cow. And the cow went to see the moose. Moose said, "Say Hi". "Hi!" ...
  • runningfox
    2015-10-26 06:49
    Once upon a time, there is a hedgehog who didn't have a room. He went to look for home. He said," This hole perhaps is for me" The hedgehog went in. "Wrong of the house. This house is a rabbit house." said the rabbit. And hedgehog look for many many home. "This house ...
  • runningfox
    2015-10-26 06:38
    Sam is an owl. He like to eat bugs all night and sleep all day. He said, "I don't want to get up at night and I want to get up in the morning; I don't want to sleep in the morning and I want to sleep at night". Sam met a dragonfly and said, " Don't be afraid of me." and Dragonfly gave him a kiss. ...
  • runningfox
    2015-10-3 08:41
    Chip and Kipper, A Map, A Treasure Hunt Chip said, "How to find treasure?" Then the magic key is glowing. So Chip and Kipper quickly run into the magic house. He find a treasure map. "This is a treasure hunt. Please take the treasure away." Everyone is in a wild wood. "You must ...
  • runningfox
    2015-10-1 10:12
    There were funny things in the sea. It is fish. Four fish in the sea: Yellow, Blue, Brown and one is white. One fish said, "I'm the best beautiful fish in the sea!" Suddenly, the shark came, "Huh, I will eat you!" Crunch! Crunch! The funny thing gone."Yum! Yum!" Three fish in the se ...
  • runningfox
    2015-10-1 10:07
    One day, Tina have bought a bouncing ball. This ball is fun. Tina said, "I am very like the ball." Mom said, "Go out to play. Don't play in the living room。 The ball will hit the TV." Tina and Tutu Played outside with the bouncing ball. Tina said, "Hop! Hop! Tutu!" Tutu hop to get ...
  • runningfox
    2015-10-1 06:02
    这个月,娃明显像大孩子了。自己去选很复杂的书。 比如 七个中国兄弟, 钟楼怪侠,男人山,GRINCH怎么偷掉圣诞节。 尤其是最后一个,还能热情的读几页。 但是她读的很顺,却不知道自己读的什么内容。 还是听力输入不够啊。
  • runningfox
    2015-9-11 12:40
    因为娃一直不肯听录音,都是我自己面对面阅读。 现在断断续续读了两年,娃认识一些字了。 苏西博士的入门书,拿着读两本没问题。但是单个词还算是比较标准,但是整个语调比较中国式。 一时很难改变啊。
  • runningfox
    2015-8-18 09:54
    周末娃去乐高店逛,看着一款美女+城堡的贴纸书留口水。但是价格也很惊人。 我想起了鼓励娃的神器-贴纸 听一本书:一个贴纸 自己读一本简单的书:2个贴纸 自己读一本难度很大的(400-500字)的书:5个贴纸 自从有了这个计划,娃都是主动拿书过来听故事。每天数自己的贴纸数量 ...
  • runningfox
    2015-8-11 16:30
    娃因为一点小毛病住院观察。百无聊赖,给我编了一个故事。 用的是AUDERY WOOD的题目 THE PRINCESS AND THE DRAGON 她说故事很长,结果只编写了第一页就停了,超级懒蛋,这点像我。 The Princess and The Dragon Once upon a time, there is a princess who lived with a drag ...